Please forward it widely. Better yet... Subscribe directly
As always, CDs are available at CDBaby
Smedjebacken, Sweden
19 December 2005
Hi there Fellow Travelers,
Tomorrow at 5AM I'm leaving Sweden to go meet my kids in Oaxaca, Mexico to spend the
holidays, so I'm sending my January newsletter a little early.
During my 3-hour layover at O'Hare I may end up being a witness in a grievance procedure filed by 3 United Airlines workers who were actually 'separated from service without pay' (I think that means "fired") for watching me sing nasty songs about their greedy CEO while I was waiting for a plane at O'Hare last May. The workers are charged with refusing a direct order from a supervisor... and the Supervisor's order was -- get this (drum roll, please, maestro) -- "Make her stop singing." Please. Who is going to *make* me quit singing? But they were fired by these humorless incompetent bastards. As my wonderful friend John Handcox used to sing - "There is mean things happening in this land."
As 2005 draws to a close my heart is so filled with gratitude to all of you ... I couldn't do my work without all of you and I appreciate your support and loyalty and generosity more than I can say... but I also want to thank you for the many wonderful things you do for family and friends, for your community, for your union, for the world. I hope that 2006 brings us together frequently and that the year is filled with victories, great and small.
I'm going to try to do "The Year in a Minute," so if I miss your favorite moment, I apologize. My last gig of 2005 was in Stockholm at a place that used to be a stable. It gave me a chance to sing the line "For far too long we've allowed these corporate hogs to belly up to the public trough...." with a feeding trough in the same room!
2005 was filled with special events - In March I performed at the gorgeous US Botanical Gardens (inside the Capitol... there's a scene from 'The Manchurian Candidate' filmed in these gardens) for the ANA/UAN (Nurses' Union) 5th Anniversary Celebration ... and I was thrilled be invited to perform at the 2nd Annual Sisters in the Brotherhood Conference in Las Vegas, NV - which had the most outrageous food I've ever seen ... But certainly the highlight of 2005 was performing at the many exciting events commemorating the 100th anniversary of the IWW ... the most amazing ones being in Ann Arbor, MI; Chicago, IL; at the Oregon Country Fair; Madison, WI; Milwaukee, WI; and Philadelphia, PA
As far as annual events are concerned, I got to perform again at the Mayday Celebration at Botto House near Paterson, NJ; the Mother Jones Dinner (October) in Mt. Olive, IL; the Eugene Debs Annual Dinner in Terre Haute, IN; the Bernie Firestone Tribute at the Scarab Club in Detroit;Labor Fest in San Francisco and the fabulous Oregon Country Fair!!! I hope to see you at one of these events next year. Let me know if you'd like more information about any of them.
Most fun: Touring with my daughter, Amy in July (followed closely by touring with David Rovics & Jan Hammarlund -- and touring with Evan Greer)
Two Most Bittersweet Events of 2005: The Chandler-Feeney era comes to a close -- (but I'm having a ball and Chris has a great new show... check out his website)AND .... no Kerrville!!!... This would have been my 17th consecutive Kerrville Folk Festival, but instead this year I did a fabulous tour of Sweden and Denmark with David Rovics & Jan Hammarlund.
Three Favorite things about 2006: The Immokalee Workers' Victory - Ahhhhhnold Governator getting his ass whupped - Lewis Libby's indictment...
Four Best suprises of the year: getting the Joe Hill Award, the huge crowds at Magdalena's and at Fogartyville... and my kids surprising me by having fresh flowers delivered to me onstage at the UW Madison Memorial Union Terrace on Mother's Day during the IWW Concert.
Five UU congregations hosted me in: Reading, PA; Indianapolis, IN; Pittsburgh, PA;
Chicago, IL; Jacksonville, FL
SIX great new venues: Magdalena's Tea House in Lansing, MI; Cafe Mundo in Newport, OR; Carnegie Centre in Vancouver, BC; LO Skolan in Helsingor, Denmark; Stallet in Stockholm, Sweden; Don Quixote's International Music Hall in Felton, CA
Seven amazing links ...
