Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Darlington, Maryland * May 9-11, 2008
Special Coupon from Anne Feeney
$5 off daily ticket|| $10 off weekend ticket * http://www.smaf.info
Tom Kimmel, SONiA & disappear fear, Dreamsicles, Dan Warner,
Anne Feeney, Spirit Wing, Chris Chandler, Joe Jencks
and many more! Plus workshops and children's stages.
Camping, hot showers, cabins, singer-songwriter contest.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Egg and I
Well, the doc says the lump has to come out. I've got an MRI scheduled
(if my f%#!ing insurance company okays it) for April 29th. She should be
able to determine after the MRI if the lump is in breast tissue (in which
case she says it's a "partial mastectomy") or in muscle tissue (in which case i
forget what she said it was... as soon as she said the word "mastectomy"
my heart started racing and i forgot i was an adult).
Once the bugger is extracted (it's VERY small now... 1 cm at most) they'll
be able to figure out what it is, and we'll come up with post op
She says it's a miracle that this lump engorged with blood so that it
could be detected, and that the core biopsy caught the atypical cells ...
she thought it much more likely that the biopsy would have just picked up
blood from the tumor. She makes it sound like this will be pretty simple
and the recovery very quick.
The Lump-outa-me (so far, I just can't use that "m" word) is scheduled for
12 May. She says I'll be fine to drive to Madison the next day to perform
at the Utah Phillips benefit.
So.. that's the news... sounds like I'm a lucky girl
Thanks for your concern.
(if my f%#!ing insurance company okays it) for April 29th. She should be
able to determine after the MRI if the lump is in breast tissue (in which
case she says it's a "partial mastectomy") or in muscle tissue (in which case i
forget what she said it was... as soon as she said the word "mastectomy"
my heart started racing and i forgot i was an adult).
Once the bugger is extracted (it's VERY small now... 1 cm at most) they'll
be able to figure out what it is, and we'll come up with post op
She says it's a miracle that this lump engorged with blood so that it
could be detected, and that the core biopsy caught the atypical cells ...
she thought it much more likely that the biopsy would have just picked up
blood from the tumor. She makes it sound like this will be pretty simple
and the recovery very quick.
The Lump-outa-me (so far, I just can't use that "m" word) is scheduled for
12 May. She says I'll be fine to drive to Madison the next day to perform
at the Utah Phillips benefit.
So.. that's the news... sounds like I'm a lucky girl
Thanks for your concern.
Anne Feeney's Fellow Travelers' Advisory - MAY 2008, VOLUME FOUR, #2
Thanks for reading the Fellow Travelers' Advisory ... I know you're all busy folks - your support of my music and my work means more than I can say ... I REALLY couldn't do it without you!
New CD & CD Release Parties!!
As soon as you see this, I hope you'll all go right to http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 and order "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back" (if you haven't already). This is my best CD ever!
For several days "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back" was one of the top ten best-sellers at CDBaby! Whoo-hoo! thank you! The feedback I've been getting on this CD is wonderful. It's getting a lot of airplay, too.
If your favorite folk show isn't listed here:
let me know, and I'll send a CD on to the station with your compliments!
There are several upcoming CD release parties:
Pittsburgh - April 26th - Club Cafe
Botto House National Labor Museum, NJ - MAYDAY
St Catharine's/Niagara, ON - May 3rd - Arts Centre
Toronto - May 4th - Free Times Cafe
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival - Mothers' Day weekend - May 9-11 - Darlington, MD
Chicago - May 18th -
Kerrville (TX) Folk Festival - May 24th - June 3rd
Pensacola, FL - June 5th
Details for all of these shows are continuously updating at http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html After that, I'll be in Europe until August 27th.
I'm still not booked for Labor Day, 2008!!
(PLEASE -- don't wait until I come to your town to get my new CD - I could really use your help getting the considerable expense of this CD retired ... and if you're already enjoying your copy, how about buying it for a couple friends? - THANKS!!)
If you like "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back," please consider posting an announcement for the cd to your friends. It would mean a lot to me. I've tried to make it real easy for you. You can cut and paste this blurb http://fellow-travelers-advisory.blogspot.com/2008/04/forward-this-release-to-your-friends.html into an email. Thanks!!
The Easter Bunny brings me a Breast Egg
I was horrified to discover a LARGE lump on my left breast on Easter morning. It measured 3+ cm (more than an inch) in diameter when I went for the mammogram and biopsy three days later.
The biopsy turned up some atypical cells, and surgical removal is probably indicated. Miraculously, the lump has gotten MUCH smaller since then... less than 1 cm. I see a breast surgeon at 3PM on the 24th and I'm holding my breath until then... but it seems unlikely that this is anything serious, since it is getting smaller...
This adventure has left me with almost $2000 in medical bills that my insurance doesn't cover (I switched to one of those high-deductible plans a few months ago, but this came up before I set aside a medical savings account with the deductible in it...)
I've been in touch with so many of my wonderful women friends who have come out healthy and happy on the other side of this journey ... No matter what the news is on Thursday I am optimistic...
But before the June Fellow Travelers' Advisory comes out, I want all you women out there who have been procrastinating on a mammogram to go DO IT!
I'll post something on my blog as soon as I know what's up...
I am so looking forward to the annual Mayday celebration at the American Labor Museum at Botto House in Haledon, NJ. This will be Julius Margolin's return to show-biz after his hospitalization.. What a joy it will be to see him and work with him again.
The amazing Chris Chandler will be there too - and he and I have been collaborating on a new piece of his over the telephone that we'll be debuting at Botto House.
I hope that your community is figuring out a way to honor International Workers' Day. The ILWU plans to shut down the ports of the West Coast to protest the war on May 1, 2008. Madison always has a great Mayday celebration, and it looks like Minneapolis/St Paul is planning a gala celebration this year... Still it looks as though most of the Mayday festivals are again being held outside the US this year. It's ironic, since Mayday honors the sacrifice of Chicago's Haymarket Martyrs in the battle for an eight hour day.
Wherever you are on May 1st, I hope you'll raise a glass with a friend and sing (to the tune of Daisy, Daisy):
Mayday, Mayday
That's the real workers' day
Labor's history says
Don't give your day away
It's time that the working class sez
"Stick Labor Day up your (orifice of choice)"
Now ain't it great
To celebrate on the glorious First of May!
Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Fair Food Campaign
Visit CIW at http://ciw-online.org for the latest news in the exciting Fair Food Campaign being waged with Burger King.
School of the Americas....
If you take a visit to http://soaw.org you'll be appalled to see our tax dollars being used to fund a terrorist training camp right here in the US.
If you want to quit training military and paramilitary types from central and south america in torture and counter-insurgency techniques, School of the Americas Watch has made it very simple for you.
Just click here and SOA Watch will figure out who your member of congress is, tell you how s/he voted on funding for the SOA, and send a letter from you to that member of congress.
Labor Notes Fracas
This year's Labor Notes conference was livened up by the presence of a boisterous bunch of misguided SEIU members who attempted to crash and disrupt the annual Labor Notes banquet. They had been told this was a "union busters' banquet." A couple hundred members of Andy Stern's purple ocean washed into the lobby of the Hyatt Dearborn, and tried to push their way into the ballroom, where 900 union activists were gathered for Labor Notes' annual fundraising dinner.
The controversy centered over Labor Notes decision to invite Rose Ann De Moro to speak to the conference attendees. (As it happened, Rose Ann wasn't even there.) Rose Ann is one of the most articulate advocates for national health care in the nation, and her union, the California Nurses' Association, has achieved extraordinary victories - like mandated staff-to-patient ratios in California.
More recently, Rose Ann's union, the National Nurses' Organizing Committee, interfered in a scheduled union election in Ohio, between SEIU and Catholic Healthcare Partners. Good arguments can be made for both SEIU and NNOC's positions - but SEIU didn't come to debate. They would have been welcome to participate in the many lively workshops at the conference that weekend. Instead they opted to appear in the middle of the dinner, pushing, shoving, shouting and disrupting. One longtime Detroit activist and former Labor Notes staffer, Dianne Feeley, (a UAW retiree) sustained a head wound that required several stitches.
