Hej! Hello from Smedjebacken! Thanks for signing up for my
once-a-month email news .... Drop me a line and let me know what
you're up to... and thanks sooooo much for your support and your
interest in my music and my work!
complete and updated info @ http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html
Please tell your friends that I'm headed to ---
Joe Hill's Birthplace Museum - Gävle, Sweden - August 5th
Kulturhustäket - Stockholm, Sweden - August 6th
Sandino's - Derry, N. Ireland - August 21st
Ireland Anti-War Benefit - Dublin, Ireland - August 24th
Kerrville Wine & Music Fest - August 29-Sept 1st (not performing,
Collette's - North Bend, OR - September 6th
House Concert - Bandon, OR - September 7th
Library - Florence, OR - September 8th
House Concert - Albany, OR - September 9th
Sam Bond's Garage - Eugene, OR - September 10th
PJSA Conference - Portland, OR - September 11-13th
European Social Forum - Malmö, Sweden Sept 17-21
Svendborg, Denmark on September 26thJ
Third IRELAND tour - September 30th-October 9th
Come to Ireland with Me!!
There are still seats left on the tour of Cork, Kerry and Clare that
begins September 30 and ends October 9th. This will be a fantastic
tour with great music every night and breathtaking scenery every day.
We've got a wonderful group of people and we're saving a space for
YOU!!! This is a fantastic value... Here's a picture of our June tour group, taken at the bridge featured in the John Wayne & Maureen O'Hara film "The Quiet Man."

Check out all the details at
http://www.enchantedwaytours.ie/?page_id=13 where you'll find a
complete description and email me at anne@annefeeney.com to come
The only place you'll be able to hear me sing this Labor Day is on
your stereo. I couldn't find any work. And it looks like my
colleagues are also unemployed this Labor Day Weekend. What's
happening to labor culture???
You would think that in such a crucial election year that labor would be taking advantage of Labor Day to present cultural events coast to coast that tell Labor's vision, history and values.
The best idea I've seen for the future of labor comes from my friend
Tom Geoghegan --
Six words could change the future for organized labor... find out
what they are at:
Did you know that when you buy one of my CDs on CDBaby they send me a
cute email that says: Break out the Champagne!! Look who just bought a
copy of "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back!" (or "Union Maid" or "If I
Can't Dance" or "Heartland" or "Look to the Left" ... you get the
idea..) and it gives me your name, info, and any message you've left
for me. It's so exciting and such a lift to get those emails! I love
So please, go to http://cdbaby.com/all/unionmaid and get one of my
CDs for yourself, or as a gift for the working class hero in your
life. Put some labor culture into your Labor Day celebrations.
Since my arrival in Sweden I've had a dozen or more press interviews
and reviews... (here's a link to a nice one about a wonderful
festival I played in Skellefteå -- 700 miles north of Stockholm --
just a couple hours south of the Arctic Circle.)
The one that made me laugh out loud was a story where the (very)
young reporter asked me to describe my music. I replied that it was
very much in the spirit of Pete Seeger. Her face was blank. So I
wrote down his name for her and suggested that she look him up. I
told her a little bit about Pete and his music and his work.
Apparently she didn't have time to look him up. The next day the
article said, "When I asked her to describe her music, she said that
she sounds like an 89 year old man who is still performing."
I'm reading Les Leopold's wonderful biography of Tony Mazzochi - The
Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony
Mazzochi. God how I miss Tony Mazzochi - a real visionary.
And as soon as I've finished it, I'm ordering
Steve Ellner. Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict, and
the Chavez Phenomenon. Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner, 2008 from
Powell's Books.
There is so much crazy stuff being written about Hugo Chavez, but Kim
Scipes' thoughtful review
http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/scipes170708.html convinced me this
is the book I want to read about what's going on in Venezuela -- and
South America.
The Shock Doctrine is out in paperback now. If you haven't read
Naomi Klein's book, I'm sure that you'll find it very interesting.
These young activists in Indiana need some bail and legal defense
funds. Any group that wants to dance/march into the Cato Institute
has got my support!
http://stopi69. wordpress. com/
I missed a July family birthday -- the Duncan triplets, Emma, Tara
and Colin -- turned three in San Diego on July 16th.

