Utah Phillips' Caboose on the road again!
U Utah Phillips, "The Golden Voice of the Great Southwest," was indeed the greatest labor singer in North America in the past 60 years. He's the only person alive that I would have allowed to say the same about me. May 25th marks the ninth year since Utah Phillips "caught the westbound."
My friend Ron Kaminkow is another authentic working class hero. For many years he has been doing the work and following in the footsteps of yet another working class hero: Eugene V Debs. Ron became a locomotive engineer many years ago and he's been a daring activist for as long as I've known him... which is many many many years ago. Ron's been working for one big railroad union - a vision to which Debs devoted his life. I've been one of the ministers of culture to RWU -- Railroad Workers United -- along with the fabulous singin', pickin' and writin' Kentuckian locomotive engineer, JP Wright. In addition to his union-building job and his locomotive engineering job, Ron has transported several cabooses and hauled them up Mt Shasta from the Oregon side. He then repairs, restores and remodels them into small motel rooms intended for railroaders and hobos as a retreat. Utah's caboose is currently on the site of Philo Records in Vermont. Transporting and restoring this railroad car is a monumental, and expensive challenge. I hve no doubt the Ron and Utah's son, the wonderful Duncan Phillips can do this with our help. Theyhave launched this campaign. Please support it!

Utah Phillips deserves this - a library in his caboose, transported from Vermont and lovingly restored. renovated and reborn as the U Utah Phillips Library in time for the tenth anniveersary of his death.!
Double Trouble Tour...
My awsome friend, journalist Julie Hauserman arranged a house concert for me in Tallahassee. It was at the lovely home of Madelon and Jerry. It was international women's day! When I got to Julie's house the night before the show, she was flattened with the flu. We didn't get much time to hang out and she was too sick to come to the concert. Plenty of others joined us for a wonderful evening, and Julie is well again.
Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 7:00 PM |
Celebrate International Women's Day with Anne Feeney
Eric flew into JAX the next morning and I was there to meet him at the airport. In lieu of rehearsal, we opted for afternoon naps in preparation for what turned out to be a great show at the Mudville Listening Room with our old pal, Grant Peeples. |
Thursday, March 9th, 2017 8:00 PM |
"Triple Trouble!" Grant Peeples, Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz
Ray Lewis presents @Mudville Grille Listening Room - Jacksonville, FL |
Friday, March 10th, 2017 8:00 PM |
Double Trouble! Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz
The Iguana Presents @ Civic Media Center Gainesville |
Saturday, March 11th, 2017 7:30 PM |
Double Trouble - Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz!
Blue Tavern - Tallahassee |
Double Trouble! Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz
South Tampa House Concerts Tampa, FL
at the bird sanctuary in Delray Beach with Bob and Patty Bender
Wednesday, March 15th, 2017 |
Double Trouble! Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz in Concert!!
Sacred Lands - St Petersburg, FL |
Friday, March 17th, 2017 8:00 PM |
WSLR presents: Double Trouble! Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz!
Fogartyville Sarasota, FL
My cousin Ed McCahill - newly retired (!) letter carrier & wife Terry |
Sunday, March 19th, 2017 2:00 PM |
Double Trouble! Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz!
Happy Easter, Glad Poask, Merry Spring!! |
Wednesday, April 19th, 2017 6:00 PM |
ABF Presenterar: Julie Leonardsson och Anne Feeney - en Afton fylld av konst,samtal,beraettelser och musik
ABF Orebro Fredsgatan 18 Orebro 703 62 Sweden http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html Price: friFika, Artwork och Anne Feeney's CDs finns at till salu.
Fellow Traveler Joan Friedenberg and I planning FL March 2018 |
Izzy Young presents Anne Feeney and Jan Hammarlund
Folklore Centrum Björngårdsgatan-Wollmar Yxkullsgatan Stockholm Sweden 086434627 http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html
tunnelbana Mariatorget
It's a thrill to be invited to perform by the legendar Israel Goodman Young! Jan Hammarlund and I are really looking forward to seeing yuu there! |
Lots of fun things to look forward to in the future!
June 7th - Chris Chandler (with John Elliot) at Threadgill
Dan, Sebastian, Nico, Amy and I will be there!
Saturday, June 17th, 2017 7:30 PM |
Diane Crowe presents Anne Feeney in Concert
Mt. Toby Concerts for Peace and Social Change MA https://mttobyconcerts.wordpress.com/
Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 - Saturday, June 24th, 2017 at 2:00 PM |
Great Labor Arts Exchange
Tommy Douglas Center for Labor Renewal 10000 New Hampshire Ave NW Silver Spring, MD 20903 http://laborheritage.org Price: see website
Fr, July 7th, 2017 - Sunday, July 9th, 2017 at 12:00 PM |
Oregon Country Fair (tentative0 with Evan Greer These dates are unconfirmed at this writing. |
Friday, October 13th, 2017 - Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at 1:00 PM |
Labor Fest IV: a Tribute to the Industrial Workers of the World
Main Branch of the Cleveland Public Library AuditoriumThis Festival is presented by the Labor Education and Arts Project - LEAP. I'm planning to attend and hoping to participate in a Saturday concert. |
Saturday, March 17th, 2018 10:00 AM |
Deerfield Beach Progressive Forum
Century Village Deerfield Beach Activities Center Deerfield Beach, FLContact Frank Shulman |