June 2 - Baltimore, MD
June 18-21 - Las Vegas, NV
June 23 - Vancouver, BC
June 25 - Vancouver, BC
June 26 - Duncan, BC
June 27 - Victoria, BC
June 28 - Port Townsend, WA
June 29 - Bellingham, WA
Complete details of these and all tour dates appear at the bottom of this newsletter and continually update at -- I do my level best to keep this accurate but it's always a good idea to check with the venue to confirm time, etc.
Thanks for signing up for my email list. You should be getting one email a month from me, unless you change your mind. I really appreciate your interest in my music and my work. Please drop me a line when you get this and let me know what you think of the news... and be sure to send me information you think my list might be interested in!
If you change your mind and need to unsubscribe, click on the link at the bottom of this email
If you meant to buy a CD at my last show and didn't get to, you can order all my CDs here:
30 May 2007
Quiet Valley Ranch
Kerrville TX
Hi there
If this newsletter is disjointed it's because I've been camping in the rain for a week, but I hope you'll make time to read it, there's lots of important news this month..
Much love
This has been the rainiest Kerrville Folk Festival ever... we've had record low temperatures .. and some of the greatest music ever... I'm still floating (pun intended, too, I guess) from the fabulous sets turned in by my pals Steve James, Susan Werner, Small Potatoes ... so very much more too...
On Wednesday Chris Chandler does a concert at the beautifully renovated Threadgill Theater. I'll be doing a guest number, as will Adam & Kris, Oliver Steck and Stephanie Corby ... but the real star of the show will be David Morreale, Chris' wonderfullly talented new East Coast partner... this new show sizzles, and if you get a chance to catch Chris on the road ... do it!!
The personal highlight of the festival so far was singing with Peter Yarrow during his set last weekend. Besides sharing "Have Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" with him, I got to sing harmonies on one of my favorite songs of PP&M's - Peter's "The Great Mandela" -- I'm going to add it to my myspace for free download... check it out very soon at
My new song "Recordaremos Santiago Cruz" will be available for download as soon as Jack Erdie sends me the mp3... (hint hint jack) The words and the story are posted on my ( blog.
And I just put a new jukebox up on my ( myspace page, on my ( news page, and on my blog so downloading one song (or several) is easier than ever.
Just before coming to Kerrville I was minister-of-culture/faculty at the Regina Polk Institute for Union Women... it's a fantastic annual conference for union women from Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and thereabouts... This year's collective bargaining role play was negotiating a contract for migrant workers in North Carolina with the Growers' Association. Leticia Zavala from the Farm Labor Organizing Committee was our most informative advisor on this project and really opened our eyes to the serious problems of migrant workers in the US and the difficulty entailed in their struggle for dignity.
Just before the conference began we learned of the murder of Santiago Cruz, a 29 year old FLOC organizer. Santiago was staffing the FLOC office in Monterrey, Mexico. The FLOC office there is facilitating the process of obtaining H2A visas ... workers getting visas through the office need not deal with smugglers and coyotes ... spending $2-5000 to get across the border.
There were many unethical and corrupt people whose greedy livelihoods were challenged by FLOC's office. Santiago Cruz's murder was meant to deter the quest for justice in the fields.
I'm playing at three more of these wonderful union summerschools.. if you live on the west coast, I hope to see you in Olympia, Vancouver or Berkeley...
check the information in the tourdates section below... scholarships may still be available for those who qualify. don't pass up this great educational opportunity. These summer schools make you better union members, citizens and community members.
Lots of you wrote to comment on my Irish tour blog... many of you said you wished you could have come along... well, guess what? YOU CAN!!
I've been invited by some very wonderful, experienced Irish-based tour guides to host a tour of Ireland!! I can take a small group (14-20 folks) to Ireland in 2008...
It looks like it would most likely be a nine day tour and cost approximately US $1750 + transportation to Shannon... This includes all ground transportation and accommodations and several meals, as well admission to as a series of terrific cultural events featuring Irish poets and musicians. If you'd like to know more about a tour like this... email me right away to express interest and I'll keep you informed as plans develop.
PLEASE help me fill in these empty dates!!
If you would like to host a house concert I'll show you how... If you know of an event (banquet, rally, riot, conference) in progress on any of these dates, please let me know!!
June 30th off near tacoma, olympia - help!!
4th of July - a revolutionary independence day... could be anywhere within 3 hours of portland
Saturday July 7- Astoria, Goble, Corvallis, Bend???