It's Emma, Colin, Tara and big brother Connor ...
They'll be getting a new cousin, too, we hear! Katie and James
McCahill are expecting...
And Kristin Brown and Anthony Blanco will be providing little
Antonito with a sister or brother in February...
Jody Brown has moved to Hong Kong to work for EDAW.
Monique Murad and Dan Berlin will be moving to QUITO, Ecuador very
soon. Monique will be working for USAID there, and Dan will do his
last semester of law school at 10,000 feet in Ecuador.
Monique and Dan, and my daughter Amy Berlin and her sweetie Jesse
Dalton and I will all be together at the Kerrville Wine and Music
Festival, August 28-Sept 1st. I'm soooooo looking forward to that!
And Iron Man Dan Berlin turned in some respectable scores in The
General Smallwood Triathlon .. He had to swim 1500 meters, bike
24.9 miles, run 6.2 miles ... ouch! He finished 11th in his age
group (25-29) and 73rd overall... you can check his scores at:
And my darling Amy was called upon to officiate at a wedding ceremony
in Mexico last month when the shaman who was supposed to perform the
ceremony was unable to attend!!
Julie is putting his house on the market ... we're painting and
packing and sprucing the place up... he's going to move to
Kopparberg... a little town about 30 miles from here .... A dear old
friend of his has bought a gorgeous estate and is setting it up as a
sort of hippie retirement commune... We'll have a five room
apartment there... It's an idyllic spot. It's bittersweet to leave
this house and Smedjebacken behind us... luckily it's not very far
behind us... we can come back to see friends any time we like...
Jeanne Clark - Aug 4, Cathy Weldon - Aug 7, Judy Sue Wolfson - Aug
10, Working Class Hero Julius Margolin - August 15th, Jonas Engström - Aug 31 1981
Send Julius Margolin a birthday card

Julius Margolin
330 W 28th, Apt 3-G
New York, NY 10001

He's 92 this year - Learn more about his life and work at http://georgemann.home.att.net/film/new_film_index.html
If you want to subscribe, visit http://annefeeney.com/newsletter.html
Feel free to forward this newsletter widely.
Thank you for staying in touch with me!
You can get my CDs at http://cdbaby.com/all/unionmaid
Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 7:30 PM
Anne Feeney in Consert!
Joe Hill Huset
Nedre Bergsgatan 28
Gävle, Sweden
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Stockholm, Sweden
Price: 150 sek
Kompledigt© -- Stiko Per Larsson, Anne Feeney
Stiko Per Larsson är en dalkarl som på rekordtid, och med hjälp av
albumdebuten "Flyktsagor", byggt upp en hängiven publik runtom i
landet. Hör du inte till dom redan är det kanske dags att upptäcka
honom på Kulturhustaket... (with a special guest, too!)
Thursday, August 21st, 2008 7:00 PM
Fundraiser for Derry Anti-War Committee
Derry, Ireland
Contact: Resistderry(@)aol.com
Sunday, August 24th, 2008 3-8PM
Ireland Anti-War Committee Benefit Concert 3PM-8PM
Venue to be announced very soon!
Dublin - Ireland
087 918 4552
Price: €10 suggested... all welcome
This show is definite, although the location is not, as I go to
press. We'll be starting with a couple of support acts, and the "$7
million disarmament hammer" will be available for folks to take
photos with and maybe a short speech by Harry Browne about his
forthcoming book "Hammered by the Irish" (www.counterpunch.org )
ADMISSION 5 euro and 10 euro
EMAIL ploughsharesireland(@)yahoo.co.uk
also check out http://www.peaceontrial.com
Saturday, September 6th, 2008 7:30 PM
Concert at Collette's
Collette's Crepes
1611 Virginia Avenue, Suite #501
North Bend, OR 97459-2759
(541) 751-1475
Price: $15 suggested
Sunday, September 7th, 2008 8:00 PM
House Concert
Ken and Janet Bates' place
89569 Sunny Loop Lane
Bandon, OR 97411
email jankenb@starband.net for more information and reservations
Monday, September 8th, 2008 6:30 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert in the Bromley Room
Florence Public Library
Florence, OR
Price: $10 suggested
Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Ron Rodgers' House
Albany, OR
email roknron_99(@)yahoo.com to reserve a seat and get directions
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Sam Bond's Garage
Eugene, OR
Price: $8
Thursday, September 11th- Sunday, Sept 13th
Peace & Justice Studies A Conference
Portland State University
Portland, OR
this conference runs through Sept 14th
Kathy Kelly, Ann Wright, Stephen Zunes, David Rovics and much much
more! Don't miss it
I perform several times: Thursday evening, at a rally on Friday
afternoon, at the banquet on Saturday evening.
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 8:00 PM
European Social Forum
Malmö, Sweden
This Forum runs from September 17-21 - I'll be there for the whole
thing, and looking for gigs in Lund, Copenhagen and thereabouts until
I leave for Ireland on September 29th.
Friday, September 26th, 2008 8:00 PM
Consert with Micael Castor Andersen
Svendborg, Denmark
more info soon
Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 8:00 PM
Tour Ireland with me! September 30-October 9th
plenty of seats on this tour, which will feature the best airfares of
the year, a great group of folks, the best music, amazing scenery...
yow!! come along!!
Check out all the details at
http://www.enchantedwaytours.ie/?page_id=13 where you'll find a
complete description and email me at anne@annefeeney.com to come
and after that...
NEW ENGLAND IN NOVEMBER... including a mini-tour with the wonderful
Charlie King!
Oliver Steck (trumpet, accordion, somersaults and vocals) and a tuba
player TBA... this tour will be part marching band, part dance band,
part revolutionary incendiary sing a long, part circus!! book a show
in your town now! email anne@annefeeney.com