Welcome to the July Fellow Travelers' Advisory -
In this issue:
CD & MP3 Links
details at the bottom of this post and continuously updating at http://annefeeney.com/specialevents.html and http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html
Washington, DC
St. Catharines, ON
Hamilton, ON
Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Cruz
El Cerrito
San Francisco
Oregon Country Fair
Coos Bay
Port Angeles
Thanks for subscribing to The Fellow Travelers' Advisory. If you didn't, this incredibly wonderful SING OUT FOR SINGLE PAYER ROAD SHOW wouldn't be happening. This isn't just a newsletter, it's a vehicle for major organizing. Your support for my work and my music mean more than I can ever express. I love it when you write back and tell me what you've been up to, when you share news of your community, suggest song ideas or places I should play.
You can buy my cds at http://cdbaby.com/all/unionmaid
You can listen to and/or download my extremely cool new single "We're Nursing as Fast as We Can" at http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7729813
It was only a few weeks ago that I began imagining turning my regular summer tour of the Pacific Northwest into a barnstorming Chautauqua for Single Payer Health Care. My friends Kay Tillow and Jerry Tucker both thought it was a great idea. I got some seed money from them. Chris Chandler whipped up a poster for me. I sent out my June newsletter on May 22nd and this project took off!
This whole concept was developed during Holly Near's wonderfully collaborative and energizing "SING OUT THE VOTE OHIO" tour last October. Holly is an inspiration!
I've never seen so many people so excited about an issue. Almost fifty musicians between San Diego and Bellingham have joined the tour. We are going from border to border! Jason Luckett of LA is doing the whole tour with me! As I write this, over 236 of you have sent donations ranging between $10 - $100.... (Well, one $150 donation too - Thanks, Dave!)
Contributions have already come in from Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Canada and from 34 states!
If you haven't made a donation yet, IT'S DEFINITELY NOT TOO LATE! There's a "Donate" button at http://annefeeney.com/specialevents.html that you can securely click on. Or use the "Donate" button in the right hand column here >>>>
If you're not a "click and donate" kind of person, you can send a check to:
Anne Feeney
2240 Milligan Ave
Pittsburgh PA 15218
(If your check is for $500 or more and you want it to be tax-deductible you can make it out to "Universal Health Care for Oregon." Still send the check to me, so that I can make sure that UHCO credits it properly.)
Another fun way to support the tour is to download my new recording of Joan Hill's fabulous "We're Nursing as Fast as We Can." All sales during June and July will benefit the tour.
And there are posters at http://annefeeney.com/specialevents.html that you can print out and customize and hang in your neighborhood (of course, if you don't live in CA, OR or WA it might be somewhat impractical).
Every day of the tour we're going to send out tweets (http://twitter.com/annefeeney), YouTube Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/SingOut4SinglePayer, and a phone message at 1-800-749-0558. In the meantime, I've collected some great YouTube clips on Single Payer - including the Austin Lounge Lizards' hilarious music videos "The Drugs I Need (Progeniveritox)" and "Pirates of the (Health)Care-i-bean," and regular Facebook updates... so stay in touch with us!
