Immediate destinations:
Falun, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Pittsburgh, PA
State College, PA
Seattle, WA
Sidney, BC
Victoria, BC
Vancouver, BC
Terre Haute, IN
Cleveland (tentative)
Complete and up-to-date information at
Friends, I really need your help again. I'm drowning in bills that I can't pay. My $1330 annual property tax is due, my medical year begins August 1st - (I've already got one $544 invoice waiting for me, and $2000 more on my deductible/copay on the way... plus the $300/month premium). My tenant moved out of my Michigan Avenue house, and I've lost $800/month in rental income. I owe $1762 for Fallopians Tee Shirts (union made in the USA and gorgeous! now in black unisex and pink women's cut - all sizes, $20 each + $2 shipping) And I need two hearing aids for $2500. My need is not as overwhelming as it was two years ago. I'm doing my level best to bring in the $1000/month that Social Security permits me to earn. But I need to come up with at least $10,000 pretty quickly. If you can help, please mail a check to:
Anne Feeney
2240 Milligan Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
or send a Paypal contribution by hitting the DONATE button on the front of my webpage ( - If you're reading this at there's a DONATE button in the right hand column. I'm doing my best to make sure this is my LAST appeal to you on my own behalf - of course I'll keep hounding you to donate to strikers, locked-out workers and other worthy causes, but a response from you now will (I fondly hope) keep me from whining about myself for at least two years. If you can't help me, I understand completely. These are tough times for so many. Thanks so much for all your generosity in the past. I can never repay you all, except by holding you always in my heart.
The Scandinavian Tour Winds Down!
The Scandinavian tour has been fabulous. It started with my dear and talented friend Jan Hammarlund at the Joe Hill House in Gavle, Sweden. The IWW there have found some previously unrecorded (we think) songs of Joe Hill's. Jan and I recorded one called "What We Want," during our visit there. It was lots of fun.
On the 16th of August I did a Woodly Guthrie Tribute Show in Malmo, with Matilda Magnusson and her red-hot bluegrasss band, Kistan and Spikan, and my tourmate for the rest of the tour, Arne Wurgler. I was flabbergasted when the following Sunday, this amazing review ran in Sweden's largest newspaper - Svenska Dagbladet - written by their principal cultural reviewer.
The highlight of the evening is Anne Feeney. She follows in Joe Hills footsteps as an agitating
singer in the wobblie tradition (IWW - Industrial Workers of the World), and she makes politics
She tells of demonstrations that led to prison and sings her tour de force "Have you been to jail
for justice?"
Anne Feeney is a supreme story teller and songwriter, but also a fine interpreter of
the classics of the tradition. Her Guthrie interpretations are true to the spirit,
frequently with an invitation to sing along. She negotiates the balance between the
handing down of the tradition on the one hand and activism on the other, and she
also has practical goals: union struggle, public health insurance, fair tax politics.
Arne and I traveled to Copenhagen that night after the show, with Julie at the wheel and Gerd navigating. We went on to do 6 more shows in Denmark. Arne is a real pro, and audiences loved him. He we are at a picket line for restaurant workers, member of local 3f - the largest service employees union in Denmark. They've been working without a contract for a while, and nothing but concessions on the table.
Arne and I finished our tour at the magnificent Aroma Cafe in Svendborg, Denmark.
There are still 2 dates left on my Scandinavian tour.... Falun and Stockholm.
Saturday, August 25th, 2012 7:00 PM
Celebrating Woody - Anne Feeney with Jan Hammarlund!
