Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anne Feeney’s Fellow Travelers’ Advisory - APRIL 2008, VOLUME FOUR, #1

26 March 2008

(details at the bottom of this message and continuously updating at

Thursday, March 27 - Pittsburgh w ROY ZIMMERMAN
Saturday, March 29 - Pittsburgh w Roger McGuinn
April 3-6 - BURIED: The Story of the Sago Mine Disaster
April 11-13 - Labor Notes - Dearborn, MI
(possible Detroit CD release party on the 13th)

I'm looking for places to have CD release parties on April 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 or 27... anyone interested???

Hi Folks:

Thanks so much for reading my email news! It's really the only way I have to stay in touch with you. Write back and let me know what you're up to!

You can buy my cds at

You can have THE FELLOW TRAVELERS' ADVISORY delivered to your inbox monthly by signing up here

I've got lots of news this month, but I'll try to keep it short:

In this issue:



I couldn't be more excited! This is my best recording ever.

"Dump the Bosses Off Your Back" should be available from and in the next couple days. You can hear some of the songs at

It's a fantastic collection of songs... 6 previously unrecorded songs of mine, 6 great songs from colleagues Kiya Heartwood, James Keelaghan, Al Grierson, John William Davis, Evan Greer and Colum Sands, and three unforgettable versions of IWW classics. I'm joined by the finest musicians in Pittsburgh, as well as Anne Weiss, the Austin Lounge Lizards, Commander Cody and Emma's Revolution. Oooh la la!!
Please order your copy right away to help me dig out from the mountain of debt I incurred with this great project.

If you send me the name and station address of your favorite folk radio show, I'll send them a CD with your compliments, and let you know that it's there, so that you can request your favorite songs.

At this point, I think I have sent the CD to all the sponsors of the recording... If you sent me $100 and didn't get a CD yet, please accept my apologies and drop me a line to let me know. I'll get one in the mail to you immediately! And I mailed out the last of the pre-orders today... so if you don't have your CD very soon, call me or write me!


ROY ZIMMERMAN in Pittsburgh, March 27th
Champaign, March 28th

One of the many highlights of the fabulous FL tour I just completed was getting to do a couple shows with the best political satirist in North America - the brilliant ROY ZIMMERMAN. ( )

His hilarious "Defenders of Marriage" is the most requested song from my last CD. The material he's traveling with now is just terrific.

He and I are doing a show at

7:30PM on Thursday, March 27th
at Jim and LLouise's house

(I know, it's not much notice -- drop whatever you're doing and be there, though... you won't regret it!)

Email me at or call me at 412.877.6480 to reserve a seat and get directions. This is Roy's first Pittsburgh show and I want to give him a great welcome. I still have 15 seats left!

***** ****** *******

Roy appears to be as much of a driving fool as I am. He's doing a show the NEXT night in Champaign, IL!

FRIDAY, March 28th at the IMC in Champaign, IL
(that's 481 miles away!!!)

The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
202 S. Broadway (at Elm in the old post office building)
Urbana, IL
8 pm - Tickets: $15 at the door

That's a great venue and I hope all you C/U folks are taking note and clearing your calendars immediately! Roy is the best!


April 3, 4, 5 and 6
Waller Hall Studio Theater - IUP - Indiana, PA

I'm thrilled to be part of another production of Jerry Starr's brilliant play about the Sago mine disaster. My talented companera Sue Powers will be with me for this production at Indiana University of Pennsylvania -- just outside of Pittsburgh.

In this moving drama, we get to watch the transformation of the miners' wives from widows to warriors as they investigate the causes of the Sago mine disaster. There are about a dozen songs featured in the show -- I wrote two of them for this play.


Mothers' Day Weekend - May 9-11
Ramblewood Resort, Darlington, MD

This is a great festival located halfway between Baltimore and Philadelphia in the resort town of Darlington, MD... on the Ramblewood Resort We'll be camping (although there are lots of moderately priced motels nearby for those of you who don't camp...), singing, eating and shopping all weekend...

The lineup for this festival is always awesome. They are still finalizing this year's lineup, but SONiA and Disappear Fear, Kim and Reggie Harris, Terry Allard, Tret Fure, Wishing Chair, Chris Chandler, Brian QTN, The Dreamsicles, Tom Kimmel, Joe Jencks, Stephanie Corby, Christine Havrilla and We're About 9 are all confirmed.

This is a rain-or-shine festival with lots of cozy indoor performance spaces if the weather is inclement...

I'd love to see you there!