My pal Ron Kaminkow went out to engage the rowdy SEIU members in dialog. While most of the SEIU members shouted him down and refused to engage in conversation, a couple did speak to Ron. He said they seemed genuinely surprised to learn that the banquet was being served by union members to union activists - locomotive engineers, electricians, plumbers, pipefitters, teachers, writers, teamsters, auto workers - even other members of SEIU - all there to honor a 911 rescue worker suffering severe respiratory ailments, several African-American women on strike since February against 50 per cent pay cuts at a nearby UAW-represented American Axle Plant; some Black and Latino day laborers from Baltimore who led a "living wage" campaign to aid their fellow stadium cleaners at Camden Yards; and three New York City cabbies from the Taxi Workers Alliance that led last Fall's strike by 10,000 yellow cab drivers.
The Hyatt called the Dearborn police as the banquet staff retreated to the kitchen until the food could be served safely. When the police arrived, the SEIU contingent departed, shouting "We'll be back." I hope they register for the conference next time.
Come to Ireland with me!
2008 is going to be a great year ... I can't believe that I'll get to spend over a month in Ireland touring around with dear friends.
The August tour to Ireland is full. I still have two spots for the June 10-19 tour of Kerry, Clare and Galway, and 11 for September's tour of Cork, Kerry and Clare. If you're interested, check out http://www.annefeeney.com/Pages/enchantedwaytours.html and email me with any questions you have.
My sister, Kathleen Feeney - May 3, Pete Seeger - May 3, 1919, my cousin, Antonito Blanco - May 3, 2007, my cousin Paul Eric Grefenstette - May 10, my high school sweetheart, Bill Deegan - May 10, my cousin Tony Mumphrey - May 15, my cousin Kevin McCahill - May 15, Utah Phillips - May 15, 1935, my cousin Terry Donovan - May 23.
Birthday greetings can be sent to:
Pete Seeger
Box 431
Beacon, NY 12508
Utah Phillips
PO BOX 1235
Nevada City, CA 95959
Saturday, April 26th, 2008 7 - 9PM
CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back with Anne Feeney AND many Ornery Duffers!
Club Cafe
56-58 South 12th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Price: $10
doors open at 6PM, the show will start by 7PM - Celebrate the release of my best CD ever!!
Thursday, May 1st, 2008 7:00 PM
Mayday Celebration
Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 8:00 PM
St Catherine's & District Labour Council Mayday Celebration
Niagara Arts Centre
Niagara/St Catherine's, ON
ballen (@)cogeco.ca>
Sunday, May 4th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney and Peter Kastner
Free Times Cafe
320 College St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 280-6456
Friday, May 9th - Sunday May 11th, 2008
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for U Utah Phillips
Barrymore Theater
2090 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704
Larry Penn, Lou and Peter Berryman, David HB Drake, Anne Feeney and more!!
Thursday, May 15th, 2008 8:00 PM
Regina Polk Women's Labor Leadership Conference
Pheasant Run Resort
St Charles, IL
this event runs through May 18, 2007.
Sunday, May 18th, 2008 4:00 PM
Chicago CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back! - 4PM till 7PM
Heartland Cafe
7000 North Glenwood
Chicago, IL 60626
Price: $15
The Chicago IWW, the Greens and several other progressive groups are sponsoring this concert! Your ticket benefits the group of your choice!
Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 7:00 PM
Out of This Furnace Benefit Concert
with Smokestack Lightning!
Braddock Elks Lodge #883
Library St
Braddock, PA
Price: $ lots-it's a fundraiser!!!
lauracsmiley(@)yahoo.com is the contact
Saturday, May 24th - Wednesday, June 4th
Kerrville Folk Festival
Kerrville, TX
I'll be doing my annual pilgrimage to one of my favorite festivals to relax and visit with all my pals
Thursday, June 5th, 2008 7:00 PM
Live on WUWF RadioLive!
Museum of Commerce
Pensacola, FL
Price: free
Friday, June 20th, 2008 8:00 PM
Touring Sweden and Denmark
fredrik(@)goatbridge.com is handling all my bookings in Europe from June 20 through August 13th...
email him if you have any suggestions!
CDs available at http://cdbaby.com/all/unionmaid
New CD & CD Release Parties!!
As soon as you see this, I hope you'll all go right to http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 and order "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back" (if you haven't already). This is my best CD ever!
For several days "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back" was one of the top ten best-sellers at CDBaby! Whoo-hoo! thank you! The feedback I've been getting on this CD is wonderful. It's getting a lot of airplay, too.
If your favorite folk show isn't listed here:
let me know, and I'll send a CD on to the station with your compliments!
There are several upcoming CD release parties:
Pittsburgh - April 26th - Club Cafe
Botto House National Labor Museum, NJ - MAYDAY
St Catharine's/Niagara, ON - May 3rd - Arts Centre
Toronto - May 4th - Free Times Cafe
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival - Mothers' Day weekend - May 9-11 - Darlington, MD
Chicago - May 18th -
Kerrville (TX) Folk Festival - May 24th - June 3rd
Pensacola, FL - June 5th
Details for all of these shows are continuously updating at http://annefeeney.com/calendar.html After that, I'll be in Europe until August 27th.
I'm still not booked for Labor Day, 2008!!
(PLEASE -- don't wait until I come to your town to get my new CD - I could really use your help getting the considerable expense of this CD retired ... and if you're already enjoying your copy, how about buying it for a couple friends? - THANKS!!)
If you like "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back," please consider posting an announcement for the cd to your friends. It would mean a lot to me. I've tried to make it real easy for you. You can cut and paste this blurb http://fellow-travelers-advisory.blogspot.com/2008/04/forward-this-release-to-your-friends.html into an email. Thanks!!
The Easter Bunny brings me a Breast Egg
I was horrified to discover a LARGE lump on my left breast on Easter morning. It measured 3+ cm (more than an inch) in diameter when I went for the mammogram and biopsy three days later.
The biopsy turned up some atypical cells, and surgical removal is probably indicated. Miraculously, the lump has gotten MUCH smaller since then... less than 1 cm. I see a breast surgeon at 3PM on the 24th and I'm holding my breath until then... but it seems unlikely that this is anything serious, since it is getting smaller...
This adventure has left me with almost $2000 in medical bills that my insurance doesn't cover (I switched to one of those high-deductible plans a few months ago, but this came up before I set aside a medical savings account with the deductible in it...)
I've been in touch with so many of my wonderful women friends who have come out healthy and happy on the other side of this journey ... No matter what the news is on Thursday I am optimistic...
But before the June Fellow Travelers' Advisory comes out, I want all you women out there who have been procrastinating on a mammogram to go DO IT!
I'll post something on my blog as soon as I know what's up...
I am so looking forward to the annual Mayday celebration at the American Labor Museum at Botto House in Haledon, NJ. This will be Julius Margolin's return to show-biz after his hospitalization.. What a joy it will be to see him and work with him again.
The amazing Chris Chandler will be there too - and he and I have been collaborating on a new piece of his over the telephone that we'll be debuting at Botto House.
I hope that your community is figuring out a way to honor International Workers' Day. The ILWU plans to shut down the ports of the West Coast to protest the war on May 1, 2008. Madison always has a great Mayday celebration, and it looks like Minneapolis/St Paul is planning a gala celebration this year... Still it looks as though most of the Mayday festivals are again being held outside the US this year. It's ironic, since Mayday honors the sacrifice of Chicago's Haymarket Martyrs in the battle for an eight hour day.
Wherever you are on May 1st, I hope you'll raise a glass with a friend and sing (to the tune of Daisy, Daisy):
Mayday, Mayday
That's the real workers' day
Labor's history says
Don't give your day away
It's time that the working class sez
"Stick Labor Day up your (orifice of choice)"
Now ain't it great
To celebrate on the glorious First of May!
Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Fair Food Campaign
Visit CIW at http://ciw-online.org for the latest news in the exciting Fair Food Campaign being waged with Burger King.
School of the Americas....
If you take a visit to http://soaw.org you'll be appalled to see our tax dollars being used to fund a terrorist training camp right here in the US.
If you want to quit training military and paramilitary types from central and south america in torture and counter-insurgency techniques, School of the Americas Watch has made it very simple for you.
Just click here and SOA Watch will figure out who your member of congress is, tell you how s/he voted on funding for the SOA, and send a letter from you to that member of congress.
Labor Notes Fracas
This year's Labor Notes conference was livened up by the presence of a boisterous bunch of misguided SEIU members who attempted to crash and disrupt the annual Labor Notes banquet. They had been told this was a "union busters' banquet." A couple hundred members of Andy Stern's purple ocean washed into the lobby of the Hyatt Dearborn, and tried to push their way into the ballroom, where 900 union activists were gathered for Labor Notes' annual fundraising dinner.