Gamla Elverket
Falun, Sweden
Thursday, August 30th, 2012 7:00 PM
Woody Guthrie Tribute with Jan Hammarlund, Anne Feeney, Johan Johansson, Sanna
Carlstedt, the Spinning Jennies and the Rockridge Brothers
ABF Huset
Sveavagen 61
Stockholm, Sweden
Falun, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Pittsburgh, PA
State College, PA
Seattle, WA
Sidney, BC
Victoria, BC
Vancouver, BC
Terre Haute, IN
Cleveland (tentative)
Complete and up-to-date information at
Friends, I really need your help again. I'm drowning in bills that I can't pay. My $1330 annual property tax is due, my medical year begins August 1st - (I've already got one $544 invoice waiting for me, and $2000 more on my deductible/copay on the way... plus the $300/month premium). My tenant moved out of my Michigan Avenue house, and I've lost $800/month in rental income. I owe $1762 for Fallopians Tee Shirts (union made in the USA and gorgeous! now in black unisex and pink women's cut - all sizes, $20 each + $2 shipping) And I need two hearing aids for $2500. My need is not as overwhelming as it was two years ago. I'm doing my level best to bring in the $1000/month that Social Security permits me to earn. But I need to come up with at least $10,000 pretty quickly. If you can help, please mail a check to:
Anne Feeney
2240 Milligan Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
or send a Paypal contribution by hitting the DONATE button on the front of my webpage ( - If you're reading this at there's a DONATE button in the right hand column. I'm doing my best to make sure this is my LAST appeal to you on my own behalf - of course I'll keep hounding you to donate to strikers, locked-out workers and other worthy causes, but a response from you now will (I fondly hope) keep me from whining about myself for at least two years. If you can't help me, I understand completely. These are tough times for so many. Thanks so much for all your generosity in the past. I can never repay you all, except by holding you always in my heart.
The Scandinavian Tour Winds Down!
The Scandinavian tour has been fabulous. It started with my dear and talented friend Jan Hammarlund at the Joe Hill House in Gavle, Sweden. The IWW there have found some previously unrecorded (we think) songs of Joe Hill's. Jan and I recorded one called "What We Want," during our visit there. It was lots of fun.
Jan Hammarlund |
Mathias Aberg, our host & sound engineer |
On the 16th of August I did a Woodly Guthrie Tribute Show in Malmo, with Matilda Magnusson and her red-hot bluegrasss band, Kistan and Spikan, and my tourmate for the rest of the tour, Arne Wurgler. I was flabbergasted when the following Sunday, this amazing review ran in Sweden's largest newspaper - Svenska Dagbladet - written by their principal cultural reviewer.
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at a demo in support of restaurant workers in Vejle, photo Per B Paulsen |
I Malmö firas Woody Guthries 100-årsdag med fem veckors fördröjning. Hyllningskonserten på Tangopalatset infaller istället på Elvis Presleys dödsdag. Den inleds med öppen scen som senare övergår i det officiella programmet, där Guthrie firas med fyra framträdanden.
Malmöduon Spiken i kistan blandar sina egna, mjukt inkännande ögonblicksbilder ur ett pågående liv med personliga tolkningar av Guthrie. Den sällan hörda The jolly banker ger plats för en sorgset nertonad Vigilante man, en låt som rönt skiftande öden från Nazareths tunga rock till Ry Cooders släpiga deltablues.
Tempot dras upp av vissångerskan Matilda Magnusson kompad av den fina bluegrassgruppen Curl Alley string band (namnet efter Krusegränd i Malmö där gruppen hade en replokal). En Guthrie-sång (Vigilante man i högt bluegrasstempo med Pugh Rogefeldts svenska text) men också försvenskningar av John Hartman, Dolly Parton och Johnny Cash.
Kvällens höjdpunkt är Anne Feeney. Hon följer i Joe Hills fotspår som agiterande sångerska i den syndikalistiska organisationen IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), och hon gör politiken konkret. Hon berättar om demonstrationer som lett till fängelse och sjunger sitt paradnummer Have you been to jail for justice?Sedan blir det politisk väckelsestämning. Trots allt bidrar ABF och Vänsterpartiet till visföreningen Svenssonsvenssons arrangemang, och danske proggveteranen Kurt Würgler leder allsång i Bandiera rossa men hinner också med en dansk version av This land is your land med en av de glömda verserna, där den privata äganderätten attackeras, elegant infogad. Men politiken blir abstrakt. Kurt Würgler sjunger att det ska ske ”nu”. Publiken jublar, men jag undrar: Vad, hur och varför?
