Live from the great Canadian Southwest!
This is the September 2012 episode of Anne Feeney's Fellow Travelers' Advisory.
I hope you'll leave comments from time to time... especially if you've got breaking news that you think my 8200 subscribers would enjoy.
You can buy or download my music (and I hope you will!) check out or call 1-800-BUY-MY-CD
Victoria, BC
Burnaby, BC
Victoria, BC
Vancouver, BC
Bellingham, WA
Terre Haute, IN
Cleveland, OH
Pittsburgh, PA
Complete details on the shows are continuously updating at
I had a great show in Seattle. Bob Barnes ran sound for me with a broken arm incurred while wresting a big horn sheep on a hike in, I think, California somewhere. I saw a photo of the sheep - big fella.
Last night I did a show in Sidney, BC for Tark Hamilton and the Deep Cove Folk Song Society. It was a wonderful evening. And tonight I'm off to James Bay to do a house concert for my pal Ken Orchard. Please check the schedule

Looks like I stumbled right into the middle of a people's uprising here at the University of Victoria on beautiful Vancouver Island! The provincial government engaged the services of some very expensive bean counters, and now they have plans to corporatize the University's employment practices, becoming lean and very mean and potentially contracting out hundreds of jobs. The remaining workers will be offered a much lousier contract. At this writing, two of the campus unions have been without a contract for over two years. A MAJOR fightback is in process and I'm thrilled to be in the thick of it.
I hope I get to see lots of my BC friends on this tour, and I'm so looking forward to my Bellingham show too.
So many thanks to the generous friends who've been able to send me some dough. It's so humiliating to have to ask for cash from my friends after a lifetime of hard work. You have certainly taken the sting out of it with your wonderfully kind notes. If you meant to do it, but haven't gotten around to it yet, you can send a check to:
Anne Feeney
2240 Milligan Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
or use the Paypal "donate" button on my website ( or on my blog ( )
Congratulations Sara and David! I just learned that Julie's daughter Sara is expecting a baby in March! How exciting! Levi will have a little brother or sister who's only 19 months younger ... Sara and David will be VERY busy.

And this little cutie is Willow - newly arrived daughter to my pal Joey Onley and his partner Leah. I hope to get to visit her in Barkerville, BC on this trip!
I just learned that my friend David Kurtzman of Melrose, FL died on June 2nd. I believe he was a very young 77. I'll miss him. He graduated from Harvard with a Philosophy degree and briefly taught at the University of Pittsburgh, where I met him.
I'm so excited that Julie's son Jonas is coming to the US for a visit this fall!
Amy and Mike's plans are progressing nicely... you can follow their romance at
Dan and Monique had a huge power surge at their house in Zimbabwe which took out their satellite internet AND their Vonage phone. The only way I can talk to them now is by calling Dan's Zimbabwean cell phone... a fairly expensive option. So I haven't seen Sebastian in over a week :-0
Happy September Birthdays to my daughter Amy, September 1st; Karen Brandow, Sept 2nd; new mom Christina Mumphrey Schafer, Sept 3rd; Mary O'Connor Grefenstette, Sept 11th; Kris Deelane, Sept 12th; Danny Donnelly, September 13th;

Wonderful folksinger Faith Petric, pictured on the left, is 97 years old this year, and going strong, despite recently breaking a hip - send her a card at :
Faith Petric
885 Clayton
San Francisco, CA 94117
My cousin Mardy Weber McCahill's birthday is September 21st; Kay McCahill Mumphrey is September 25th, and Mary O'Connor Grefenstette's grandson Charlie Warren is six years old today!
Happy birthday one and all!
If you live in PA, go to and sign the petition to stop enforcement of Pennsylvania's ridiculous new voter ID law.
Sounds like a tentative agreement has been reached... I hope it's a good one! I think people were fired up enough to hold out for some real improvements to our educational system.

Show your support for our embattled postal workers!
These shirts are available from the National Association of Letter Carriers in sizers M-XXXL for $12 ...
send your name, address for shipping, the size and quantity that you want and a check for $12 each (includes postage and handling!) to
Secretary-Treasurer, NALC
National Association of Letter Carriers, Supply Dept.
100 Indiana Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20001-2144
Telephone: (202) 393-4695
This is the message I sent to these talented musicians:
Stay strong sisters and brothers! When they go after you for cuts and concessions, they are admitting their own incompetence - why can't they raise the money to fund a first-rate orchestra? The richest 10% have never been better off. The money is out there. If they don't know how to go get it, the board should fire the management and replace them with people who can do the job.
YOU are the orchestra! THEY are the parasites who make a more-than-ample salary from YOUR talent.
YOU are the orchestra! THEY are the parasites who make a more-than-ample salary from YOUR talent.
Well, that's it for now...
See you next month...
tourdates at
Anne Feeney - Buy CDs!
412-877-6480 (cell)
"Anne Feeney is the greatest labor singer in North America." -- Utah Phillips