The controversy centered over Labor Notes decision to invite Rose Ann De Moro to speak to the conference attendees. (As it happened, Rose Ann wasn't even there.) Rose Ann is one of the most articulate advocates for national health care in the nation, and her union, the California Nurses' Association, has achieved extraordinary victories - like mandated staff-to-patient ratios in California.
More recently, Rose Ann's union, the National Nurses' Organizing Committee, interfered in a scheduled union election in Ohio, between SEIU and Catholic Healthcare Partners. Good arguments can be made for both SEIU and NNOC's positions - but SEIU didn't come to debate. They would have been welcome to participate in the many lively workshops at the conference that weekend. Instead they opted to appear in the middle of the dinner, pushing, shoving, shouting and disrupting. One longtime Detroit activist and former Labor Notes staffer, Dianne Feeley, (a UAW retiree) sustained a head wound that required several stitches.
My pal Ron Kaminkow went out to engage the rowdy SEIU members in dialog. While most of the SEIU members shouted him down and refused to engage in conversation, a couple did speak to Ron. He said they seemed genuinely surprised to learn that the banquet was being served by union members to union activists - locomotive engineers, electricians, plumbers, pipefitters, teachers, writers, teamsters, auto workers - even other members of SEIU - all there to honor a 911 rescue worker suffering severe respiratory ailments, several African-American women on strike since February against 50 per cent pay cuts at a nearby UAW-represented American Axle Plant; some Black and Latino day laborers from Baltimore who led a "living wage" campaign to aid their fellow stadium cleaners at Camden Yards; and three New York City cabbies from the Taxi Workers Alliance that led last Fall's strike by 10,000 yellow cab drivers.
The Hyatt called the Dearborn police as the banquet staff retreated to the kitchen until the food could be served safely. When the police arrived, the SEIU contingent departed, shouting "We'll be back." I hope they register for the conference next time.
Come to Ireland with me!
2008 is going to be a great year ... I can't believe that I'll get to spend over a month in Ireland touring around with dear friends.
The August tour to Ireland is full. I still have two spots for the June 10-19 tour of Kerry, Clare and Galway, and 11 for September's tour of Cork, Kerry and Clare. If you're interested, check out http://www.annefeeney.com/Pages/enchantedwaytours.html and email me with any questions you have.
My sister, Kathleen Feeney - May 3, Pete Seeger - May 3, 1919, my cousin, Antonito Blanco - May 3, 2007, my cousin Paul Eric Grefenstette - May 10, my high school sweetheart, Bill Deegan - May 10, my cousin Tony Mumphrey - May 15, my cousin Kevin McCahill - May 15, Utah Phillips - May 15, 1935, my cousin Terry Donovan - May 23.
Birthday greetings can be sent to:
Pete Seeger
Box 431
Beacon, NY 12508
Utah Phillips
PO BOX 1235
Nevada City, CA 95959
Saturday, April 26th, 2008 7 - 9PM
CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back with Anne Feeney AND many Ornery Duffers!
Club Cafe
56-58 South 12th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Price: $10
doors open at 6PM, the show will start by 7PM - Celebrate the release of my best CD ever!!
Thursday, May 1st, 2008 7:00 PM
Mayday Celebration
Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 8:00 PM
St Catherine's & District Labour Council Mayday Celebration
Niagara Arts Centre
Niagara/St Catherine's, ON
ballen (@)cogeco.ca>
Sunday, May 4th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney and Peter Kastner
Free Times Cafe
320 College St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 280-6456
Friday, May 9th - Sunday May 11th, 2008
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for U Utah Phillips
Barrymore Theater
2090 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704
Larry Penn, Lou and Peter Berryman, David HB Drake, Anne Feeney and more!!
Thursday, May 15th, 2008 8:00 PM
Regina Polk Women's Labor Leadership Conference
Pheasant Run Resort
St Charles, IL
this event runs through May 18, 2007.
Sunday, May 18th, 2008 4:00 PM
Chicago CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back! - 4PM till 7PM
Heartland Cafe
7000 North Glenwood
Chicago, IL 60626
Price: $15
The Chicago IWW, the Greens and several other progressive groups are sponsoring this concert! Your ticket benefits the group of your choice!
Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 7:00 PM
Out of This Furnace Benefit Concert
with Smokestack Lightning!
Braddock Elks Lodge #883
Library St
Braddock, PA
Price: $ lots-it's a fundraiser!!!
lauracsmiley(@)yahoo.com is the contact
Saturday, May 24th - Wednesday, June 4th
Kerrville Folk Festival
Kerrville, TX
I'll be doing my annual pilgrimage to one of my favorite festivals to relax and visit with all my pals
Thursday, June 5th, 2008 7:00 PM
Live on WUWF RadioLive!
Museum of Commerce
Pensacola, FL
Price: free
Friday, June 20th, 2008 8:00 PM
Touring Sweden and Denmark
fredrik(@)goatbridge.com is handling all my bookings in Europe from June 20 through August 13th...
email him if you have any suggestions!
CDs available at http://cdbaby.com/all/unionmaid
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Reviews of "Dump the Bosses Off Your Back"
Dump the Bosses Off Your Back
CD by Anne Feeney $14.99
Reviewed by Michael G. Matejka, Union News
Anne Feeney is an old-fashioned union hell-raiser, and she’s dipped deep into union roots for her latest musical effort, “Dump the Bosses Off Your Back.”
Anne reaches back a century to the radical Industrial Workers of the World, a union that never had the membership numbers of the AFL or the CIO, but certainly left an imprint on labor’s culture. The IWW was a singing union, using popular songs and transforming their lyrics to send a very direct message to the working class.
Anne takes some IWW standards, like “Dump the Bosses, ” “Hallelujah, I’m a Bum” and “Preacher and the Slave,” updating them both lyrically and musically, producing lively takes on old standards.
With the recent mine disasters in Utah and West Virginia, Anne adds some very touching songs about miners and the risks they face. She helped perform and write music for a play, “Buried,” about the Sago Mine Disaster. She performs “How Much for the Life of a Miner,” an original composition she wrote for the play. Particularly touching is “Sago,” by Kiya Heartwood, which shares the lament of a wife whose husband is never coming back.
Other current events get remembered, including Santiago Cruz, a Farm Labor Organizing Committee member who was killed in Mexico last year, while attempting to cross-border organize farm laborers.
With our current multinational economy, listen close for “Brave New Christmas,” by John William Davis, which tells what happens when Santa and his elves are outsourced, losing their North Pole jobs to those in warmer climes.
Anne is no stranger to central Illinois, having sung for strikers, locked-out workers and union rallies throughout our area. For those who remember her spirited appearances, these are a great way to reconnect with a fighting rebel; if you haven’t had the experience yet, check out “Dump the Bosses.”
Manny Theiner's Review in Pittsburgh CityPaper
Before Whole Foods and biodiesel, before Iraq war protests and WTO riots, there marched Anne Feeney. The native Pittsburgher still champions the same causes of organized labor and social justice for which she's been agitating since the raging days of Vietnam. She tours the country on the frontlines of the struggle against exploitation and oppression (she stopped in 41 states and five countries in 2007 alone), and an appreciation of her commitment should be strengthened by a few spins of her sixth CD, Dump the Bosses Off Your Back.
Feeney is the ultimate protest singer, covering tunes from her contemporaries as well as unearthing late-19th-century protest songs from the Wobblies (International Workers of the World, of which she's a card-carrying member). On several tracks, she ropes in special guests: the Austin Lounge Lizards, singing barbershop harmonies on the gospel-tinged "You Will Answer"; legendary country-rock hippie Commander Cody on the boogie-woogie "Preacher and the Slave"; and Maryland lesbian-folk duo Emma's Revolution on the country-roots "Hillcrest Mine."
Feeney is able to straddle many genres -- those listed above as well as upbeat polka, jazz and swing, and Tex-Mex accordion flavor, on "A Song for Santiago Cruz" (about an organizer of migrant workers who was murdered last year). There's anthemic rock 'n' roll on "We Fought Back" (backed by members of veteran punkers A.T.S.), and even a bit of riotous acousti-punk on "Ya Basta!"
Three songs were written by Feeney for performances of Buried, a play about the Sago mine disaster, and she also includes a sort of sound-collage piece, layering news reports of layoffs over a rendition of the well-known ditty "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum." And a throwback surprise awaits at the disc's end: a bluegrass version of "Whatever You Say, Say Nothing," by Colum Sands (brother of Irish folk legend Tommy), recorded 18 years ago with now-deceased local folk/blues legend D.C. Fitzgerald on guitar.