Sunday July 8-
Monday July 9-
Tuesday July 10
I'll seriously consider almost anywhere in Oregon for these dates... Let me know if you can help..
ALSO, Labor Day is still open for me... If you'd like me to sing at you Labor Day 2007 event, drop me a line!
My son Dan marries his true love, Monique Murad on June 16th in Pasadena. We're overjoyed. More info at
My Aunt Claire turn 88 on June 4th. send cards to
Claire O'Connor
c/o Hitchcock House Assisted Living
102 Crepe Myrtle Court
Aiken, SC 29803
(If you already sent one to the Magnolia Lake Court address that I put in last month's newsletter, it will be forwarded. My sister Kathleen and I are surprising Claire with a birthday visit!)
I'm looking forward to seeing lots of you at the fabulous Oregon Country Fair... Founded by Ken Kesey, this Fair is one of my favorite annual tour stops -- here's my schedule so far... although I'll be doing something at Energy Park and Community Village too -- tba -- and lots of busking along the paths...
Friday, July 13th, 2007 12:15 PM
Blue Moon Stage
Friday, July 13th, 2007 5:00 PM
At the Rabbit Hole
Saturday, July 14th, 2007 12:30 PM
Hoarse Chorale
Saturday, July 14th, 2007 4:00 PM
Kesey Stage/Dancing Maple Theater
Sunday, July 15th, 2007 2:00 PM
Chez Ray's
Sunday, July 15th, 2007 dark:30
Chris Chandler's Library Show
I'm surprised at how many folks haven't found their way to ... it's a great website full of wonderful information and useful items (a ball point pen with a fold-out chart illustrating how our tax dollars are spent)...
They're also running a pool right now.... correctly guess the hour, minute and day that Alberto Gonzales steps down and win a few gallons of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream ... Yummm!
I'm planning on being in Sweden from September 5th through the 27th... I'd love to come sing for you in Sweden or Denmark (or Norway...)
Write me with your ideas..
Well, that's it... now on with...
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 8:00 PM
Baltimore United for Peace and Justice presents Anne Feeney with Lea Gilmore
Govans Boundary Presbyterian Church
5210 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212
Price: $10-20
(Lea Gilmore is a fabulous blues singer based in Baltimore who is disgusted with the war.)
Baltimore United for Peace and Justice wants to raise enough money to send several people to the national assembly of United for Peace and Justice in Chicago June 22-24th. Give more if you can, less if you can't.
Saturday, June 16th, 2007 8:00 PM
Dan and Monique's Wedding
Pasadena, CA
Monday, June 18th, 2007 12:00 PM
30th Anniversary of UAW Local 2320 - The National Organization of Legal Services Workers
Circus Circus
Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday, June 19th, 2007 8:00 PM
30th Anniversary of UAW Local 2320 - The National Organization of Legal Services Workers
Circus Circus
Las Vegas, NV
Tim Yeager is the contact
Saturday, June 23rd, 2007 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers!
Rhizome Cafe
317 E. Broadway (across from Kingsgate Mall)
Vancouver, BC
Price: $12-17 suggested
Pat Hogan is producing this concert
Monday, June 25th, 2007 8:15 PM
CUPE Summer School Performance with Judy Rebick
HEU Conference
Vancouver, BC
more details soon ... Juli Rees is the education director and coordinator of this conference
Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers Presented by Longevity John
Duncan Garage Showroom
201-330 Duncan St
Duncan, BC V9L-3W4
Price: $15 at the door is the contact
email him for advance tickets, group discounts, etc
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 7:30 PM
House Concert
Ken Orchard and Sharon Hazelwood's
Victoria, BC
Price: $10-20 suggested for more info
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in concert!
Water St
Port Townsend, WA
Price: your generous tips!
Friday, June 29th, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in concert!
Bellingham, WA
Betsy Pernotto is organizing this show
Sunday, July 1st, 2007 9:00 AM
2007 Summer School for Union Women and Community Activists
The Evergreen State College Labor Center
2700 Evergreen Parkway
Olympia, WA 98505
This conference begins on June 27th and it's a great opportunity for women activists, union members and community leaders...
•Find your Voice •Become Inspired • Work for Change •Learn by Doing •Connect with Great Women •Have Fun!
"The school was so great - I want to come back next year and the next and the next! --2006 participant
Plan now! • Cost: $500 including room and meals, - $425 if you need to pay for childcare while you are away at the school, - $400 for Commuters (meals only).