If you are a female union member living in IL, IN, WI, MI or IA, register now for the fantastic Regina Polk Institute for union women leaders!
is a link to the conference brochure

and is a link to the scholarship application form



This was the best FL tour ever! But I ended up with so many tales to tell that I've moved this section to my blog - right below this post, but you can fast-forward to it clicking here..



Thanks to all of you who wrote me in response to the Ireland newsletter ... I wish I could take you all with me. There are still a few seats left, and if you'd like to see Ireland with me this summer, check out or drop me a line. (



Happy Birthday to lifelong pal Bette Jacobson (Mar 26), APWU-FL Prez Martha Shunn (Mar 27), cousin Mary Weldon (Mar 29), cousin Kelly Grefenstette Warren (Mar 31), folksinger/agitator David Rovics (Apr 10 ), Canadian folksinger/troublemaker/punk Joey Only (Apr 17) turns 30! and my dear dear friend Rosanna Lane (Apr 19)

Joyce Kornbluh, marvelous activist and writer of Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology and many other fine books, turns eighty on Apr 16 1928 --

Send her a card and thank her for all she's done for working people:

Joyce Kornbluh
1005 Berkshire Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Julius Margolin is home from the hospital, and is doing great on his own! He and I will be gigging together on Mayday at Botto House in Haledon, NJ.

I'll be part of a Utah Phillips benefit concert in Madison in May, and organizing a similar concert here in Pittsburgh. He could still use your best wishes and financial support: Checks to:

Utah Phillips
PO BOX 1235
Nevada City, CA 95959

Canadian labour activist Joey Hartman is recovering nicely from her "lump-out-a-me" -- a get well greeting to #2402 6888 Station Hill Dr, Burnaby, BC V3N-4X5 would be in order!

My Swedish friend, Per Forsberg, just got a cool write-up about the exotic 'lawnmowers' he cares for!



Thursday, March 27th, 2008 7:30 PM
Roy Zimmerman and Anne Feeney in Concert
Jim & Llouise's House in Friendship
call or email for address
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Price: $20
Don't miss this intimate opportunity to hear America's foremost political satirist - the brilliant, hilarious and outrageously talented Roy Zimmerman!! I'll do a short set, too. This show will sell out (only 30 seats total) ... so call now to reserve seats!

Saturday, March 29th, 2008 7:30 PM
Opening for Roger McGuinn
Calliope presents at Carnegie Lecture Hall
4400 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Price: $40

Thursday, April 3rd-Sunday, April 6th, 2008 8:00 PM
BURIED: The Story of the Sago Mine Disaster
IUP - Indiana, PA
Come see this wonderful production of Jerry Starr's powerful play.

Friday, April 11th-Sun April 13th, 2008
Labor Notes
Hyatt Regency
Dearborn, MI
This is the cutting-edge conference for labor activists!
Their publication is outstanding, too....

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 4:00 PM
Carlow College
Pittsburgh, PA
wollerjj(@) is the contact

Thursday, May 1st, 2008 8:00 PM
Mayday Celebration
Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 8:00 PM
St Catherine's & District Labour Council Mayday Celebration
Niagara Arts Centre
Niagara/St Catherine's, ON
ballen (@)>

Sunday, May 4th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney and Peter Kastner
Free Times Cafe
320 College St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 280-6456

Friday, May 9th- Sunday, May 11th 2008
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for U Utah Phillips
Barrymore Theater
2090 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704
Larry Penn, David HB Drake, Anne Feeney and more!!

FLORIDA 2008 !!!

This was the best FL tour ever!
Ken and Cee Cee, my fabulous Jacksonville hosts, now have a great radio show - Progressive Roots - Sunday nights on WZNZ radio, streaming live at from 8-10PM. Check out their myspace, and for all your performers on my list - send them your CDs!!

My visit to the Miccosukee Land Coop was the best ever! Kayaking on Wicissa with Peter Broderson was fabulous - even saw a big ol' gator. The show was lots of fun too... and the next night we saw Roy Zimmerman in Tally, with a great opening set by Floridian Grant Peeples... Roy invited me up for a couple numbers, too! This picture is of Doug Gauss, me and Roy Zimmerman - I'm loving Doug's shirt!

Then on to St Augustine where we ended up raising $1000 for the Winter Soldier Campaign at a concert I did at the UU Fellowship of St Augustine. It was such a fun show! And I stayed with American legend Stetson Kennedy and his wonderful wife Sandra Parks... I just wish our visit could have lasted longer. Here's a photo by JD Pleasant taken at the St Augustine gig.