Overall, you can't get more comprehensively informed about traditional protest music in Pittsburgh than by listening to Anne Feeney, and this album proves her inimitable staying power yet again.
Anne Feeney CD release. 7 p.m. Sat., Apr. 26. Club Café, 56-58 S. 12th St., South Side. $10. 412-431-4950 or www.clubcafelive.com
Kate Caffery's review in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Music Preview: Anne Feeney wants the bosses off our backs
Thursday, April 24, 2008
By Kate McCaffrey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Photo by Julie Leonardsson
Singer/songwriter/musician/labor activist Anne Feeney has made a career out of protesting.
Anne Feeney is none of the following: meek, subtle or willing to negotiate what she believes is right. But you can figure that out by reading the song titles of her new album "Dump the Bosses off Your Back."
Her newest collection of labor and protest songs includes, along with the title track, "Goonies" (described as "A bastard cousin to the scab and the management consultant" in the liner notes), "We Fought Back," "Sago," "Ya Basta!," and "How Much for the Life of a Miner?," among others. Six of the 15 tracks are Feeney originals.
So if you own a large business and farm jobs overseas in order to create a higher profit margin for yourself, "Dump the Bosses off Your Back" is not the CD for you.
Anne Feeney
* Where: Club Cafe, South Side.
* When: 7 p.m. Saturday.
* Admission: $10; 412-431-4950.
Feeney, 56 and a Swissvale native, has been protesting against The Man since her college days at Pitt. During a student sit-in in what's now David Lawrence Hall, some administrator, in an attempt to convince her to leave, told her she seemed "like a wholesome young girl" and that "Nelson Mandela was a terrorist who was going to die in prison." Neither comment compelled Feeney to knock it off.
Instead, she has made a living sounding off against oppression and anti-labor issues, fighting for the blue-collar worker. Feeney has spent the past two decades touring the country, spreading her gospel of labor love. "Dump the Bosses off Your Back" is par for the course -- Feeney not only preaching to but rousing the choir.
Lyrics such as those in "Goonies" ("Now when workers are tossed out on the street, you'll find goonies/You come swarmin' like maggots on putrid meat, goonies/Kin to jackels [sic], hyenas, leaches [sic] and skunks/Go back to dog kickin', wife beatin' and rollin' drunks") won't do much to further the cause of a living wage and keeping jobs in America. Nor do they examine the complex problems of unemployed blue-collar workers in old mill or factory towns.
But perhaps this was never Feeney's intention, because she is well pleased with the results.
"I don't think I've ever had so many songs on one album that I feel so strongly about," she said.
She paused to consider which song currently had her the most worked up. "The story of Santiago Cruz," she continued, referring to a song she wrote about the organizer for farm labor found beaten to death last April. "I think that if people understood how difficult it is to get decent work and conditions for immigrants and how vital they are. ... We've depended on immigrant work ever since we abolished slavery. But the hostility and animosity [toward immigrants] just sickens me."
In addition to Feeney's voice and guitar, the album also features Commander Cody, the Austin Lounge Lizards, Pat Humphries, Sandy O, and Bob Banerjee, of Corn Beef & Curry fame, lending his fiddling prowess. Feeney was especially excited about Commander Cody playing piano for "Preacher and the Slave."
"I'm a great admirer of his work and always have been. He's got one of the best left hands in the business," Feeney said.
Feeney shifts from pleased to irritated like a speed racer -- happy with the musical talent garnered for her CD one minute, demanding more R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for local music scene the next.
"One of the things that have always baffled me is why the Pittsburgh music scene is not regarded more seriously nationally. Most of the talent on this CD are local friends of mine. I've worked in Nashville and New York and I don't think you're going to find better musicians than right here in Pittsburgh," she said, adding, "Bob Crafton is incredible and so is Bob Banerjee."
"Dump the Bosses off Your Back" was written by John Brill in 1916. The CD features two more golden oldies, "Preacher and the Slave," written in 1911, and "Business News/Hallelujah, I'm a Bum," written in 1897. These three songs are relics of the Industrial Workers of the World.
"I think one of the most exciting things was being able to breathe such wonderful new life into these songs that have been sung for a hundred years," Feeney said. "I think music is a fantastic way of empowering people and giving them strength and energy. I've spent a good part of my life trying to find and write music that will empower people to resist and stand up for what's right."
We hope those aren't just the people who would have resisted to begin with.
Kate McCaffrey can be reached at 412-263-1601 or kmccaffrey@post-gazette.com.
CD by Anne Feeney $14.99
Reviewed by Michael G. Matejka, Union News
Anne Feeney is an old-fashioned union hell-raiser, and she’s dipped deep into union roots for her latest musical effort, “Dump the Bosses Off Your Back.”
Anne reaches back a century to the radical Industrial Workers of the World, a union that never had the membership numbers of the AFL or the CIO, but certainly left an imprint on labor’s culture. The IWW was a singing union, using popular songs and transforming their lyrics to send a very direct message to the working class.
Anne takes some IWW standards, like “Dump the Bosses, ” “Hallelujah, I’m a Bum” and “Preacher and the Slave,” updating them both lyrically and musically, producing lively takes on old standards.
With the recent mine disasters in Utah and West Virginia, Anne adds some very touching songs about miners and the risks they face. She helped perform and write music for a play, “Buried,” about the Sago Mine Disaster. She performs “How Much for the Life of a Miner,” an original composition she wrote for the play. Particularly touching is “Sago,” by Kiya Heartwood, which shares the lament of a wife whose husband is never coming back.
Other current events get remembered, including Santiago Cruz, a Farm Labor Organizing Committee member who was killed in Mexico last year, while attempting to cross-border organize farm laborers.
With our current multinational economy, listen close for “Brave New Christmas,” by John William Davis, which tells what happens when Santa and his elves are outsourced, losing their North Pole jobs to those in warmer climes.
Anne is no stranger to central Illinois, having sung for strikers, locked-out workers and union rallies throughout our area. For those who remember her spirited appearances, these are a great way to reconnect with a fighting rebel; if you haven’t had the experience yet, check out “Dump the Bosses.”
Manny Theiner's Review in Pittsburgh CityPaper
Before Whole Foods and biodiesel, before Iraq war protests and WTO riots, there marched Anne Feeney. The native Pittsburgher still champions the same causes of organized labor and social justice for which she's been agitating since the raging days of Vietnam. She tours the country on the frontlines of the struggle against exploitation and oppression (she stopped in 41 states and five countries in 2007 alone), and an appreciation of her commitment should be strengthened by a few spins of her sixth CD, Dump the Bosses Off Your Back.
Feeney is the ultimate protest singer, covering tunes from her contemporaries as well as unearthing late-19th-century protest songs from the Wobblies (International Workers of the World, of which she's a card-carrying member). On several tracks, she ropes in special guests: the Austin Lounge Lizards, singing barbershop harmonies on the gospel-tinged "You Will Answer"; legendary country-rock hippie Commander Cody on the boogie-woogie "Preacher and the Slave"; and Maryland lesbian-folk duo Emma's Revolution on the country-roots "Hillcrest Mine."
Feeney is able to straddle many genres -- those listed above as well as upbeat polka, jazz and swing, and Tex-Mex accordion flavor, on "A Song for Santiago Cruz" (about an organizer of migrant workers who was murdered last year). There's anthemic rock 'n' roll on "We Fought Back" (backed by members of veteran punkers A.T.S.), and even a bit of riotous acousti-punk on "Ya Basta!"
Three songs were written by Feeney for performances of Buried, a play about the Sago mine disaster, and she also includes a sort of sound-collage piece, layering news reports of layoffs over a rendition of the well-known ditty "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum." And a throwback surprise awaits at the disc's end: a bluegrass version of "Whatever You Say, Say Nothing," by Colum Sands (brother of Irish folk legend Tommy), recorded 18 years ago with now-deceased local folk/blues legend D.C. Fitzgerald on guitar.
Overall, you can't get more comprehensively informed about traditional protest music in Pittsburgh than by listening to Anne Feeney, and this album proves her inimitable staying power yet again.
Anne Feeney CD release. 7 p.m. Sat., Apr. 26. Club Café, 56-58 S. 12th St., South Side. $10. 412-431-4950 or www.clubcafelive.com
Kate Caffery's review in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Music Preview: Anne Feeney wants the bosses off our backs
Thursday, April 24, 2008
By Kate McCaffrey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Photo by Julie Leonardsson
Singer/songwriter/musician/labor activist Anne Feeney has made a career out of protesting.