• Have your Local/International and Labor Council budget for scholarships now.
• Talk to your sisters about attending.
• Limited number of scholarships available.
Questions? email Nina Triffleman at
Sunday, July 1st, 2007 8:00 PM
Adam & Kris and I do the big Canada Day + Anne's Birthday Show at
Sam Bond's Garage
Eugene, OR
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 9:00 PM
with Adam and Kris!!!
Alberta Street Pub
Portland, OR
more details soon
Friday, July 6th, 2007 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Cafe Mundo
NW Coast and 2nd St
Newport, OR
more details soon
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 8:00 PM
House Concert!
Ken and Janet Bates' place
Bandon, OR
more details soon
Thursday, July 12th, 2007 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney "Sing for Justice" Library Concert
The LibraryBromley Room-Siuslaw Public Library
1460 9th St
Florence, OR 97439
997-3132 (Library)- other: 997-2
Price: $donation for justice
Friday, July 13- Sunday July 15
Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
complete schedule appears under the OCF story
Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 7:00 PM
Summer Institute for Union Women
UC Clark Kerr Conference Center
2601 Warring St
Berkeley, CA
see below
Contact: Karen Navarro
Phone: (510) 643-0910
Contact: Pam Tau Lee
Phone: (510) 643-7594
Attend the 26th Annual Summer Institute for Union Women for a week of learning, celebration, inspiration, and action. We welcome all women engaged in action to improve the conditions of working people. The Institute celebrates the solidarity of union and community-based women activists, and crosses the boundaries of age, race, occupation, and nation.
There will be classes and activities for women activists at every level of experience, from beginner to advanced. All classes will be presented in a supportive environment to enable the sharing of ideas, strategies, information, and experiences. Instructors are energetic and highly respected labor educators who understand the importance of providing a hands-on, dynamic educational experience. In addition to classes, there will be cultural events, solidarity actions, free time to sightsee, and exciting keynote speakers and plenary sessions.
Scholarship application deadline is June 15th!
Saturday, July 21st, 2007 7:00 PM
Watsonville, CA
Price: $10-20 suggested
Amy Newell is coordinating
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 10:15 AM
Live on "Please Stand By"
KPIG-FM - streaming live at the URL listed below
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney with special guest Jon Fromer!
La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705
Price: $10
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 8:00 PM
Buried: The Story of the Sago Mine Disaster
Jerry Starr's Play in Production!
San Diego, CA
more info soon
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007

Santiago Cruz at Immigrant Rights Rally in Columbus in March of 2006
© Anne Feeney 2007 (BMI)
On April 9th they found him
He'd been beaten, bound and gagged
His lifeless body bore the signs of torture and abuse
Two short months before
He'd come to work in Monterrey
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
Santiago Cruz was only 29 years old -
¿Que cobarde apogò su luz?
We demand his murderers be found and brought to justice -
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
Each year tens of thousands cross
The border heading north to pick
The crops and labor at the jobs Americans refuse
One man headed south to try to end their exploitation
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
Santiago Cruz was only 29 years old -
¿Que cobarde apogò su luz?
We demand his murderers be found and brought to justice -
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
The day is coming soon when
All the workers in the fields
Will finally get a living wage for all that they produce
And when all the smugglers disappear
And the last coyote starves
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
Santiago Cruz was only 29 years old -
¿Que cobarde apogò su luz?
We demand his murderers be found and brought to justice -
Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz
We will remember Santiago Cruz
¡Recordarèmos Santiago Cruz!
The story behind this song appears in both English and Spanish with pictures of Santiago here.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - MAY 2007, VOLUME THREE, #2

Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - MAY 2007, VOLUME THREE, #2
May 1st - Haledon, NJ
May 4th - Harrisburg, PA
May 5th - Troy, NY
May 11-13th - Darlington, MD
May 19th - Chicago, IL
ACTIVELY BOOKING CA, OR, WA, BC in June/July!! Find a hole in the tour dates below and invite me to play!!!
Do you live near any of these places? I hope to see you at one of these upcoming shows! check out for continuously updating tour dates.
Do you know anyone who lives near any of these places? PLEASE spread the word. This is a word-of-mouth 'career' I have... I count on you to let folks know I'm performing in their hometowns!
I'm very excited about the Darlington, MD Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival... It's a camping-optional festival located halfway between Baltimore and Philadelphia at the charming Ramblewood Resort. This year's lineup is fantastic!