Anne Feeney är en suverän historieberättare och låtskrivare, men också en fin uttolkare av traditionens klassiker. Hennes Guthrie-tolkningar är kongeniala, ofta med en inbjudan till allsång. Hon klarar balansen mellan traditionsförmedling och aktivism och har också konkreta mål: facklig kamp, allmän sjukvårdsförsäkring, rättvis skattepolitik. Kurt Würglers kampromantik är abstrakt. Han säger inte ens ett ord om den danska invandringspolitiken.
The highlight of the evening is Anne Feeney. She follows in Joe Hills footsteps as an agitating
singer in the wobblie tradition (IWW - Industrial Workers of the World), and she makes politics
She tells of demonstrations that led to prison and sings her tour de force "Have you been to jail
for justice?"
Anne Feeney is a supreme story teller and songwriter, but also a fine interpreter of
the classics of the tradition. Her Guthrie interpretations are true to the spirit,
frequently with an invitation to sing along. She negotiates the balance between the
handing down of the tradition on the one hand and activism on the other, and she
also has practical goals: union struggle, public health insurance, fair tax politics.
Arne and I traveled to Copenhagen that night after the show, with Julie at the wheel and Gerd navigating. We went on to do 6 more shows in Denmark. Arne is a real pro, and audiences loved him. He we are at a picket line for restaurant workers, member of local 3f - the largest service employees union in Denmark. They've been working without a contract for a while, and nothing but concessions on the table.
Arne and I finished our tour at the magnificent Aroma Cafe in Svendborg, Denmark.
There are still 2 dates left on my Scandinavian tour.... Falun and Stockholm.
Saturday, August 25th, 2012 7:00 PM
Celebrating Woody - Anne Feeney with Jan Hammarlund!
Gamla Elverket
Falun, Sweden
Thursday, August 30th, 2012 7:00 PM
Woody Guthrie Tribute with Jan Hammarlund, Anne Feeney, Johan Johansson, Sanna
Carlstedt, the Spinning Jennies and the Rockridge Brothers
ABF Huset
Sveavagen 61
Stockholm, Sweden
If you're in Sweden, we'd love to see you there!
Friends and Family
My cousins Christina Mumphrey and Mike Schafer were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their daughter Beatrice, when, on August 19th, Charlie took them completely by surprise! The sonogram doc had identified their 'daughter' in the womb - and he's right - 98% of the time. Just not this time! Welcome, Charlie!
Happy 1st birthday on August 20 to little Levi - Julie's little grandson!
and my darling Sebastian celebrated his second birthday on August 22nd! He's having a bunch of his friends over tomorrow (Sunday, August 26th) and they're all going to make their own pizzas. I hope to have pictures of that for September
Gone, but not Forgotten...
My dear friend, Jerry Starr, died on July 13th. He was a great talent, and it's a big loss to our activist community in Pittsburgh. He wrote the play "Sago" and invited me to provide music for his play. I'll miss him terribly. -
My wonderful friend Joanie Kiefer died on July 5th. It was a real shock. She died of an asthma attack. She called 911 but the paramedics could not revive her when they arrived. She loved music, and the outdoors. She and her beautiful daughter were regulars at my Pittsburgh shows.
Please keep Jon Fromer, Karen Brandow, Phil Keyes and Jerry Tucker in your thoughts, meditations and/or prayers.
Resolution for October
Get more involved in anti-fracking work, and saving the Postal Service
Plans continue for Amy and Mike's wedding in Texas on December 15th. Bridesmaid Ashley Winston will be hosting a bridal shower for Amy at my house over Thanksgiving weekend. I can't wait!
And Julie and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary on August 10th. He made this cake for us. mmmmm.