Anne Feeney is none of the following: meek, subtle or willing to negotiate what she believes is right. But you can figure that out by reading the song titles of her new album "Dump the Bosses off Your Back."
Her newest collection of labor and protest songs includes, along with the title track, "Goonies" (described as "A bastard cousin to the scab and the management consultant" in the liner notes), "We Fought Back," "Sago," "Ya Basta!," and "How Much for the Life of a Miner?," among others. Six of the 15 tracks are Feeney originals.
So if you own a large business and farm jobs overseas in order to create a higher profit margin for yourself, "Dump the Bosses off Your Back" is not the CD for you.
Anne Feeney
* Where: Club Cafe, South Side.
* When: 7 p.m. Saturday.
* Admission: $10; 412-431-4950.
Feeney, 56 and a Swissvale native, has been protesting against The Man since her college days at Pitt. During a student sit-in in what's now David Lawrence Hall, some administrator, in an attempt to convince her to leave, told her she seemed "like a wholesome young girl" and that "Nelson Mandela was a terrorist who was going to die in prison." Neither comment compelled Feeney to knock it off.
Instead, she has made a living sounding off against oppression and anti-labor issues, fighting for the blue-collar worker. Feeney has spent the past two decades touring the country, spreading her gospel of labor love. "Dump the Bosses off Your Back" is par for the course -- Feeney not only preaching to but rousing the choir.
Lyrics such as those in "Goonies" ("Now when workers are tossed out on the street, you'll find goonies/You come swarmin' like maggots on putrid meat, goonies/Kin to jackels [sic], hyenas, leaches [sic] and skunks/Go back to dog kickin', wife beatin' and rollin' drunks") won't do much to further the cause of a living wage and keeping jobs in America. Nor do they examine the complex problems of unemployed blue-collar workers in old mill or factory towns.
But perhaps this was never Feeney's intention, because she is well pleased with the results.
"I don't think I've ever had so many songs on one album that I feel so strongly about," she said.
She paused to consider which song currently had her the most worked up. "The story of Santiago Cruz," she continued, referring to a song she wrote about the organizer for farm labor found beaten to death last April. "I think that if people understood how difficult it is to get decent work and conditions for immigrants and how vital they are. ... We've depended on immigrant work ever since we abolished slavery. But the hostility and animosity [toward immigrants] just sickens me."
In addition to Feeney's voice and guitar, the album also features Commander Cody, the Austin Lounge Lizards, Pat Humphries, Sandy O, and Bob Banerjee, of Corn Beef & Curry fame, lending his fiddling prowess. Feeney was especially excited about Commander Cody playing piano for "Preacher and the Slave."
"I'm a great admirer of his work and always have been. He's got one of the best left hands in the business," Feeney said.
Feeney shifts from pleased to irritated like a speed racer -- happy with the musical talent garnered for her CD one minute, demanding more R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for local music scene the next.
"One of the things that have always baffled me is why the Pittsburgh music scene is not regarded more seriously nationally. Most of the talent on this CD are local friends of mine. I've worked in Nashville and New York and I don't think you're going to find better musicians than right here in Pittsburgh," she said, adding, "Bob Crafton is incredible and so is Bob Banerjee."
"Dump the Bosses off Your Back" was written by John Brill in 1916. The CD features two more golden oldies, "Preacher and the Slave," written in 1911, and "Business News/Hallelujah, I'm a Bum," written in 1897. These three songs are relics of the Industrial Workers of the World.
"I think one of the most exciting things was being able to breathe such wonderful new life into these songs that have been sung for a hundred years," Feeney said. "I think music is a fantastic way of empowering people and giving them strength and energy. I've spent a good part of my life trying to find and write music that will empower people to resist and stand up for what's right."
We hope those aren't just the people who would have resisted to begin with.
Kate McCaffrey can be reached at 412-263-1601 or kmccaffrey@post-gazette.com.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Forward this release to your friends!
DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK is the newest CD from Pittsburgh, PA folk icon Anne Feeney. http://annefeeney.com Anne is a longtime activist musician ... very busy singing for the labor movement, the peace movement, the women's movement, the environment ... well, you get the idea. An all-star cast of Pittsburgh musicians play on her CD. And rockabilly legend Commander Cody sings and plays with Anne on one of the tunes.
The new CD also features supporting vocals by Emma's Revolution, the Austin Lounge Lizards and Anne Weiss.The CD features 15 songs - six new Feeney originals, 3 classic labor songs from the Industrial Workers of the World, and six songs from great contemporary folk artists James Keelaghan, Kiya Heartwood, Al Grierson, Evan Greer, John William Davis and Colum Sands.
Order it at http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 or by calling 1.800.BUY-MY-CD
You'll find incredibly diverse musical styles for all fans of left-leaning political music - jump, swing, blues, punk, corrido, gospel, bluegrass, dixieland - at least 15 ways to dump the bosses off your back.
Pittsburgh is her home but Anne Feeney is one of the busiest musicians around - her 2007 tour took her to 41 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Guatemala, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. Her anthem "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" is being sung in paddywagons everywhere and was featured as one of the 'top protest songs of all time' in the DORO Productions Documentary: "Get Up, Stand Up: The History of Pop and Protest" which has aired worldwide, and nationally on PBS. Peter, Paul and Mary are among the many artists who have recorded Anne's songs.
DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK is the newest CD from Pittsburgh, PA folk icon Anne Feeney. http://annefeeney.com Anne is a longtime activist musician ... very busy singing for the labor movement, the peace movement, the women's movement, the environment ... well, you get the idea. An all-star cast of Pittsburgh musicians play on her CD. And rockabilly legend Commander Cody sings and plays with Anne on one of the tunes.
The new CD also features supporting vocals by Emma's Revolution, the Austin Lounge Lizards and Anne Weiss.The CD features 15 songs - six new Feeney originals, 3 classic labor songs from the Industrial Workers of the World, and six songs from great contemporary folk artists James Keelaghan, Kiya Heartwood, Al Grierson, Evan Greer, John William Davis and Colum Sands.
Order it at http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 or by calling 1.800.BUY-MY-CD
You'll find incredibly diverse musical styles for all fans of left-leaning political music - jump, swing, blues, punk, corrido, gospel, bluegrass, dixieland - at least 15 ways to dump the bosses off your back.
Pittsburgh is her home but Anne Feeney is one of the busiest musicians around - her 2007 tour took her to 41 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Guatemala, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. Her anthem "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" is being sung in paddywagons everywhere and was featured as one of the 'top protest songs of all time' in the DORO Productions Documentary: "Get Up, Stand Up: The History of Pop and Protest" which has aired worldwide, and nationally on PBS. Peter, Paul and Mary are among the many artists who have recorded Anne's songs.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
TA DA! It's ready!!!
I couldn't wait until Mayday to tell you that DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK is available for sale as of now at http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7
Please please go buy copies for yourself, your cousins and friends... They'll thank you and so will I!
It's my best CD ever, and it's getting rave reviews from everyone who's heard it - including legendary folk DJ Gene Shay from WXPN in Philadelphia - He says "This is one of Anne Feeney's best albums ever. It's loaded with uninhibited energy and heartfelt singing---all applied to a wonderful collection of songs. Just can't wait to play these new tunes on my radio show."
I've got a couple CD release parties coming up ... tell anyone you know in Detroit, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Toronto or Chicago to come to them...
And if you'd like to help to organize a CD release somewhere else, just let me know..
(If you don't see your favorite radio show there, let me know and I'll send them a CD with your compliments!)
Look for a review in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette soon!
Thanks so much for your interest in my music! I hope you'll pick up a copy or six as soon as possible... and that I get to see you at one of these upcoming shows!
It would mean a lot to me if you could forward this to everyone you know that might enjoy my music! From here on down is very cut-and-pasteable to people who've never heard of me or my music... a wee note from you at the beginning would be great too! Thanks so much... I hate to always be asking favors, but if you're not corporate-sponsored you gotta be people-sponsored... thanks!
DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK is the newest CD from Pittsburgh, PA folk icon Anne Feeney. http://annefeeney.com Anne is a longtime activist musician ... very busy singing for the labor movement, the peace movement, the women's movement, the environment ... well, you get the idea. An all-star cast of Pittsburgh musicians play on her CD. And rockabilly legend Commander Cody sings and plays with Anne on one of the tunes.