Peter Yarrow, Neal Eckstein, Hilary Chiz, Karen Newman, Alice Friedman, E'Layne Koenigsberg, Candice Carter, Sharon McAleavey, Theodore Kuhn, Bo & Inger Johannson, Deborah Spector, Al Cholger & Maureen Sheehan, Bennet Zurofsky, Gregory Brown, Karen Wildmo, David Finley, Claudia Kienholz, Tommy Sands, Alison Frost, Jonathan March, Don Conoscenti, Annelise Pysansky, Stan"Buck" Nelson, Tommy Simonds & Holly Graff, Talbot Katz, Charlie Stewart, Eugene Kotrba, Alice Carlson, Charles Vance, David Nicholson, Robyn Rosencrantz, David Newby & Kathy McElroy, Jean Converse, Gary Lawrence, Jack Herbert, Doug Hill, Mikael Elsila, Mary Kambic, Katherine Rhoda, Patty Lee Parmalee, Gordon Flett, Tom Wetzler, Michael Goff, Patricia Hoyt, Mary Anne Lawrence, ML Liebler, Steve Schnapp, Dave Hewitt, Jacob Holdt, Danusia & Ron Brandsetter, Michael Crouch, Tony Sturtevant, Solidarity Info Services, Jeff Bernstein, Walter Tsou, Peter Tucker, Tom Poteet, Manny Moss, Lane Adams, John Carrigan, John Thompson, Phoebe Wooding, Sandy Goldfarb, Rudy Arredondo, Anita Waters, Maryellen Marino, Melissa Karolak, Matt Redabaugh, Lawrence Hanley, Hudson Holistic Health, Carrie Biggs-Adams,Vince Lipsio, John Rozett, Eric Marchbein, Lloyd Cunningham, Susanne Paradis, David Hurlburt, Tsunami Recordings, Sarah Lamble, Michael Schneider, Eleanor Walden, Amy Niehouse, Michael Matejka, Susan Moss, Michelle Nielsen, Gene Bruskin, Jack Hereford, Cathy Howell, Bob Howell, Patrick Mountain, Jady Montgomery, Charles Bonner LPN, Caron Cadle, Jeff Bernstein, Lane Poncy & Doug Hausmann, Bill Yund, Stuart & Joann Henderson, Gilda DeFerrari, Joe Hughes, Ginny Hildebrand & Jan Neffke, Mariza Costa Cabral, Bette McDevitt, Kenneth Monefeldt, Stan "The Union Man" Swart, Sandra Hazley, Mary Litman, John & Claudia Detwiler, Millie Beik, Dick Walker, Jennifer Murphy, Sara Mastellone, Jeff Knight, Preston Harris, Howard Shapiro, Alice Shapiro, Hugh Moore, Mona Shaw, Debra Cowan, Hali Hammer, Jaime McLeod, Terry Meadows, Dan Lane, Peter Doob, Christopher Stoney, Craig Rouskey, Richard Karch, Ed & Emilie Sadlowski, Will Covert, Joanne Sanders, Alan Curry, Allen Nielsen & Carol Hamisfar, Charles & Marilyn Bernhardt, Lolita Hernandez, Jean & Laurence Romsted, Johanna Halbeisen, John Cloud,People's Music Network, Bill Austin, Grace Ackerman, Harriette Seiler, Josie Buckley McNeil, Doug Wilkin, Sol Weber, Alice Hoffman, Richard & Linnea Kuszmar, Zada Merrill & Bill Riordan, Janet Tucker, Jacqueline Ziegler, Terry Davis, Wess & Nikki Harris, Virginia Leishman, Steve & Marilyn Suffet, Don & Sharon Wagner, Frank Youngk, Cindy Judd Hill, Diane Crowe, Laura and Robert DeSpain, Julie Hauserman, Harry & Holly Stamper, Helena Worthen & Joe Berry, Carol & Bill Sumner, Pansy Swinson, Peter Kardas & Lin Nelson, Barbara Lebeau & Tom Aspel, Jacquelyn Wolf & Barry Levy, Carol Lambiase, Kay & Gerald Joslin, Guy Zahller, Raymond Kenny, Bob & Patty Bender, Alice & Bruce McCain, Gilda Brodsky, Betty Reardon, Berget Jelane, Celeste Howard, Nella Villafranco, Marvin & Demmi Murphy, Deborah Rosenstein, Myra & Guido Lesser, Briget & Doug Shields, Lee Graham, Richard & Jeanette Dillihunt, Jack Williams, Guy Blue, Mel Packer & Emily DeFerrari, Barbara Edmonds, Sharon Streeter, Laura Murra, Phil Schulman, Claire Staples, Jerry & Elaine Tucker, Peter Straus, Gerald Alexander, Steven Baker, Karen Spindel, HealthCare Justice Fund, Labor for Single Payer, Solidarity Education Fund, Cynthia Jimenez, Craig Johnson, Amy Newell, Paul Hyer, Jerry & Margaret Fillingham, Janet Stecher, Brenda Smith, Janet Kneedler, Leonard Potash, Judith & Marshall Deutsch, PJ Ramsey, Edmund Haffmans, Andrew Kafel, Laurie, Bruce & Ann Huntwork, Peter Chabarek, Edna Oberman, Elizabeth Elgie, Frank & Sheila Rosenthal, Pat Bennett, Mike Stout, Christine Abbey, Darien DeLu.Emilie Marlier, Dan Roberts, Margaret Skinner, Veronica & Mark Poss, Anne Jamieson, Connie Cohen, Stan Parker, Tom Pittman, Dotty and Al Dale, Vicky and Doug Ryder, Pete Bohmer, Mary Lehman, Gus & Joanne Ricca, Mary Donch, Joan Hill and Karen McCahill.
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=164922&songID=7729813 soon!