1) Hilarious!
2) Important
3) thought-provoking
4) Harold Pinter's extraordinary Nobel Lecture
5) ... how big are your feet?
6) ... sign this petition!
7) this is the NGO that my son Daniel has helped to set up to provide emergency relief to the Guatemalan people in grave danger due to the recent mudslides caused by Hurricane Stan. PS... Daniel just got accepted to Georgetown University Law School. Hoya Saxa indeed!
Eight Outstanding Presenters of 2005 (well, actually 15): Gerd Berlev; Jan Hammarlund; Julie Herrada; Ann Miller; Jenny Brown and Joe Courter; David and Arlene at Fogartyville; Bob Pollack and Joy Bell; Ken and Cheryl Kern; Maureen Wood; Jim and LLouise Altes; Amy Newell; Jim and Sue Burton; Polly Gower; Helena Worthen; Daniel Suhonen
Nine - (well, actually 40) Great Folks I played with in 2005: Chris Chandler, Larry Long, Utah Phillips, Faith Petric, Charlie King, Len Wallace, Mark Ross, Rebel Voices, Citizens' Band, RiotFolk, Harry Stamper, Evan Greer, Pat Humphries & Sandy O, Gina Forsythe, David Rovics, Jan Hammarlund, Patrick Dodd, Savage Rose, Per Warming, Eve Goodman, Jon Berquist, Brian QTN; Jon Fromer; David LaMotte; Chris Dunn; the Dreamsicles; George Hewison & Fellow Worker; Touch of Class; La Libertad; Dave Lippman, Ken Gaines, Paul Kamm & Eleanore MacDonald, Amy Carol Webb, Joe Glazer, Nick Annis, John Hayes, David Roe, Joey Only and Jack Erdie (hope I didn't miss anyone!)
Ten things I want in 2006:
an end to the war
bush in jail
cheney in jail
national health care (See HR 676)
close the School of the Americas (See HR 1217)
time to record a new CD
money to record a new CD
ok... i guess i only want seven things
11 Great Radio Stations visited: KKFI, KUNI, WRCT, WDBX, KPIG, WLRN, KMUD, WFMT, KBOO, WORT, Free Radio Santa Cruz --- If you don't see your favorite radio station here, let me know where it is, and I'll send them some music and drop by the next time I'm passing through.
12 Great House concerts: Lisa's in Leeds, MA; Sara & Nan's in Hollywood, FL; Jim & Llouise's in Pittsburgh, Anne, Paul & Melissa's place in Olympia, WA; Ken & Sharon's in Victoria, BC; Joe Szwaja's in Seattle; Gretchen and Cris' in Watsonville; La Fortunes' in Santa Cruz; Fendels' in Oakland, CA; Tom Cronin and Sandy Dunn's in Philadelphia, Ken Connors and Cee Cee Severin's in Jacksonville, FL
and a partridge in a pear tree.... all in all, I played more than 200 engagments in
20 states, three Canadian provinces, Sweden and Denmark ... and collected an infinite supply of beautiful memories of great times with great friends.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, and a joyous, merry, relaxing holiday season to all of you!
Love & solidarity
Anne Feeney
Monday, December 19, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - DECEMBER 2005: VOLUME ONE, #9
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - DECEMBER 2005: VOLUME ONE, #9
Immediate Destinations
Holiday Sale
Thanksgiving Message
Email McDonald's
Remember Boilermakers' 484
Family News
IMMEDIATE DESTINATIONS: Stockholm, Oaxaca, Lund, Copenhagen, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Denton, Fort Worth, Dallas, Tucson. Booking: Texas (Feb) & Florida (March)
HOLIDAY SALE!! This year you can give my critically acclaimed recordings Union Maid, Have You Been to Jail for Justice? and the inspiring recording of Wild Wimmin from The Great Peace March to your friends and relatives at discounted prices at CDBaby - - You'll also find Look to Left on sale for $9.99 and my 1994 live album, Heartland, on sale for only $5!! You can also find more music you'll love in my gallery. Supporting independent artists is a unique way to express yourself this holiday season. Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support of my music!