Thanks for all your love and support. I hope you can dig into your wallets once again for me. I think I should specifically exclude some folks who have already done too much - really! ... Judy Ancel, Amy Newell, Shirley Shultz, Shelley Kessler,Mary Wright, Kathy McElroy and Dave Newby, Jerry Tucker, Nancy Reese, Jim Gorman and Joey Hartman, Brooke Bell and Amy Carol Webb, Bill Feeney, Dave & Katie Elsila, Mike Damico, Rosemary Trump,Joan Goswell, Al Cholger and Maureen Sheehan, Jim Ferlo, Briget and Doug Shields, Jan Hammarlund, Michael Wright, Cecil Roberts, Chris Chandler, Lane Poncy, Lee Graham, Bob & Irene McTiernan, Jeanne Clark, Elise Bryant,Nina Fendel, Maryellen Hayden, United Steel Workers, Bruce Boyens, Denise Chlysta Glenn,Madalyn Patterson and Rick Bliss, Lloyd Cunningham, Maureen Metcalfe, Hilary Chiz, Kay and Tony Mumphrey,Amy Niehouse, Danny Donnelly, Rosanna Lane, Bill Deegan, Larry Hanley, Jan Boyd and Bill Ericksen, oooh, I shouldn't have started this list ... If you think your name should be here, I'm absolutely sure you're right. I can never repay your kindness and generosity. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you to all my dear dear friends.
The tour dates are updated constantly at
See you in September!

Friends and Family
My cousins Christina Mumphrey and Mike Schafer were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their daughter Beatrice, when, on August 19th, Charlie took them completely by surprise! The sonogram doc had identified their 'daughter' in the womb - and he's right - 98% of the time. Just not this time! Welcome, Charlie!
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Charles Schafer |
Levi modeling his Anne Feeney tour schwag! |
and my darling Sebastian celebrated his second birthday on August 22nd! He's having a bunch of his friends over tomorrow (Sunday, August 26th) and they're all going to make their own pizzas. I hope to have pictures of that for September
Gone, but not Forgotten...
My dear friend, Jerry Starr, died on July 13th. He was a great talent, and it's a big loss to our activist community in Pittsburgh. He wrote the play "Sago" and invited me to provide music for his play. I'll miss him terribly. -
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Jerry Starr, warrior for justice (1941-2012) |
My wonderful friend Joanie Kiefer died on July 5th. It was a real shock. She died of an asthma attack. She called 911 but the paramedics could not revive her when they arrived. She loved music, and the outdoors. She and her beautiful daughter were regulars at my Pittsburgh shows.
Please keep Jon Fromer, Karen Brandow, Phil Keyes and Jerry Tucker in your thoughts, meditations and/or prayers.
Resolution for October
Get more involved in anti-fracking work, and saving the Postal Service
Plans continue for Amy and Mike's wedding in Texas on December 15th. Bridesmaid Ashley Winston will be hosting a bridal shower for Amy at my house over Thanksgiving weekend. I can't wait!
And Julie and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary on August 10th. He made this cake for us. mmmmm.
Thanks for all your love and support. I hope you can dig into your wallets once again for me. I think I should specifically exclude some folks who have already done too much - really! ... Judy Ancel, Amy Newell, Shirley Shultz, Shelley Kessler,Mary Wright, Kathy McElroy and Dave Newby, Jerry Tucker, Nancy Reese, Jim Gorman and Joey Hartman, Brooke Bell and Amy Carol Webb, Bill Feeney, Dave & Katie Elsila, Mike Damico, Rosemary Trump,Joan Goswell, Al Cholger and Maureen Sheehan, Jim Ferlo, Briget and Doug Shields, Jan Hammarlund, Michael Wright, Cecil Roberts, Chris Chandler, Lane Poncy, Lee Graham, Bob & Irene McTiernan, Jeanne Clark, Elise Bryant,Nina Fendel, Maryellen Hayden, United Steel Workers, Bruce Boyens, Denise Chlysta Glenn,Madalyn Patterson and Rick Bliss, Lloyd Cunningham, Maureen Metcalfe, Hilary Chiz, Kay and Tony Mumphrey,Amy Niehouse, Danny Donnelly, Rosanna Lane, Bill Deegan, Larry Hanley, Jan Boyd and Bill Ericksen, oooh, I shouldn't have started this list ... If you think your name should be here, I'm absolutely sure you're right. I can never repay your kindness and generosity. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you to all my dear dear friends.
The tour dates are updated constantly at
See you in September!