I'll spend my July 1st birthday on airplanes en route to Los Angeles to start the Road Show. Cousin Patrick Mitchell and pal Suzanne Beers - July 3rd, Cousin Michael Grefenstette - July 8th, Cousin Kristen Grefenstette - July 9th, Cousin Judy Lane McCahill - July 10th, my Cousins, the Duncan Triplets - Emma, Tara and Colin - turn four in San Diego on July 16th, which is also the birthday of my pal Emily DeFerrari. Cousin Erin Grefenstette Henninger's birthday is July 18th. My darling Daughter-in-law Monique Murad shares a birthday with my pal Hilary Chiz - July 23rd. My Cousins Jim and Karen McCahill celebrate their birthdays on July 25th. My friend Susan Lewis from Rebel Voices will celebrate her birthday on July 27th. And Erin and Mark's little girl Marlo will be two on July 30th.
My cousin Eileen Metcalfe would have been 64 this July 14th - she died unexpectedly in mid-May. My Jacksonville friend David Thundershield Queen shed his body and moved on after a courageous and inspiring battle with cancer. And I was stunned to learn that my friend Mary Kerchner died of a heart attack last Monday. Our time here is so brief, eh?
Dan and Monique celebrated their second wedding anniversary in Quito on June 16th. He's studying for the DC bar - talk about long-distance learning!
I'm off to Sweden at the end of the Road Show and so looking forward to seeing my husband and all my friends in Sweden. I think I'll be busy performing too. If you want me to come and play for you while I'm in Sweden July 31 - August 23rd, contact fredrik@goatbridge.com .
This year's Ireland tour is full. It's going to be a great trip - Galway, Dublin and Clare. And we have a fabulous group.
I'll have my 2010 dates soon. Look for them at http://annefeeney.com/Pages/enchantedwaytours.html soon!
That's all for this month... I know there's a lot more going on in the world, but this opportunity for real health care for all of us is taking all of my time and energy...
See you on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube until next month!!
Here are the dates:
June 21st-23rd, 2009
Great Labor Arts Exchange
National Labor College
10000 New Hampshire Ave NW
Silver Spring, MD
Price: see web page
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 6:00 PM
Ontario Federation of Labour Presents Anne Feeney
St Catharines, ON
Bruce Allen is the contact - ballen@cogeco.ca
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ontario Federation of Labour Presents Anne Feeney
Hamilton, ON
Bruce Allen is the contact - ballen@cogeco.ca
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer with Peter Alsop, Dave Crossland, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Joyce Woodson, Freebo, M.B. Gordy and Eric Schwartz!
Local 47, AFM
817 Vine St
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Price: $10 suggested
Friday, July 3rd, 2009 2:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Jason Luckett, Anne Feeney, Eric Schwartz, Joyce Woodson & Dave Crossland!
House Concert
La Jolla, CA
Email asimonsays@gmail.com or call 858-554-0482 or 760-271-3328 to reserve a seat for this show. All welcome - first come, first served! Call NOW!!
Saturday, July 4th, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer with Jan Luby, Jason Luckett, Anne Feeney, Jon Fromer, Aileen Vance and Michal Lauren
Live Oak Grange
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
Price: $10-20 sliding scale donation
lafort(@)cruzio.com is the contact. Declare your independence from big pharma and the insurance companies! health care for all! doors at 7:30
Sunday, July 5th, 2009 10:00 AM
Anne Feeney live on KPIG - Please Stand By
KPIG-FM - streaming live at the URL listed below
Watsonville, CA
Sunday, July 5th, 2009 12:00 PM
Labor Fest
ILWU Local 10
400 N Point
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, July 5th, 2009 5:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Anne Feeney, Roy Zimmerman, Jon Fromer, Jason Luckett, Aileen Vance, robert temple and Peter Strauss!
33 Revolutions Cafe
10086 San Pablo Ave
El Cerrito, CA 94530
(510) 898-1836
Price: Donations welcome
Need more information? call: Sandra Decker 650-303-1176
or email revdecker@msn.com
Sponsored by the Green Party of Contra Costa County
Monday, July 6th, 2009 6:00 PM
Labor Fest International Solidarity Night
801 Second Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
International Labor Music Night with singers from around the world and labor musicians Anne Feeney and Jack Chernos. Join in on a night of labor music. We will have labor solidarity songs about workers´ lives from Japan, Korea, Turkey, Italy and the Philippines. Bring your instruments, your tunes and music for an international music solidarity night.