And if you have friends in Chicago, please send them to the People's Church for my May 19th concert. This is the same wonderful room where we had the 100th anniversary of the IWW concert a few years ago with Utah Phillips, Charlie King, Len Wallace, Mark Ross, Rebel Voices, Citizens' Band, Mark Ross -- what a night!!
Details, details
Details, details.....
Your interest in my music and your support makes my so-called career possible. Please forward it widely!
BUY CDs at:
I try very hard to keep my tourdates current and accurate. It's always a good idea to check with the venue, though.
Four Dogs Music is a new UK music site operated by Ethical Wares and featuring great music from all over the world... including mine! If you're across the pond, order from Four Dogs for prompt delivery. Click here to visit Four Dogs Music:
Most of my music is available for digital download at Itunes and dozens of other digital music outlets.
New address:
2240 Milligan Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Same phone: 412.241.7664
Cell Phone: 412.877.6480
Best email:
(sung to the tune of "Daisy, Daisy")
MAYDAY, MAYDAY that's the real workers' day
Labor's History says, "Don't give our day away!"
It's time that the working class says
"Stick Labor Day up your (somewher appropriate)!"
And ain't it great to celebrate on the glorious first of May!
This Mayday I'll be at the National Labor Museum in Haledon, NJ. The Botto House was generously offered by the Botto family to the strikers during the Paterson Silk Strike of 1913 as a meeting place. You can read a memoir of that strike by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (Joe Hill's "Rebel Girl") here:
All over the world today workers will sing "The Internationale" and they will honor the memory of the Haymarket Martyrs. If you don't know the story of Mayday, here's a terrific article I found on Portside, a great digest of labor news. If you like the article, you can subscribe to Portside at
By Dick Meister
May Day. A day to herald the coming of Spring with song and dance, a day for children with flowers in their hair to skip around beribboned maypoles, a time to crown May Day queens.
But once it also was a day for demonstrations that were crucial in winning the most important right ever won by working people -- the right demanded above all others
by the labor activists of a century ago:
"Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight
hours for what we will!"
The changing economy has forced many workers in recent years to regularly exceed the eight-hour workday that their predecessors won. But eight hours for work nevertheless remains the standard in the United States and every other industrial nation and at least an aspiration in others.
Winning the eight-hour workday took years of hard struggle, beginning in the mid-1800s. By 1867, the federal government, six states and several cities had passed laws limiting their employees' hours to eight per day. The laws were not effectively enforced and in some cases were overturned by courts, but they set an important precedent that finally led to a powerful popular movement.
The movement was launched in 1886 by the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, then one of the country's major labor organizations. The federation called for workers to negotiate with their employers for an eight-hour workday and, if that failed, to strike on May 1 in support of the demand.
Some negotiated, some marched and otherwise demonstrated. More than 300,000 struck. And all won strong support, in dozens of cities -- Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Boston, Milwaukee, St. Louis, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Denver , Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Washington, Newark, Brooklyn, St. Paul and others.
More than 30,000 workers had won the eight-hour day by April. On May Day, another 350,000 workers walked off their jobs at nearly 12,000 establishments, more than 185,000 of them eventually winning their demand. Most of the others won at least some reduction in working hours that had ranged up to 16 a day.
Additionally, many employers cut Saturday operations to a half-day, and the practice of working on Sundays, also relatively common, was all but abandoned by major
"Hurray for Shorter Time," declared a headline in the New York Sun over a story describing a torchlight procession of 25,000 workers that highlighted the eight-hour-day activities in New York. Never before had the city experienced so large a demonstration.
Not all newspapers were as supportive, however. The strikes and demonstrations, one paper complained, amounted to "communism, lurid and rampant." The eight-hour day, another said, would encourage "loafing and gambling, rioting, debauchery, and drunkenness."
The greatest opposition came in response to the demonstrations led by anarchist and socialist groups in Chicago, the heart of the eight-hour day movement. Four demonstrators were killed and more than 200 wounded by police who waded into their ranks, but what the demonstrators opponents seized on were the events two days later at a protest rally in Haymarket Square. A bomb was thrown into the ranks of the police who had surrounded the square, killing seven and wounding 59.
The bomb thrower was never discovered, but eight labor, socialist and anarchist leaders branded as violent, dangerous radicals by press and police alike -- were arrested on the clearly trumped up charge that they had conspired to commit murder. Four of them were hanged, one committed suicide while in jail, and three were pardoned six years later by Illinois Gov. John Peter Altgeld.