Smedjebacken, Sweden
It's always strange to be in Sweden on Thanksgiving. Needless to say, Thanksgiving is a non-event here. This is the third time I've been here on Thanksgiving day. It does help me to realize that the US is not the center of the universe. This Thanksgiving Day, I'm grateful to have love in my life, to have such wonderful children, to have such a large loving extended family, to have work that I love, and to have so many talented and inspiring friends out there working every day to effect positive change in the world. And I'm very grateful to you - you've brought me to your towns, given me a place to stay, bought me a meal, bought my music, made contributions to locked out workers in Illinois and Michigan, signed petitions and postcards, and signed up to receive the Fellow Travelers' Advisory! Thank you!!
I'm thankful we were able to forestall drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. I'll be even more thankful if this corrupt regime is exposed for the anti-democratic corporatist cronies that they are.
This past weekend I was in Columbus, Georgia again for the School of the Americas Watch vigil. If you don't know about this terrorist training camp in Georgia, please visit their website. This year more than 20,000 came to hold a powerful vigil for the hundreds of thousands of people murdered by graduates of the School of the Americas in Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Venezuela and right now, every day, in Colombia. About forty people committed acts of civil disobedience over the weekend and will go to jail for justice. Four of them are already in jail. You can write to them at:
Christine Gaunt, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Louis Vitale, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Priscilla Treska, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Jerome Zawada, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
This Thanksgiving season, when we traditionally celebrate the harvest, let us also celebrate the harvesters. Join the CIW in calling on the world's largest restaurant chain, McDonald's to stop dragging its feet and to work with the CIW to improve the wages and working conditions for the men and women who pick its tomatoes.
Contact McDonald's today and demand they, too, pay a fair price for their tomatoes and work with the CIW to end human rights violations in the fields!
You can also call 630-623-3000 (ask operator for Social Responsibility department), fax 630-623-7409, and fill out an online form
Your generous contributions can make the holidays brighter for 156 families still locked out by Celanese Corporation in Meredosia, IL
Read about the lockout and
donate online
or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund,
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Thanks to Mary Cliff at WETA and my cousin Kevin McCahill for being the first to correctly answer the Hoya question -- (If you're just tuning in, the question was - What in the heck is a Hoya? - as in the Georgetown University Hoyas)
and the answer is.......(drum roll)
Many years ago, students well-versed in the classical languages invented the mixed Greek and Latin chant of "Hoya Saxa," translating roughly as "What Rocks!" in reference to both the stalwart defense of the football team and the stone wall that surrounded the campus. 'Hoia' is Greek for 'what' or 'what a,' and 'saxa' is Latin for 'rocks.'
Cousin Kevin Metcalfe is in the pink following bypass surgery at the VA Hospital in Pittsburgh... sister Maureen flew in from AZ to help out. Bill Feeney and I missed seeing cousin Pat Metcalfe on our get well visit to the hospital.
Terry McCahill is recovering splendidly from abdominal surgery in St Augustine. I was in Jacksonville a few weeks ago & went to St Augustine to visit cousins Joe & Rhonda McCahill. Got a glimpse of their handsome offspring, Jon Christian and Justin... then we headed over to Ed & Terry's place for a sumptuous dinner, hugs from Ryan and Collin, hot tub and marathon hootenanny poolside. It was such fun to sing all the old songs. Joe McCahill was the first person I ever saw play a guitar up close... It was on a family vacation to Deep Creek Lake - I was hooked.
That was indeed my song that Peter, Paul and Mary were featured singing in Get Up, Stand Up - the PBS documentary on protest music that aired in many cities last month.
Kimberly Sever has been skating for the past season with the "Manhattan Mayhem" - a for-real Roller Derby Team -- Check out this wonderful slide show of their last game with the Queens of Pain.
Kim's son Casey is the mascot of the Manhattan Mayhem... you'll see him in his "Jail Bait" uniform in the slide show. Kim is also featured this month in the "Ask a Gotham Girl" section.