Friday, July 10th, 2009 5:15 PM
Anne Feeney Singing Out for Single Payer!
Kesey Stage
Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Saturday, July 11th, 2009 3:00 PM
Anne Feeney Singing Out for Single Payer!
Chez Ray
Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 12th, 2009 2:15 PM
Anne Feeney Singing Out for Single Payer!
Blue Moon Stage
Veneta, OR
Monday, July 13th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Raina Rose, Chris Chandler, Paul Benoit, Jason Luckett, Anne Feeney, David Rovics, Green Mountain Grass, Patrick Dodd and Citizens' Band
Central Park Gazebo
8th Street and Madison Avenue
Corvallis, OR
Price: donations welcomed
Paul Hochfeld is the contact - phochfeld(@)msn.com
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009 5:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer with Raina Rose, Patrick Dodd, Green Mountain Grass, Jason Luckett, Anne Feeney, Citizens' Band and more!
Mingus Park
752 N 10th St
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Price: donations welcome
Rick Staggenborg, MD is the contact - stagmd(@)hotmail.com; Sponsored in part by the Pacific Greens of Coos County. Come straight from work. Refreshments available & plenty of parking!
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Patrick Dodd, David Rovics, Pickles, Wickline and more!
Cafe Mundo
NW Coast and 2nd St
Newport, OR
Price: $10 suggested
Contact: Joanne Cvar cvar(@)peak.org
Thursday, July 16th, 2009 6:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer with David Rovics, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline, Patrick Dodd, Pickles and Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth!
Green Salmon
220 N Hwy 101
Yachats, OR 97498
541 563 3615
Price: donations welcome
Contact: Joanne Cvar cvar@peak.org
Friday, July 17th, 2009 8:30 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Adam & Kris, Anne Feeney, Wickline, Raina Rose, Green Mountain Grass, Jason Luckett, Brian QTN, and Patrick Dodd
The Very Little Theater!
2350 Hilyard Street
Eugene, OR 97405-2954
Price: donations welcome
Charlotte Maloney - charuhc(@)comcast.net and Jeanine Malito - Jmalito(@)continet.com are the contacts
Saturday, July 18th, 2009 7:30 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Anne Feeney, Pickles, Hunter Paye, General Strike, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Jason Luckett, Wickline, Dick Weissman and more!
SEIU Local 49 Auditorium
3536 SE 26th Ave.
Portland, OR 97202
Price: donations
OR Jobs with Justice is organizing this! Contact Margaret Butler - margaret(@)jwjpdx.org
Sunday, July 19th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Tour with Raina Rose, Green Mountain Grass, Wickline, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett and more!
Salem, OR
Price: donations
this show will definitely happen one way or another... details soon. Joe - mungfam@hotmail.com is the contact
Monday, July 20th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer with Trevor Smith, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline and more!
Blue Scorcher Cafe & Bakery
1493 Duane St
Astoria , OR 97103
Price: donations
katree@pobox.com or tduncan@pacifier.com for more information
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show
Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline, Brian QTN and more!
rossr241@aol.com is the contact
Everett, WA
If you'd like to help with hosting this Single Payer Road Show call me at 412-877-6480 or email me at anne@annefeeney.com
Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Adam & Kris, Brian QTN, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline and more!!
gfcox@prodigy.net is the contact
Olympia, WA
Friday, July 24th, 2009 9:00 AM
Union Women's Summer School
Evergreen College
Olympia, WA
lasletts@evergreen.edu is the contact
Friday, July 24th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Adam and Kris, Sharon Abreu, Michael Hurwicz, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett & more
Peninsula Community College Student Center
Port Angeles, WA
Price: donations
Carlyn syvanenx@teleport.com is the contact - This event is organized by Reform Health Care Now! and the Green Party of Clallam County
Saturday, July 25th, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, the Seattle Labor Chorus, Sheila Liming, Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz, Wickline and Ben Silver!
The Quincy Jones Theater
Seattle, WA
WA State Jobs with Justice and PNHP are involved in organizing this show!
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 7:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Rebel Voices, Anne Feeney, Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz, Jason Luckett and Ben Silver!
Tacoma, WA
Price: donations
call me at 412-877-6480 or email me at anne@annefeeney.com to help with this show!!
Monday, July 27th, 2009 8:00 PM
Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show with Ben Silver, Citizens' Band, Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz, Adam & Kris, Jason Luckett and Anne Feeney!
Whatcom Peace and Justice Center
100 E Maple Street
Bellingham, WA 98227
(360) 734-0217
Price: donations