It was so wonderful to get to Orange City and reconnect with the oh-so-talented Magda Hiller and her most charming daughter Wyatt (partner Chip is no slouch either!).

Then on to JAX for two busy days on campus at UNF, thanks to Andy Johnson, United Faculty, UNF and the efforts of my friend and comrade, Stan Swart. This time I met some really wonderful, engaged, concerned, bright students at UNF. It was so great to see Candice Carter again, and the Amnesty Chapter concert at the Gallery was the best show ever at UNF... Thanks to Shelley Clay-Robinson and her family, and to Roy Zimmerman for a great guest set.

Stan hosts "The Brother Stan Labor Show!"
Saturdays, 10 AM - 12 Noon
AM 1460 -- and streaming live at
Call-In # = 854-1460


Before I left Jacksonville, I got to spend most of a day with Jackie Brown's dear friend Ysryl -- he and I paid a call on Dorothy Pitman Hughes ... a feminist icon and wonderful writer who recently opened a bookstore in JAX. Dorothy managed Jackie Brown's remarkable campaign for mayor of Jacksonville (many of you will remember me raving about how amazing Jackie was in these newsletters. My friend Jackie died last year of breast cancer at the age of 46). Ysryl, on the other hand, is a living miracle, having survived catastrophic injuries to his brain when the tailgate from a dump truck almost took his head off last fall.

From Jacksonville I headed to Tampa and had a great visit with Gloria Holloway and her family, and my dear friend Diane Stein. Gainesville with Jenny and Joe Courter was terrific, and the show raised a few hundred dollars to help send them to Venezuela... I'll be looking forward to their eyewitness report. Sarasota was great... catching up with Martha Shunn, the extremely dedicated and effective president of the Florida Postal Workers' Union ... and singing union songs for two hours inside Whole Foods was awesome! I wish I could get some YouTube videos of that show!

WSLR community radio, 96.5 in Sarasota is a great addition to the audio landscape there... the latest project of the amazing Dave Beaton and Arlene Sweeting of Fogartyville... It was great to see the whole Fogartyville gang turn out for the show at JRs Packinghouse... Steve Stokes, Jim Glover, The Merrills and the Johnsons (Ireland bound with me, this summer!), Aunt Marilyn, Faith Fippinger, CC Carter... so many more -- thanks! You made it into a very special night for me!

From Sarasota I headed to Florida Gulf Coast University for a reunion with my old Edgewood neighbor, Vicki Dimidjian, and a chance to meet some terrific activists on this very reactionary campus... Angela and Rob - you're my heros! Then on to my Ft Myers haven with Wendyl and Bill and the gang from Manna Reading Room. And what a fun-filled St Pat's afternoon it was with the United Irish of SW Florida!!! Many thanks to Laura Griffin for lining that up!

The tour ended with two great concerts for the Immokalee Workers in Lake Worth and Dania Beach. Here's a photo that Leonard Bryant took at the concert in Lake Worth -- (The Friends Meeting House that hosted the concert was recently featured on NBC news as a spot where the FBI was infiltrating the anti-war movement!)

Vicki Ryder and Ray Del Papa did a fantastic job of organizing these concerts, which raised close to $2000 for the Immokalee workers' campaign for justice... check out to learn more about their amazing work. And David Engels wrote a lovely review of the Dania Beach concert and posted it on my guestbook, ... a nice highlight to the Dania Beach show was Jerry Gray's banjo and singing -- part of the legendary Canadian folk group, The Travellers, Jerry regaled me with stories about introducing young Gordon Lightfoot to audiences at the Mariposa Folk Festival.

I got to spend those last two days in Florida with Brooke Bell and Amy Carol Webb ... their warmth and hospitality is overwhelming... and Amy played my new guitar and sang me two fabulous songs from her upcoming Florida songs CD.

I took Amtrak there and back ... I'll be very happy when we have a democrat in the White House and some much needed funding is sent in Amtrak's direction. I'm hoping to be riding the train a lot in 2008... I'll keep you posted on that adventure. Anyway, there's the Sunshine State in a nutshell.... Thanks to everyone who made it so special!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Anne Feeney's Fellow Travelers' Advisory - MARCH 2008, VOLUME THREE, #12


(details at the end of this post and continuously updating at

CLEVELAND - March 1 and 2 - Hey folks -- if you know anyone in the Cleveland area, PLEASE email them the details about these shows

FLORIDA - March 6-19

Nineteen gigs in 14 days in 10 cities, plus 4 or 5 in-class presentations! Check the details at the end or continuously updating at

St Augustine
Orange City
Ft Myers
Lake Worth
Dania Beach


Thank you for signing up for my monthly email news - The Fellow Travelers' Advisory. If this was forwarded to you, you can subscribe by going to -

Order CDs at

I'm always looking for work: email me at if you'd like to help set up a concert, or have me play at your college, conference, convention or riot.