Dan Berlin finished the Washington Marine Marathon in 3 hours and 58 minutes - He finished 3100 out of 19211 total finishers - 2405 out of 11699 men in the race. Cool beans! You can email congrats at danielfberlin @ ...
Dan should have beautiful organic cotton tee shirts for sale any minute now as a fundraiser for his new NGO, PARCA - to bring urgently needed supplies to the village he worked in while he was in the Peace Corps in Guatemala. It was devastated during the mudslides and supplies are still only being brought in by helicopter.
I don't remember all the details of Big D's recent golf triumph at the Naval Academy, but read up on cousin-in-law Charles Warren's adventures (he's married to Kelly Grefenstette) -- scroll down to about #77.
It was great to see Jill Weldon and Steve Merrill at the concert I produced at Jim and Llouise's last month. Steve's getting ready to retire!
That's all for now. To subscribe, please click here
Immediate Destinations
Holiday Sale
Thanksgiving Message
Email McDonald's
Remember Boilermakers' 484
Family News
IMMEDIATE DESTINATIONS: Stockholm, Oaxaca, Lund, Copenhagen, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Denton, Fort Worth, Dallas, Tucson. Booking: Texas (Feb) & Florida (March)
HOLIDAY SALE!! This year you can give my critically acclaimed recordings Union Maid, Have You Been to Jail for Justice? and the inspiring recording of Wild Wimmin from The Great Peace March to your friends and relatives at discounted prices at CDBaby - - You'll also find Look to Left on sale for $9.99 and my 1994 live album, Heartland, on sale for only $5!! You can also find more music you'll love in my gallery. Supporting independent artists is a unique way to express yourself this holiday season. Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support of my music!
Smedjebacken, Sweden
It's always strange to be in Sweden on Thanksgiving. Needless to say, Thanksgiving is a non-event here. This is the third time I've been here on Thanksgiving day. It does help me to realize that the US is not the center of the universe. This Thanksgiving Day, I'm grateful to have love in my life, to have such wonderful children, to have such a large loving extended family, to have work that I love, and to have so many talented and inspiring friends out there working every day to effect positive change in the world. And I'm very grateful to you - you've brought me to your towns, given me a place to stay, bought me a meal, bought my music, made contributions to locked out workers in Illinois and Michigan, signed petitions and postcards, and signed up to receive the Fellow Travelers' Advisory! Thank you!!
I'm thankful we were able to forestall drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. I'll be even more thankful if this corrupt regime is exposed for the anti-democratic corporatist cronies that they are.
This past weekend I was in Columbus, Georgia again for the School of the Americas Watch vigil. If you don't know about this terrorist training camp in Georgia, please visit their website. This year more than 20,000 came to hold a powerful vigil for the hundreds of thousands of people murdered by graduates of the School of the Americas in Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Venezuela and right now, every day, in Colombia. About forty people committed acts of civil disobedience over the weekend and will go to jail for justice. Four of them are already in jail. You can write to them at:
Christine Gaunt, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Louis Vitale, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Priscilla Treska, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
Jerome Zawada, Muscogee County Jail, 700 E. 10th St., Columbus GA 31901-2899
This Thanksgiving season, when we traditionally celebrate the harvest, let us also celebrate the harvesters. Join the CIW in calling on the world's largest restaurant chain, McDonald's to stop dragging its feet and to work with the CIW to improve the wages and working conditions for the men and women who pick its tomatoes.
Contact McDonald's today and demand they, too, pay a fair price for their tomatoes and work with the CIW to end human rights violations in the fields!
You can also call 630-623-3000 (ask operator for Social Responsibility department), fax 630-623-7409, and fill out an online form
Your generous contributions can make the holidays brighter for 156 families still locked out by Celanese Corporation in Meredosia, IL
Read about the lockout and
donate online
or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund,
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Thanks to Mary Cliff at WETA and my cousin Kevin McCahill for being the first to correctly answer the Hoya question -- (If you're just tuning in, the question was - What in the heck is a Hoya? - as in the Georgetown University Hoyas)
and the answer is.......(drum roll)
Many years ago, students well-versed in the classical languages invented the mixed Greek and Latin chant of "Hoya Saxa," translating roughly as "What Rocks!" in reference to both the stalwart defense of the football team and the stone wall that surrounded the campus. 'Hoia' is Greek for 'what' or 'what a,' and 'saxa' is Latin for 'rocks.'