The new CD also features supporting vocals by Emma's Revolution, the Austin Lounge Lizards and Anne Weiss.The CD features 15 songs - six new Feeney originals, 3 classic labor songs from the Industrial Workers of the World, and six songs from great contemporary folk artists James Keelaghan, Kiya Heartwood, Al Grierson, Evan Greer, John William Davis and Colum Sands.
Order it at http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 or by calling 1.800.BUY-MY-CD
Pittsburgh is her home but Anne Feeney is one of the busiest musicians around - her 2007 tour took her to 41 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Guatemala, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. Her anthem "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" is being sung in paddywagons everywhere and was featured as one of the 'top protest songs of all time' in the DORO Productions Documentary: "Get Up, Stand Up: The History of Pop and Protest" which has aired worldwide, and nationally on PBS. Peter, Paul and Mary are among the many artists who have recorded Anne's songs.
She's having several CD Release Parties (see below) and you can request her music on a gazillion stations (see below that) - Buy her CD, catch her live, or listen for her on your favorite folk show!
Sunday, April 13th, 2008
Detroit CD Release Party 4PM-7PM
Julie Hurwitz and Al Benchich's House
Detroit, MI 48203
Price: $10-20 sliding
Come by Al and Julie's house after Labor Notes to celebrate the release of DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK. Call Barb Ingalls at the number above (AFTER 10:30AM, please -- Barb works nights) to reserve a seat, get the exact address and directions! See you there!
Saturday, April 26th, 2008 7:00 PM - 9:00PM
CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back with Anne Feeney AND many Ornery Duffers!
Club Cafe
56-58 South 12th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Price: $10
doors open at 6PM, the show will start by 7PM - Celebrate the release of my best CD ever!!
Thursday, May 1st, 2008 - 7PM
Mayday Celebration and CD Release!!
Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ
This concert will feature a number of other fine labor singers.
Sunday, May 4th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney with special guest Peter Kastner
Free Times Cafe
320 College St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 280-6456
I'll have plenty of my new CD with me at this wonderful camping festival located halfway between Philadelphia and DC!!
Friday, May 9th - Sunday, May 11th, 2008
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035
Sunday, May 18th, 2008 7:30 PM
Sponsored by the Chicago Branch of the IWW
location TBA
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for U Utah Phillips
Barrymore Theater
2090 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704
Larry Penn, David HB Drake, Anne Feeney and more!!
(a * means they've already played at least one cut!!)
WFMT - 98.7 - Chicago, IL - Rich Warren - The Midnight Special*
WXPN - 88.5 - Philadelphia - Gene Shay*
KBOO - 90.7 - Portland, OR (several copies - all folk shows)
WERU - 89.9, 102.9, 104.7 - Maine (Several copies - all folk shows)
WORT - 89.9 - Madison, WI (several copies - all folk shows)
WFDU - 89.1 - New York - Ron Olesko & Bill Hahn*
WDCB - 90.9 - DuPage, IL - Lilli Kuzma
WYSO - 91.3 - Yellow Springs, OH - Norman Whitman Detours*
KUSP - 88.9 - Santa Cruz,CA - The Open Road
WMNF - 88.5 - Tampa FL - The Women's Show
KZSC - 88.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - Clytia Fuller, Heaven's Bar & Grill
KZSC - 88.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - all folk shows
101.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - Free Radio
KKUP - 91.5 - Cupertino CA - Laura Testa
KPFK - 90.7 - Los Angeles, CA - Axis of Justice, Tom Morello
WRCT - 88.3 - Pittsburgh - Rust Belt Radio, Saturday Light Brigade*
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Ken Batista, American Sampler*
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Bruce Mountjoy, Bluegrass Show
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - John Trout, Traditional Ties
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Rosemary Welch, Music Director
KKFI - 90.1 - Kansas City - Judy Ancel, Heartland Labor Forum
KKFI - 90.1 - Kansas City - all folk shows
WPKN - 89.5 - Bridgeport, CT - Pamela Smith, Amazon Radio*
WVBR - 93.5 - Ithaca, NY - Phil Shapiro, Bound for Glory
WFUV - 90.7 - New York, NY - John Platt, Sunday Breakfast
KMST - 96.3 - Rolla, MO - Jim Sigler "Sounds Eclectic"
KBAC - 98.1 - Santa Fe, NM - Transitions with Alan Hunter
KAOS - 89.3 - Olympia, WA - all folk shows, Radio8Ball with Andras Jones*
KAZU - 90.3 - Pacific Grove, CA
WSPN - 91.1 - Saratoga Springs, NY - Chris Magill
KGNU - 88.5 - Boulder, CO - all folk shows
WPRK - 91.5 - Winter Park, FL
WCVF - 88.9 - SUNY, Fredonia, NY - General Eclectic
WCSB - 89.3 - Cleveland, OH - Richard Koloda
WFHB - 91.3 - Bloomington, IN
WAIF - 88.3 - Cincinnati - Boiling Point
KPFT - 90.1 - Houston, TX - Folk Shows & Voices@Work
KUT - 90.5 - Austin, TX - Tom Pittman
KEOS - 89.1 - College Station, TX*
KBAC - 98.1 - Albuquerque - Ken Yavit - Transitions
WAMU - 88.5 - Washington, DC - Dick Spottswood
WYRS - 90.7 - Ocean City, NJ - Ain't Misbehavin - Terry Sikoryak
APR - 91.5 - AL Public Radio - Jeremy Butler - All Things Acoustic
WAMU - 88.5 - Traditions - Mary Cliff
WVUD - 91.3 - Newark, DE - Suzy Wollenburg
WRPI - 91.5 - Schenectady, NY - Sonny Ochs
WVUD - 91.3 - Newark, DE - Three Degrees or Less - Mary Post
WMRA - 90.7 - Harrisonburg, VA - Tina Owens - Acoustic Cafe
WPSU - State College, PA *
WUMB - 91.9 - Boston, MA
KFAI - 90.3 - Minneapolis, MN
KANU - 91.5 - Lawrence, KS - Radio Bob "Trail Mix"
CFRO - 102.7 - Vancouver, BC Co-op Radio
CBC - Roots & Wings
CHES - 101.5 - Erin, ON - Steve Clark
CKUA - 580AM - Tom Coxworth, Folk Routes
CJRT - 91.3 - Regina, SK - Regina's Mighty Shores
CFRO - 102.7 - Vancouver, BC Co-op Radio, Paul Norton - What the Folk
CKUT - 90.3 - Montreal, QC - Folk Directions with Gerry Goodfriend*
CKUT - 90.3 - Montreal, QC - Folk Roots/Folk Branches with Mike Regenstreif
CKPC - 92.1 - Brantford, ON - Jan Vanderhorst - Just Us Folk
WSLR - 96.5 - Sarasota,FL*
KBCS - 91.3 - Bellvue, WA - Lunch with Folks - John Sincock*
WEFT - 90.1 - Champaign/Urbana, IL - Labor Show*
WBGU - 88.1 - Bowling Green, OH - David Sears*
WRUR - 88.5 - Rochester, NY - A Variety of Folk
WTSR - 91.3 - Princeton, NJ - Peter Kernast, Legacy
WBAI - 99.5 - NYC, NY - Building Bridges, Ken Nash
WOBC - 91.5 - Oberlin, OH - Becca Derry - Modern Folk
CFMU - - Hamilton, ON - Freewheeling with Jim Marino - Sat AM 10-12
CITR - 101.9 -Vancouver, BC - Val Cormier
CIUT - 89.5 - Toronto, ON - Steve Fruitman
5EBI - 103.1 - South Australia - Henk deWeerd - Folk Till Midnight
WVGN - 107.3 - US Virgin Islands - Doug Dick
KPSU - 1450AM - Portland, OR - Judith Gennett - Raggle Taggle Gypsy
WRUW - 91.1 - Cleveland, OH - Jim Gilliland
KEUL - 88.9 - Glacier City, AK - It's All Folk - Karen Rakos
WUFT - FM89 - Gainesville, FL - Cathy deWitt
WBRS - 100.1 - Waltham, MA - Bob Weiser
WMUA - 91.1 - Amherst, MA - Acoustic Cafe
WKSU - 89.7 - Kent, OH - David Fuente
WNHU - 88.7 - New Haven, CT - John Mazza
WGLT - 89.1 - Normal, IL - Bruce Bergethon
KXCI - 91.3 - Tucson, AZ - Susan Banes
WRKF - 89.3 - Baton Rouge, Taylor Caffery*
KDHX - 88.1 - St Louis, Paul Stamler