New CD is ready!!!
End of an era
Florida tour
Grant update
Julius Margolin & Utah Phillips Health Updates
March Birthdays
Family News
Tour Dates



It's finished!!! ... I dropped off the master at the duplicator this afternoon. I am SOOOOOOOOO excited. This is unquestionably my best CD ever. You're going to love it. It will be ready in about two weeks and I'll have it for sale on CDBaby very soon after that. I spent today writing thank you notes and addressing mailers to all the $100 sponsors of the CD -- They'll be the first to get these 15 tunes:

1. Dump the Bosses off your Back 2:02
2. Preacher and the Slave 3:24
3. You Will Answer 2:54
4. Hillcrest Mine 3:11
5. Goonies 2:40
6. We Fought Back 2:44
7. Santiago Cruz 2:54
8. Ya Basta 3:12
9. Sago 3:43
10. 50¢ Sneakers and Five Dollar Wine 3:04
11. Hallelujah, I'm a Bum 4:03
12. How Much for the Life of a Miner? 2:43
13. How Long? 4:29
14. Brave New Christmas 4:01
15. Whatever You Say, Say Nothing 2:15

It's too late to get your name in the liner notes of the CD, but if you'd like to help me with the crushing $14,000 debt I'm carrying from this project, I'd sure appreciate it.

Your check to :

Anne Feeney * 2240 Milligan Ave * Pittsburgh, PA 15218

will be most welcome and deeply appreciated. You can send me a donation via paypal too... there's a "Donation" button just underneath my picture on the right hand side of this page.

And many many thanks to the folks who stepped up to help me with this. Doing a recording is a real leap of faith on a budget like mine, but when you get to hear it, you'll think it was worth it, I'm sure. Commander Cody came in to play piano and sing on "Preacher and the Slave." The Austin Lounge Lizards harmonized my a capella gospel tune "You Will Answer," and Pat and Sandy (Emma's Revolution) harmonize on "Hillcrest Mine." And when you hear the lush magnificent harmonies that Anne Weiss arranged for "How Long?" you'll be dazzled!

I'm doing a CD release concert in Detroit on the Sunday of Labor Notes - April 13th...

I'd love to do a CD release concert in your hometown too - so let me know if you have any ideas. Also.. if you have a great folk show on the radio, let me know about it. I'm happy to send CDs to your favorite folk show... and I'll tell them you sent me!

If you write reviews of folk music for any publication, let me know and I'll send you a review copy!

End of an era... Martin D-28 #232732 retires

I'm still somewhat traumatized by the news that my sweet Martin D-28 is no longer well enough to travel. I have had to retire my beloved guitar. It's just too fragile to continue subjecting it to the rigors of touring. It's the only guitar I've ever owned or played. I bought it new for $400 in 1969 -- It's the only "thing" I've ever been really attached to...

I had to buy a new guitar. I'll be taking my new Larrivee with me to Cleveland and Florida. It's a beautiful guitar, and I'm sure I'll learn to love it. (Guitar prices seem to have kept pace with CEO compensation in the last 40 years, but my friends at Swissvale Music have made me a generous deal.) Still, incurring such a major expense in the middle of doing a CD was DEFINITELY NOT in my plans.

I'm looking forward to this new era, though. Be sure to come up and check her out at my upcoming gigs!


Florida is action-packed, as you'll see below! If you know anyone who lives in Florida, please forward this newsletter to them. Gloria Holloway is worried about turnout for the house concert she's doing for me in Tampa. If you know someone in Tampa, please send the info on to them...

It will be great to do some work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers while I'm there, too...



A new production of BURIED: The Story of the Sago Mine Disaster opens at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (just about 40 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh) on April 3 and runs through April 6th.

Jerry Starr's powerful play about the transformation of the Sago women from widows to warriors is riveting, and it's my pleasure and honor to provide the music throughout this production, along with my talented friend Sue Powers on banjo.

For more information go to:


My research on my Grandfather's life and work is on hiatus until I return from Florida... but there is so much source material out there, I feel like I'm really getting to know him, even though he died more than 12 years before I was born. I'm so grateful to the IUP Labor Center for giving me this opportunity to dig into this most personally interesting chapter of PA labor history.