Cousin Kevin Metcalfe is in the pink following bypass surgery at the VA Hospital in Pittsburgh... sister Maureen flew in from AZ to help out. Bill Feeney and I missed seeing cousin Pat Metcalfe on our get well visit to the hospital.
Terry McCahill is recovering splendidly from abdominal surgery in St Augustine. I was in Jacksonville a few weeks ago & went to St Augustine to visit cousins Joe & Rhonda McCahill. Got a glimpse of their handsome offspring, Jon Christian and Justin... then we headed over to Ed & Terry's place for a sumptuous dinner, hugs from Ryan and Collin, hot tub and marathon hootenanny poolside. It was such fun to sing all the old songs. Joe McCahill was the first person I ever saw play a guitar up close... It was on a family vacation to Deep Creek Lake - I was hooked.
That was indeed my song that Peter, Paul and Mary were featured singing in Get Up, Stand Up - the PBS documentary on protest music that aired in many cities last month.
Kimberly Sever has been skating for the past season with the "Manhattan Mayhem" - a for-real Roller Derby Team -- Check out this wonderful slide show of their last game with the Queens of Pain.
Kim's son Casey is the mascot of the Manhattan Mayhem... you'll see him in his "Jail Bait" uniform in the slide show. Kim is also featured this month in the "Ask a Gotham Girl" section.
Dan Berlin finished the Washington Marine Marathon in 3 hours and 58 minutes - He finished 3100 out of 19211 total finishers - 2405 out of 11699 men in the race. Cool beans! You can email congrats at danielfberlin @ ...
Dan should have beautiful organic cotton tee shirts for sale any minute now as a fundraiser for his new NGO, PARCA - to bring urgently needed supplies to the village he worked in while he was in the Peace Corps in Guatemala. It was devastated during the mudslides and supplies are still only being brought in by helicopter.
I don't remember all the details of Big D's recent golf triumph at the Naval Academy, but read up on cousin-in-law Charles Warren's adventures (he's married to Kelly Grefenstette) -- scroll down to about #77.
It was great to see Jill Weldon and Steve Merrill at the concert I produced at Jim and Llouise's last month. Steve's getting ready to retire!
That's all for now. To subscribe, please click here
Monday, November 07, 2005
House Concert at Jim & LLouise's - Pat & Sandy & Gina & Anne
What a great time was had by all at the November 5 house concert in Pittsburgh with Pat Humphries & Sandy O, Emma's Revolution with very special guest Gina Forsyth --

I opened the show to a *packed* house that included many many friends and family - Pat's sister Karen, my cousins Jill & Steve and lots of local luminaries like Rosemary Trump, Eric Marchbein & Claire Staples, Mark Rauterkus, Maryellen Hayden, Lee Fogarty, Paul Lodico, Joe Hughes -- and 16 year old activist Emma Blackman-Mathis, who organized and won a "girlcott" campaign against Abercrombie and Fitch.

Emma, Sandy & Pat

Sandy & Pat with Gina (!) on fiddle
Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to Mark Rauterkus for these photos!

I opened the show to a *packed* house that included many many friends and family - Pat's sister Karen, my cousins Jill & Steve and lots of local luminaries like Rosemary Trump, Eric Marchbein & Claire Staples, Mark Rauterkus, Maryellen Hayden, Lee Fogarty, Paul Lodico, Joe Hughes -- and 16 year old activist Emma Blackman-Mathis, who organized and won a "girlcott" campaign against Abercrombie and Fitch.

Emma, Sandy & Pat

Sandy & Pat with Gina (!) on fiddle
Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to Mark Rauterkus for these photos!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - NOV. 2005: VOLUME ONE, #8
Thanks for being on my mailing list! It's the best way I've found to stay in regular contact with my friends and family and activist heroes. Let me know what you're up to... I love it when you write back! Please feel free to forward this to your friends and relations! You can subscribe by clicking here
You can order my CDs at CDBaby and you can also download most of my music at Itunes and many many other download services. Music is a great holiday gift!!