Employers responded to the so-called Haymarket Riot by mounting a counter-offensive that seriously eroded the eight-hour day movement's gains. But the movement was an extremely effective organizing tool for the country's unions, and in 1890 President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor was able to call for "an International Labor Day" in favor of the eight-hour workday. Similar proclamations were made by socialist and union leaders in other nations where, to this day, May Day is celebrated as Labor Day.
Workers in the United States and 13 other countries demonstrated on that May Day of 1890 -- including 30,000 of them in Chicago. The New York World hailed it as "Labor's Emancipation Day." It was. For it marked the start of an irreversible drive that finally established the eight-hour day as the standard for millions of working people.
Copyright © 2007 Dick Meister, a San Francisco writer
who has covered labor issues for four decades as a
reporter, editor and commentator. Contact him through
his website,
Read the full article at the link below, or the excerpt included here, and then send me your most creative idea for retaliating against this mean-spirited greed machine. Refusing to patronize Circuit City somehow doesn't seem to be punishment enough. The three or five most creative ideas will be published in next month's Fellow Travelers' Advisory, and the person submitting the best idea will win an appropriate prize.
Circuit City Cuts 3,400 'Overpaid' Workers
By Ylan Q. Mui
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 29, 2007; Page D01
Circuit City fired 3,400 employees in stores across the country yesterday, saying they were making too much money and would be replaced by new hires willing to work for less.
The company said the dismissals had nothing to do with performance but were part of a larger effort to improve the bottom line. The firings represent about 9 percent of the company's in-store workforce of 40,000.
"Retail is very competitive and store operations just have to contain their costs," said Jim Babb, a Circuit City spokesman. "We deeply regret the negative impact that was had on these folks. It was no fault of theirs."
The company gave the dismissed workers severance pay and told them that after 10 weeks they were free to apply for any openings. Employees reached by a reporter said they were notified yesterday morning and told to leave immediately.
The firings, along with several other moves, are expected to reduce expenses for the electronics retailer by $110 million in fiscal year 2008 and $140 million a year starting in fiscal 2009. Circuit City said sales would be volatile for the next several months as the company adjusts to the changes.
"It's definitely going to have some cost-savings, but I think the bigger impact could be seen in weaker, poor service," said Timothy Allen, an analyst with Jefferies & Co. "I have a feeling the people they're letting go have probably been there longer, have more experience, more product knowledge."
Steven Rash, 24, said he was one of 11 workers fired at a Circuit City in Asheville, N.C. The store manager broke the news during a meeting at 8:15 a.m. and escorted them out of the store. Rash said he has worked for the retailer for seven years and was one of the most junior members of the affected group.
He said he earned $11.59 an hour and worked from 15 to 20 hours a week. He received four weeks of severance pay. Though he has a full-time job at Bank of America, he said he needs to find part-time work to help pay his student loans.
"It's not just a part-time job," he said. "It's about paying the bills."
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for retail salespeople was $11.14 in May 2005, the latest data available.
Circuit City chief executive Philip J. Schoonover received a salary of $716,346, along with a $704,700 bonus last year. He also has long-term compensation of $3 million in stock awards and $340,000 in underlying options, according to company filings.
My visit to Champaign/Urbana was a total blast... thanks to the very hard work and creative ideas of Dave Johnson and the music of the amazing "Orn'ry Duffers" - the kickass backup band assembled by the wonderful Paul Kotheimer ... It was so much fun to perform with a band!!!
But the most touching moment of the day was when Deneen Sigler of the striking Conn-Selmer workers took the stage.
230 union musician instrument makers at the Conn-Selmer Vincent Bach plant in Elkhart, Indiana have been on strike since April of 2006. This is the longest ongoing strike in the United States. The company which owns this plant, Steinway Musical Inc was taken over by Dana Messina and other speculators who got their "training" under stock manipulator Michael Milken. They have sought to destroy the health care and pension rights of the workers and drive out those workers who were over 50 years of age. In an effort to break the strike, 120 scabs have been brought into the plant and management has obtained injunctions severely limiting picketing by striking workers.
Send your donations to:
Food 4 Strikers
58558 Ardmore Dr.
Elkhart, IN 46517
An injury to one is still an injury to all!
A year after their fabulous victory with Taco Bell, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers managed to sign McDonald's on to the Fair Food Campaign. McDonald's will pay an extra penny a pound to the workers who pick their tomatoes, and will be involved in a campaign to improve living and working conditions for tomato pickers. YES!!!