We ended up with 16 dinner guests for our Oscars party. You can read my reviews of 2007's films at:

Our menu was:


Saganaki - A flaming Greek cheese dish, which exploded at table, courtesy of Bridget Shields - It was served with sliced baguettes as our tribute to MICHAEL CLAYTON

a JUNO salad of baby bella mushrooms, baby arugula, baby spinach, baby swiss cheese, raspberries and jerusalem artichokes courtesy of Dan and Monique

Our entree was a stretch, but really... when this dish was invented for the King of Sweden in 1897 the average life expectancy was 45 years -- It was NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN ... We served a variation of the Swedish classic, Veal Oscar, substituting free range hormone/anti-biotic free pork filets for the veal ..

and our dessert of ATONEMENT was Burnt Almond Torte, provided by Mary Magan.

mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm


Julius Margolin ( is doing much better. Thanks to all of you who sent cards. He'd still enjoy hearing from you, I'm sure, if you haven't gotten around to sending him a card yet..

Julius Margolin
330 W 28th, Apt 3-G
New York, NY 10001

I'm looking forward to performing with him at Botto House on Mayday.


Utah Phillips is still not at home ... He has decided not to have a heart transplant. You can listen to him explain why in a podcast posted at

I'm going to be arranging a benefit concert for him here in Pittsburgh, and performing at one in Madison, WI in May.



Shirley Shultz Myers Mar 1
Mary McCahill Madera Mar 1
Griffin Lane McCahil Mar 13
Ron Berlin Mar 15
Tom Weldon Mar 17
Bette Jacobson Mar 26
Mary Weldon Mar 29
Kelly Grefenstette Mar 31

Happy Happy!


My daughter Amy is now officially a certified massage therapist. She has completed her coursework and passed the state exam in Texas. Congratulations!

Joseph and Manelle McCahill welcomed Baby Benjamin on Feb 21st... healthy and beautiful!

Mary and Tom Weldon visited Aunt Claire in Aiken, SC a couple weeks ago. Claire was overjoyed!


The Tour:

Anne Feeney

Saturday, March 1st, 2008 7:30 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
UU Society of Cleveland
2728 Lancashire Road
Cleveland Heights, OH
Price: $10
The Church is located between Euclid Heights Blvd. and Coventry Rd.

Lancashire is a one-way street that is entered from Euclid Hts. Blvd. The Society is a 2 storied brick building on the right hand side, across from Musicians Towers. Parking is available on either side of the building, on the street, or in metered public parking lots nearby.

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008 10:45 AM
Unitarian Service
UU Society of Cleveland
2728 Lancashire Road
Cleveland Heights, OH
Price: free - all welcome

Thursday, March 6th, 2008 6:30 PM
Concert and Pot Luck!
Imaginary Fool's Juggling, Singing and Gourmet Supper Club
Tallahassee, FL
Price: $10-20 suggested
This is one of my favorite gigs ... I look forward to it all year long.

Friday, March 7th, 2008 8:00 PM
Roy Zimmerman in Concert with Grant Peeples
American Legion Hall
229 Lake Ella Dr.
Tallahassee, FL
(I'll probably do a few numbers at this show, and Roy will be dropping in on my shows for the next few days, too! - Roy is the composer of "Defenders of Marriage" and many many more of my favorite political tunes.)
Tickets: $10 advance and at the door. For more info, visit or write to

Saturday, March 8th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert on International Women's Day
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St. Augustine
2487 A1A S
St Augustine, FL 32080
Price: $10
Terry Buckenmeyer is organizing this concert. Terry's cell: 904-540-3575
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Iraq Veterans against the War will be tabling at the concert, and we will be accepting your generous checks and contributions for their work at the show.
904-471-2047 is the number of the church.

Sunday, March 9th, 2008 10:30 AM
Music for Church Service
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St Augustine
2487 A1A South and Florida Avenue
St Augustine, FL 32605
Price: free - all welcome
3/4 miles south of Route 312

Sunday, March 9th, 2008 3:00 PM
Music for Church Service
Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Church
425 S Volusia Ave (17-92)
Orange City, FL 32774
Price: free - all welcome

Sunday, March 9th, 2008 5:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert with special guest Magda Hiller!!
Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Church
425 S Volusia Ave (17-92)
Orange City, FL 32774
Price: $15

Monday, March 10th, 2008 12:00 PM
University of North Florida Campus
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road South
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Stan Swart, "Brother Stan the Union Man," is my host and contact for this residency.