For all the details click here
Lexington, KY - Oct 27th
Louisville, KY - Oct 28th
Terre Haute, IN - Oct 29th
Cincinnati, OH - Oct 30th
Pittsburgh, PA - Nov 5th
Jacksonville, FL - Nov 11th & 13th
Tallahassee, FL - Nov 13th
Fort Benning, GA - Nov 18th-20th
and then -- I'm booking Sweden and Denmark through early February 2006 -- any ideas?
TEXAS in February
FLORIDA in late February/early March
the great Northwest in March
PA, upstate New York & Ontario in April?
My friend Doug Gauss just bought a license plate frame that says 'My next license plate will be made by Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.' I'm trying not to get giddy as the house of cards trembles. Why is this game so much fun?
Pittsburgh & vicinity -- Check this out!!! On November 5th my wonderful friends Pat Humphries and Sandy O aka Emma's Revolution will be coming to town and I'm arranging a house concert for them. Pat and Sandy are great writers and performers and their show is always terrific.. *and* they're bringing my wonderful pal Gina Forsyth with them!! Gina is a fabulously talented New Orleans fiddle and guitar player and singer and wordsmith ... a Kerrville pal ... displaced by Katrina... I'll be doing a short set too... this will be my last Pittsburgh show until spring of 2006. This show will also be a fundraiser for the Molly Yard Title IX Fund established to carry on the work of hellraiser Molly Yard who died on September 21st after decades of feminist activism.
also, Pittsburgh Folks -- Thursday November 10th is the annual Thomas Merton Center Awards Dinner. This year it's a new location - the Greek Orthodox Community Center of St Nicholas Church. The Merton Award goes to Father Roy Bourgeois of the School of the Americas Watch. We've got a New Orleans-style Cajun band, too! Sit at my table! Let me know if you can come and join me.
The lockout of the 156 families employed by Celanese in Meredosia, IL
continues - please read up on this struggle at their website and I'm sure you'll want to donate online or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Remember how very difficult it is for other hardhit people to raise money right now and please be generous
My New Orleans cousins are still living in exile just outside of Austin. It looks like my cousin Kathleen's second child will be born in Austin instead of New Orleans. No hope of immediate return.
My son Daniel is running a marathon in Washington, DC this weekend. He's also working with other ex-Peace Corps volunteers in DC to set up a relief organization for Guatemala. The village where my son lived for 2 years in the district of San Marcos was hit very hard by the mudslides with many homeless and clean water and food only available by helicopter delivery. I should have an address for donations in time for the December Fellow Travelers' Advisory...
My cousin Bill Feeney is the pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Washington, PA. The parish celebrated its 150th anniversary on October 15th and it was a grand celebration! Bishop William Winter was joined by eight past and present pastors and vicars including Fathers Rich Wesoloski, Jim Young and Nick Spirko. My cousins Mary and Tom Weldon were there. (They'll celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 22, 2006) Rich W was hilarious as emcee at the dinner afterward.
My sister Kathleen is healing miraculously from her motorcycle accident and is back full time at her legal practice.
Happy Birthday to Bill Feeney & Jill Merrill (October 16); Casey Horn (October 5th); Dan Berlin (October 6th), Steve Merrill (October 20th); Coming up - November 6th - Kimberly Sever (35!) November 12th - Julie Leonardsson (63)
Midwest Tour notes...
If you're headed to Michigan----
The IWW exhibit which opened on October 19th in the Hatcher Library at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor will continue for a while. It's an extraordinary exhibit. So many rare photos, artifacts ... you can see an envelope that contained Joe Hill's ashes... Julie Herrada did a fantastic job of putting the show together, and my friend and gracious host Joyce Kornbluh gave a very inspiring speech at the opening.
Another fine exhibit of Wobbly memorabilia is on display at the Reuther Library in Detroit.