WHUS - 91.7 - Storrs, CT - Susan Forbes Hanson
WWUH - 91.3 - Hartford, CT - Ed McKeon*
WMUD - 89.3 - Moriah, NY - Chip Morgan
KVMR Nevada City, CA several copies - all folk shows
KRFC Steve Brockman
KPIG - Please Stand By w John Sandige
WLSU Mike Alzo The Folk Show
LIVE 365 Internet Radio - Tom Callaghan
KPFK FolkScene
WOMR - Provincetown, MA - Bob Weiser*
WMRA Lisa Ha Acoustic Cafe
WNYC - 93.9 - New York, NY - Oscar Brand
WFUV - 90.7 - New York, NY - Bob Sherman - Woody's Children
WMUC - 88.1 College Park, MD - John McLoughlin Roots 'n Wings
VT Public Radio - Robert Resnick
KNBA - 90.3 Anchorage, AK - Bud Johnson, Acoustic Accents
KUNI - Cedar Falls, IA - Karen Impola
WNUR - 89.3 - Chicago, IL The Folk Show, Sue Kessell
KZFR - 90.1 - Chico, CA - Peace and Justice Show with Laurel Blankinship Avalon
WUSB - Stony Brook, NY - Charlie Backfish
WRIF Detroit, MI - Peter Werbe
WJFF - 90.5 - Liberty NY - Angela Page
ThePoint - Crossroads - Todd Tyson's show in VT
Dan Alloway's Folk Fury in El Paso*
WZNZ-AM Jacksonville, FL* Progressive Roots
KOPN - 89.5 - Columbia, MO - Clint Harding's Show*
WV Public Radio
WMBR - 88.1 - Cambridge MA - Chuck Rosina
KSKQ - 94.9 LPFM - Ashland, OR - Brain Labor Report*
WDVX - 102.9 - Knoxville, TN
WWOZ - 90.7 - New Orleans, LA - Hazel and the Delta Rambler
CKMO - Victoria, BC - Village 900
KMUN - 91.9 - Astoria, OR*
KLCC - 89.7 - Eugene, OR
WXOJ - 103.3 - Northampton, MA - The Enviro Show, Glen Ayers
WIUP - 90.1 - Indiana, PA - Jim Rogers show*
WBCR - Great Barrington, MA - Graham and Barbara Dean's show
KCSC - Edmond, OK
WMMT - 88.7 - Whitesburg, KY
KPFA - 94.1 - Berkeley, CA - Across the Great Divide*
Syndicated, Satellite and/or Internet
Mike Flynn, Folk Sampler - http://www.folksampler.com/
Estrogen Music http://www.estrogenmusic.com
XM Radio - XM 15- The Village - Mary Sue Twohy
DMX Radio
Grassy Hill Radio
Acoustic Cafe, Rob Reinhart
World Cafe, David Dye
Bob MacKenzie - Sound Bytes - http://www.communication.ca/soundbytes/
HOBER Thinking radio
Democracy NOW
WIN Internet Radio - Workers' Independent News - http://laborradio.org
Whole Wheat Radio - Talkeetna, AK
Please call and request your favorite songs! And lots of these stations stream live on the internet.... expand your audio horizons! Let me know if you hear my music on the radio - I'd like to write the DJ and thank her/him!! (anne (a)annefeeney.com)
That link to buy the CD is http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7

Click here to add this banner to your profile!
Please please go buy copies for yourself, your cousins and friends... They'll thank you and so will I!
It's my best CD ever, and it's getting rave reviews from everyone who's heard it - including legendary folk DJ Gene Shay from WXPN in Philadelphia - He says "This is one of Anne Feeney's best albums ever. It's loaded with uninhibited energy and heartfelt singing---all applied to a wonderful collection of songs. Just can't wait to play these new tunes on my radio show."
I've got a couple CD release parties coming up ... tell anyone you know in Detroit, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Toronto or Chicago to come to them...
And if you'd like to help to organize a CD release somewhere else, just let me know..
(If you don't see your favorite radio show there, let me know and I'll send them a CD with your compliments!)
Look for a review in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette soon!
Thanks so much for your interest in my music! I hope you'll pick up a copy or six as soon as possible... and that I get to see you at one of these upcoming shows!
It would mean a lot to me if you could forward this to everyone you know that might enjoy my music! From here on down is very cut-and-pasteable to people who've never heard of me or my music... a wee note from you at the beginning would be great too! Thanks so much... I hate to always be asking favors, but if you're not corporate-sponsored you gotta be people-sponsored... thanks!
DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK is the newest CD from Pittsburgh, PA folk icon Anne Feeney. http://annefeeney.com Anne is a longtime activist musician ... very busy singing for the labor movement, the peace movement, the women's movement, the environment ... well, you get the idea. An all-star cast of Pittsburgh musicians play on her CD. And rockabilly legend Commander Cody sings and plays with Anne on one of the tunes.
The new CD also features supporting vocals by Emma's Revolution, the Austin Lounge Lizards and Anne Weiss.The CD features 15 songs - six new Feeney originals, 3 classic labor songs from the Industrial Workers of the World, and six songs from great contemporary folk artists James Keelaghan, Kiya Heartwood, Al Grierson, Evan Greer, John William Davis and Colum Sands.
Order it at http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7 or by calling 1.800.BUY-MY-CD
Pittsburgh is her home but Anne Feeney is one of the busiest musicians around - her 2007 tour took her to 41 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Guatemala, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. Her anthem "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" is being sung in paddywagons everywhere and was featured as one of the 'top protest songs of all time' in the DORO Productions Documentary: "Get Up, Stand Up: The History of Pop and Protest" which has aired worldwide, and nationally on PBS. Peter, Paul and Mary are among the many artists who have recorded Anne's songs.
She's having several CD Release Parties (see below) and you can request her music on a gazillion stations (see below that) - Buy her CD, catch her live, or listen for her on your favorite folk show!
Sunday, April 13th, 2008
Detroit CD Release Party 4PM-7PM
Julie Hurwitz and Al Benchich's House
Detroit, MI 48203
Price: $10-20 sliding
Come by Al and Julie's house after Labor Notes to celebrate the release of DUMP THE BOSSES OFF YOUR BACK. Call Barb Ingalls at the number above (AFTER 10:30AM, please -- Barb works nights) to reserve a seat, get the exact address and directions! See you there!
Saturday, April 26th, 2008 7:00 PM - 9:00PM
CD Release for Dump the Bosses Off Your Back with Anne Feeney AND many Ornery Duffers!
Club Cafe
56-58 South 12th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Price: $10
doors open at 6PM, the show will start by 7PM - Celebrate the release of my best CD ever!!
Thursday, May 1st, 2008 - 7PM
Mayday Celebration and CD Release!!
Botto House American Labor Museum
83 Norwood St
Haledon, NJ
This concert will feature a number of other fine labor singers.
Sunday, May 4th, 2008 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney with special guest Peter Kastner
Free Times Cafe
320 College St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 280-6456
I'll have plenty of my new CD with me at this wonderful camping festival located halfway between Philadelphia and DC!!
Friday, May 9th - Sunday, May 11th, 2008
Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival
Ramblewood Resort
2564 Silver Road
Darlington, MD 21035
Sunday, May 18th, 2008 7:30 PM
Sponsored by the Chicago Branch of the IWW
location TBA
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 8:00 PM
Benefit Concert for U Utah Phillips
Barrymore Theater
2090 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704
Larry Penn, David HB Drake, Anne Feeney and more!!
(a * means they've already played at least one cut!!)