Now, on to BURGER KING!!
more good news...
Chez Panisse among restaurants leading bottled water backlash
BERKELEY, Calif. Bye-bye bottled water. Hello tap.
Chez Panisse (shay puh-'NEES) in Berkeley is among several upscale Bay Area restaurants that are ditching bottled water in the name of conservation.The bottled water backlash is being spurred by environmental concerns over the energy used in transportation as well as the disposal of all those containers.Chez Panisse stopped serving bottled non-sparkling water last year and expects to stop serving bottled carbonated water in a few weeks.
May 2 (I think) - High School Sweetheart Bill Deegan
May 3 - Pete Seeger and my sister Kathleen
May 13 - cousin Kevin McCahill
May 15 - Utah Phillips
May 23 - cousin Terry Donovan
and on May 6, my cousin Bill Feeney celebrates 35 years as a Catholic priest!
and coming up on June 4th, my Aunt Claire's 88th birthday! Send her a card:
Claire O'Connor
325 Magnolia Lake Court
Aiken, SC 29803
The Tour:
Tuesday, May 1st, 2007 7:00 PM
Mayday!!! Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ
Friday, May 4th, 2007 8:00 PM
PA ACLU Statewide Convention
Radisson Hotel
Camp Hill, PA
Saturday, May 5th, 2007 8:00 PM
The Eighth Step@The Sanctuary presents:
A Capital District May Day 2007 Concert
with Anne Feeney and Evan Greer
Sanctuary for Independent Media
3361 6th Ave
Troy, NY
(518) 434-1703
Price: $15
Friday, May 11th-13th
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035
Saturday, May 19th, 2007 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for People's Church
People's Church
941 W. Lawrence St
Chicago, IL
Price: $10-20 suggested
and bring a tax-deductible check to support People's Church - your voice for social justice in Chicago!
Sunday, May 20th, 2007 10:00 AM
Music to Inspire Agitators
People's Church
941 W. Lawrence St
Chicago, IL
for more information -
May 24th-June 5th
At the Kerrville Folk Festival
Kerrville, TX
this camping festival lasts 18 days. It's mecca for songwriters and a great reunion for us road warriors and veterans of this 36 year old festival.
June 18th-20th
30th Anniversary of UAW Local 2320 - The National Organization of Legal Services Workers
Circus Circus
Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 7:30 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Presented by Longevity John
details tba
Duncan, BC - Canada is the contact
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 7:30 PM
House Concert
Ken Orchard and Sharon Hazelwood's
Victoria, BC - Canada
Price: $10-20 suggested for more info
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in concert!
Sirens - Water St
Port Townsend, WA
Price: your generous tips!
Friday, June 29th, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in concert!
tba - Bellingham, WA
Betsy Pernotto is organizing this show
Sunday, July 1st, 2007 9:00 AM
2007 Summer School for Union Women and Community Activists
The Evergreen State College Labor Center
2700 Evergreen Parkway
Olympia, WA 98505
This conference begins on June 27th and it's a great opportunity for women activists, union members and community leaders...
Sunday, July 1st, 2007 8:00 PM
Adam & Kris and I do the big Canada Day + Anne's Birthday Show at
Sam Bond's Garage
Eugene, OR
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 9:00 PM
with Adam and Kris!!!
Alberta Street Pub
Portland, OR
more details soon
Friday, July 6th, 2007 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Cafe Mundo
NW Coast and 2nd St
Newport, OR
more details soon
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 8:00 PM
House Concert!
Ken and Janet Bates' place
Bandon, OR
Thursday, July 12th, 2007 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney "Sing for Justice" Library Concert
The LibraryBromley Room-Siuslaw Public Library
1460 9th St
Florence, OR 97439
997-3132 (Library)
Price: $donation for justice
July 13th-15th
Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Friday, July 20th, 2007 8:00 PM
Women United for Action - 26th Annual Western Summer Institute for Union Women
UC Clark Kerr Conference Center
2601 Warring St
Berkeley, CA
Contact: Karen Navarro
Phone: (510) 643-0910
Saturday, July 21st, 2007 3:00 PM
House Concert
Watsonville, CA
Price: $10-20 suggested
Amy Newell is coordinating
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 10:15 AM
Live on "Please Stand By"
KPIG-FM - streaming live at the URL listed below
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney with special guest Jon Fromer!
La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705
Price: $10
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