If you get to Lansing, visit Magdalena's Tea House ... A charming spot doing great live music. Many thanks to Margabeth and Dave and Marya and Miko and Indigo and Susan.
and stop by the picket line of striking OPEIU nurses local 549 at Ingham Memorial Hospital.
The 15th Annual Bernie Firestone Tribute of Labor Poetry and Music at the Scarab Club was sensational. Kudos to ML Liebler for putting together such a wonderful event.
Locked out workers at Hercules Drawn Steel in Romulus, MI gathered at Local 174 for a great evening of solidarity... delicious catering by the Wobbly Kitchen and then Evan and I did a show. Thanks to Jim and Sue Burton.
Traveling with Evan Greer was so much fun. Check out and listen to and download some of this anarchist collective's fine music.
Last month's trivia: A "Sooner" was someone who pre-emptively homesteaded Oklahoma (i.e. got there sooner) during the land rush ... no one told me what a Hoya was, tho...
You can order my CDs at CDBaby and you can also download most of my music at Itunes and many many other download services. Music is a great holiday gift!!
For all the details click here
Lexington, KY - Oct 27th
Louisville, KY - Oct 28th
Terre Haute, IN - Oct 29th
Cincinnati, OH - Oct 30th
Pittsburgh, PA - Nov 5th
Jacksonville, FL - Nov 11th & 13th
Tallahassee, FL - Nov 13th
Fort Benning, GA - Nov 18th-20th
and then -- I'm booking Sweden and Denmark through early February 2006 -- any ideas?
TEXAS in February
FLORIDA in late February/early March
the great Northwest in March
PA, upstate New York & Ontario in April?
My friend Doug Gauss just bought a license plate frame that says 'My next license plate will be made by Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.' I'm trying not to get giddy as the house of cards trembles. Why is this game so much fun?
Pittsburgh & vicinity -- Check this out!!! On November 5th my wonderful friends Pat Humphries and Sandy O aka Emma's Revolution will be coming to town and I'm arranging a house concert for them. Pat and Sandy are great writers and performers and their show is always terrific.. *and* they're bringing my wonderful pal Gina Forsyth with them!! Gina is a fabulously talented New Orleans fiddle and guitar player and singer and wordsmith ... a Kerrville pal ... displaced by Katrina... I'll be doing a short set too... this will be my last Pittsburgh show until spring of 2006. This show will also be a fundraiser for the Molly Yard Title IX Fund established to carry on the work of hellraiser Molly Yard who died on September 21st after decades of feminist activism.
also, Pittsburgh Folks -- Thursday November 10th is the annual Thomas Merton Center Awards Dinner. This year it's a new location - the Greek Orthodox Community Center of St Nicholas Church. The Merton Award goes to Father Roy Bourgeois of the School of the Americas Watch. We've got a New Orleans-style Cajun band, too! Sit at my table! Let me know if you can come and join me.
The lockout of the 156 families employed by Celanese in Meredosia, IL
continues - please read up on this struggle at their website and I'm sure you'll want to donate online or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Remember how very difficult it is for other hardhit people to raise money right now and please be generous
My New Orleans cousins are still living in exile just outside of Austin. It looks like my cousin Kathleen's second child will be born in Austin instead of New Orleans. No hope of immediate return.
My son Daniel is running a marathon in Washington, DC this weekend. He's also working with other ex-Peace Corps volunteers in DC to set up a relief organization for Guatemala. The village where my son lived for 2 years in the district of San Marcos was hit very hard by the mudslides with many homeless and clean water and food only available by helicopter delivery. I should have an address for donations in time for the December Fellow Travelers' Advisory...
My cousin Bill Feeney is the pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Washington, PA. The parish celebrated its 150th anniversary on October 15th and it was a grand celebration! Bishop William Winter was joined by eight past and present pastors and vicars including Fathers Rich Wesoloski, Jim Young and Nick Spirko. My cousins Mary and Tom Weldon were there. (They'll celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 22, 2006) Rich W was hilarious as emcee at the dinner afterward.