WFMT - 98.7 - Chicago, IL - Rich Warren - The Midnight Special*
WXPN - 88.5 - Philadelphia - Gene Shay*
KBOO - 90.7 - Portland, OR (several copies - all folk shows)
WERU - 89.9, 102.9, 104.7 - Maine (Several copies - all folk shows)
WORT - 89.9 - Madison, WI (several copies - all folk shows)
WFDU - 89.1 - New York - Ron Olesko & Bill Hahn*
WDCB - 90.9 - DuPage, IL - Lilli Kuzma
WYSO - 91.3 - Yellow Springs, OH - Norman Whitman Detours*
KUSP - 88.9 - Santa Cruz,CA - The Open Road
WMNF - 88.5 - Tampa FL - The Women's Show
KZSC - 88.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - Clytia Fuller, Heaven's Bar & Grill
KZSC - 88.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - all folk shows
101.1 - Santa Cruz, CA - Free Radio
KKUP - 91.5 - Cupertino CA - Laura Testa
KPFK - 90.7 - Los Angeles, CA - Axis of Justice, Tom Morello
WRCT - 88.3 - Pittsburgh - Rust Belt Radio, Saturday Light Brigade*
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Ken Batista, American Sampler*
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Bruce Mountjoy, Bluegrass Show
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - John Trout, Traditional Ties
WYEP - 91.3 - Pittsburgh, PA - Rosemary Welch, Music Director
KKFI - 90.1 - Kansas City - Judy Ancel, Heartland Labor Forum
KKFI - 90.1 - Kansas City - all folk shows
WPKN - 89.5 - Bridgeport, CT - Pamela Smith, Amazon Radio*
WVBR - 93.5 - Ithaca, NY - Phil Shapiro, Bound for Glory
WFUV - 90.7 - New York, NY - John Platt, Sunday Breakfast
KMST - 96.3 - Rolla, MO - Jim Sigler "Sounds Eclectic"
KBAC - 98.1 - Santa Fe, NM - Transitions with Alan Hunter
KAOS - 89.3 - Olympia, WA - all folk shows, Radio8Ball with Andras Jones*
KAZU - 90.3 - Pacific Grove, CA
WSPN - 91.1 - Saratoga Springs, NY - Chris Magill
KGNU - 88.5 - Boulder, CO - all folk shows
WPRK - 91.5 - Winter Park, FL
WCVF - 88.9 - SUNY, Fredonia, NY - General Eclectic
WCSB - 89.3 - Cleveland, OH - Richard Koloda
WFHB - 91.3 - Bloomington, IN
WAIF - 88.3 - Cincinnati - Boiling Point
KPFT - 90.1 - Houston, TX - Folk Shows & Voices@Work
KUT - 90.5 - Austin, TX - Tom Pittman
KEOS - 89.1 - College Station, TX*
KBAC - 98.1 - Albuquerque - Ken Yavit - Transitions
WAMU - 88.5 - Washington, DC - Dick Spottswood
WYRS - 90.7 - Ocean City, NJ - Ain't Misbehavin - Terry Sikoryak
APR - 91.5 - AL Public Radio - Jeremy Butler - All Things Acoustic
WAMU - 88.5 - Traditions - Mary Cliff
WVUD - 91.3 - Newark, DE - Suzy Wollenburg
WRPI - 91.5 - Schenectady, NY - Sonny Ochs
WVUD - 91.3 - Newark, DE - Three Degrees or Less - Mary Post
WMRA - 90.7 - Harrisonburg, VA - Tina Owens - Acoustic Cafe
WPSU - State College, PA *
WUMB - 91.9 - Boston, MA
KFAI - 90.3 - Minneapolis, MN
KANU - 91.5 - Lawrence, KS - Radio Bob "Trail Mix"
CFRO - 102.7 - Vancouver, BC Co-op Radio
CBC - Roots & Wings
CHES - 101.5 - Erin, ON - Steve Clark
CKUA - 580AM - Tom Coxworth, Folk Routes
CJRT - 91.3 - Regina, SK - Regina's Mighty Shores
CFRO - 102.7 - Vancouver, BC Co-op Radio, Paul Norton - What the Folk
CKUT - 90.3 - Montreal, QC - Folk Directions with Gerry Goodfriend*
CKUT - 90.3 - Montreal, QC - Folk Roots/Folk Branches with Mike Regenstreif
CKPC - 92.1 - Brantford, ON - Jan Vanderhorst - Just Us Folk
WSLR - 96.5 - Sarasota,FL*
KBCS - 91.3 - Bellvue, WA - Lunch with Folks - John Sincock*
WEFT - 90.1 - Champaign/Urbana, IL - Labor Show*
WBGU - 88.1 - Bowling Green, OH - David Sears*
WRUR - 88.5 - Rochester, NY - A Variety of Folk
WTSR - 91.3 - Princeton, NJ - Peter Kernast, Legacy
WBAI - 99.5 - NYC, NY - Building Bridges, Ken Nash
WOBC - 91.5 - Oberlin, OH - Becca Derry - Modern Folk
CFMU - - Hamilton, ON - Freewheeling with Jim Marino - Sat AM 10-12
CITR - 101.9 -Vancouver, BC - Val Cormier
CIUT - 89.5 - Toronto, ON - Steve Fruitman
5EBI - 103.1 - South Australia - Henk deWeerd - Folk Till Midnight
WVGN - 107.3 - US Virgin Islands - Doug Dick
KPSU - 1450AM - Portland, OR - Judith Gennett - Raggle Taggle Gypsy
WRUW - 91.1 - Cleveland, OH - Jim Gilliland
KEUL - 88.9 - Glacier City, AK - It's All Folk - Karen Rakos
WUFT - FM89 - Gainesville, FL - Cathy deWitt
WBRS - 100.1 - Waltham, MA - Bob Weiser
WMUA - 91.1 - Amherst, MA - Acoustic Cafe
WKSU - 89.7 - Kent, OH - David Fuente
WNHU - 88.7 - New Haven, CT - John Mazza
WGLT - 89.1 - Normal, IL - Bruce Bergethon
KXCI - 91.3 - Tucson, AZ - Susan Banes
WRKF - 89.3 - Baton Rouge, Taylor Caffery*
KDHX - 88.1 - St Louis, Paul Stamler
WHUS - 91.7 - Storrs, CT - Susan Forbes Hanson
WWUH - 91.3 - Hartford, CT - Ed McKeon*
WMUD - 89.3 - Moriah, NY - Chip Morgan
KVMR Nevada City, CA several copies - all folk shows
KRFC Steve Brockman
KPIG - Please Stand By w John Sandige
WLSU Mike Alzo The Folk Show
LIVE 365 Internet Radio - Tom Callaghan
KPFK FolkScene
WOMR - Provincetown, MA - Bob Weiser*
WMRA Lisa Ha Acoustic Cafe
WNYC - 93.9 - New York, NY - Oscar Brand
WFUV - 90.7 - New York, NY - Bob Sherman - Woody's Children
WMUC - 88.1 College Park, MD - John McLoughlin Roots 'n Wings
VT Public Radio - Robert Resnick
KNBA - 90.3 Anchorage, AK - Bud Johnson, Acoustic Accents
KUNI - Cedar Falls, IA - Karen Impola
WNUR - 89.3 - Chicago, IL The Folk Show, Sue Kessell
KZFR - 90.1 - Chico, CA - Peace and Justice Show with Laurel Blankinship Avalon
WUSB - Stony Brook, NY - Charlie Backfish
WRIF Detroit, MI - Peter Werbe
WJFF - 90.5 - Liberty NY - Angela Page
ThePoint - Crossroads - Todd Tyson's show in VT
Dan Alloway's Folk Fury in El Paso*
WZNZ-AM Jacksonville, FL* Progressive Roots
KOPN - 89.5 - Columbia, MO - Clint Harding's Show*
WV Public Radio
WMBR - 88.1 - Cambridge MA - Chuck Rosina
KSKQ - 94.9 LPFM - Ashland, OR - Brain Labor Report*
WDVX - 102.9 - Knoxville, TN
WWOZ - 90.7 - New Orleans, LA - Hazel and the Delta Rambler
CKMO - Victoria, BC - Village 900
KMUN - 91.9 - Astoria, OR*
KLCC - 89.7 - Eugene, OR
WXOJ - 103.3 - Northampton, MA - The Enviro Show, Glen Ayers
WIUP - 90.1 - Indiana, PA - Jim Rogers show*
WBCR - Great Barrington, MA - Graham and Barbara Dean's show
KCSC - Edmond, OK
WMMT - 88.7 - Whitesburg, KY
KPFA - 94.1 - Berkeley, CA - Across the Great Divide*
Syndicated, Satellite and/or Internet
Mike Flynn, Folk Sampler - http://www.folksampler.com/
Estrogen Music http://www.estrogenmusic.com
XM Radio - XM 15- The Village - Mary Sue Twohy
DMX Radio
Grassy Hill Radio
Acoustic Cafe, Rob Reinhart
World Cafe, David Dye
Bob MacKenzie - Sound Bytes - http://www.communication.ca/soundbytes/
HOBER Thinking radio
Democracy NOW
WIN Internet Radio - Workers' Independent News - http://laborradio.org
Whole Wheat Radio - Talkeetna, AK
Please call and request your favorite songs! And lots of these stations stream live on the internet.... expand your audio horizons! Let me know if you hear my music on the radio - I'd like to write the DJ and thank her/him!! (anne (a)annefeeney.com)
That link to buy the CD is http://cdbaby.com/cd/annefeeney7

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