Monday, March 10th, 2008 7:30 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
University of North Florida Campus Theater -- Robinson Student Services Building (Building #14, Room #1700)
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road South
Jacksonville, FL
Price: free - all welcome

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 12:00 PM
University of North Florida Campus
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road South
Jacksonville, FL
"Brother Stan the Union Man," Stan Swart, is my host and your contact for this residency.

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 5:00 PM
Anne Feeney In Concert for Campus Chapter of Amnesty International
UNF Art Gallery Auditorium
Jacksonville, FL
Price: donations welcome
Shelly Clay-Robison is organizing this concert... shellyclayrobison(@)
Come, and learn more about the important work of Amnesty International!

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 5:30-6:15PM (tentative)
Instore Concert at Vinyl Fever
4110 Henderson Blvd
Tampa, FL 33629
(813) 289-8399

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 7:30 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
House Concert at Gloria's
Tampa area, FL
Price: $15
Come at 7:30... we'll start promptly at 8. Reserve a space now... email Gloria at or call 813-837-6572 - House concerts are a fabulous way to hear music! Don't be shy, call Gloria now!

Thursday, March 13th, 2008 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
987 S. Packinghouse Road
Sarasota, FL 34232
Price: $your generous tips!

Friday, March 14th, 2008 6:00 PM
Singing for the Vegetables
Whole Foods
1451 1st Street
Sarasota, FL 34236
941-955-8500 ext. 215
Price: FREE

Saturday, March 15th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
The 2nd Street Bakery
1511 NW 2nd St
Gainesville, FL

Sunday, March 16th, 2008 10:30 AM
Unitarian Universalists of Gainesville
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville
4225 NW 34th St
Gainesville, FL 32605

Sunday, March 16th, 2008 4:00 PM
Progressive Student Alliance, Code Pink and EPEC Pot Luck
FGCU Student Union Ballroom
Ft Myers, FL
Price: donations
nferaldi(@) - Nancy Feraldi is the contact. We'll also be screening "Winter Soldier Campaign" from IVAW (click on the URL above for more info about the film). Presented by the Environmental and Peace Education Center, the Progressive Student Alliance and Code Pink of SW Florida. Directions: "Student Union" (#17 on the campus map):
Free/no-permit-needed guest parking is plentiful on Sunday evenings either in the Student Union bldg parking lot or directly across the street in guest lot.
Map directions to FGCU campus:
Nancy's phone number is 239-489-4249
cell: 808-285-9842

Monday, March 17th, 2008 1:00 PM
Concert for Unitied Irish of SW Florida
contact Laura Griffin for location
Ft Myers, FL

Monday, March 17th, 2008 7:00 PM
St Patrick's Day Feast !!!
Manna Reading Center
2040 Collier Ave.
Fort Myers, FL
(239) 277-7866
This will be so much fun!! In addition to my usual hell-raising repertoire, this show only will include a huge selection of Irish favorites - ballads, drinking songs, sing-alongs, sea chanteys and more!! Don't miss it.

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008 7:30 PM
CIW Benefit Concert
Society of Friends (Quakers) Meeting House
823 North A St.
Lake Worth, FL
Price: $15- $10 low income/student
Vicki Ryder ( organizing this! Sponsored by South Florida Peace and Justice
TICKETS available at SOMA Café • 609 Lake Avenue

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 7:30 PM
Honor CIW on the Feast of St Joseph the Worker
St Maurice Church
2851 Stirling Road
Dania Beach, FL
(754) 423-0051
Price: $15 ($10 low inc/student)
This is a fundraising concert to benefit the work of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.

St Maurice is located one mile west of I-95 and is between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. We hold most of our tri-county peace and justice meetings there. Father Roger is very supportive of the movement and will promote the event within the parish. Ray Del Papa is the contact - mrrratpp(@)

Thursday, April 3rd through Sunday, April 6, 2008 - 8PM
BURIED: The Story of the Sago Mine Disaster
IUP Waller Hall Studio Theater
Indiana, PA
This powerful play by Jerry Starr, documents the transformation of the miners' wives from widows to warriors, and features lots of wonderful music.

April 11th & 12th & 13th, 2008
Labor Notes Conference
Hyatt Regency
Dearborn, MI

Sunday, April 13th, 8PM
Detroit CD Release of "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back"
location tba
contact is Barb Ingalls: 248-547-7729 or bigrafx(@)