My sister Kathleen is healing miraculously from her motorcycle accident and is back full time at her legal practice.
Happy Birthday to Bill Feeney & Jill Merrill (October 16); Casey Horn (October 5th); Dan Berlin (October 6th), Steve Merrill (October 20th); Coming up - November 6th - Kimberly Sever (35!) November 12th - Julie Leonardsson (63)
Midwest Tour notes...
If you're headed to Michigan----
The IWW exhibit which opened on October 19th in the Hatcher Library at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor will continue for a while. It's an extraordinary exhibit. So many rare photos, artifacts ... you can see an envelope that contained Joe Hill's ashes... Julie Herrada did a fantastic job of putting the show together, and my friend and gracious host Joyce Kornbluh gave a very inspiring speech at the opening.
Another fine exhibit of Wobbly memorabilia is on display at the Reuther Library in Detroit.
If you get to Lansing, visit Magdalena's Tea House ... A charming spot doing great live music. Many thanks to Margabeth and Dave and Marya and Miko and Indigo and Susan.
and stop by the picket line of striking OPEIU nurses local 549 at Ingham Memorial Hospital.
The 15th Annual Bernie Firestone Tribute of Labor Poetry and Music at the Scarab Club was sensational. Kudos to ML Liebler for putting together such a wonderful event.
Locked out workers at Hercules Drawn Steel in Romulus, MI gathered at Local 174 for a great evening of solidarity... delicious catering by the Wobbly Kitchen and then Evan and I did a show. Thanks to Jim and Sue Burton.
Traveling with Evan Greer was so much fun. Check out and listen to and download some of this anarchist collective's fine music.
Last month's trivia: A "Sooner" was someone who pre-emptively homesteaded Oklahoma (i.e. got there sooner) during the land rush ... no one told me what a Hoya was, tho...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Hold Delphi Accountable Petition
The UAW in Flint, MI home of the great 1937 sit down strike, has started a petition to the judge hearing the Delphi bankruptcy case. Sign the Hold Delphi Accountable Petition by clicking on the link. Thanks!
Monday, October 24, 2005
The Million Phone March To Impeach President Bush
The Million Phone March To Impeach President Bush
By now it is clear to anyone not locked in the basement of Fox News that president Bush and his entire administration lied us into a disastrous, unnecessary, illegal and immoral war in Iraq. Not only did they lie, as demonstrated by the Downing Street minutes, they knowingly conspired in those lies. And they did so maliciously, cynically, and with the intent of enabling their personal business cronies engage in no-bid war profiteering, in effect to embezzle hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal treasury.
Moreover, when challenged on the biggest of those lies, that Iraq posed a nuclear attack threat to the United States, high level members of the Bush administration committed treason by exposing the identity of an important CIA operative whose dedicated life's mission was preventing the spread of the very weapons of mass destruction the Bush Administration had used against the American public as weapons of fear. And president Bush has protected the perpetrators of these acts, failing to remove them from their positions of trust as he represented he would do at the very minimum based on their manifest involvement.
Tell your Representative and both of your Senators it is time to impeach president Bush now!
By now it is clear to anyone not locked in the basement of Fox News that president Bush and his entire administration lied us into a disastrous, unnecessary, illegal and immoral war in Iraq. Not only did they lie, as demonstrated by the Downing Street minutes, they knowingly conspired in those lies. And they did so maliciously, cynically, and with the intent of enabling their personal business cronies engage in no-bid war profiteering, in effect to embezzle hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal treasury.
Moreover, when challenged on the biggest of those lies, that Iraq posed a nuclear attack threat to the United States, high level members of the Bush administration committed treason by exposing the identity of an important CIA operative whose dedicated life's mission was preventing the spread of the very weapons of mass destruction the Bush Administration had used against the American public as weapons of fear. And president Bush has protected the perpetrators of these acts, failing to remove them from their positions of trust as he represented he would do at the very minimum based on their manifest involvement.
Tell your Representative and both of your Senators it is time to impeach president Bush now!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
General Strike! It's about time! Can we try this, too? Lesson Day for BC Premier Gordon Campbell!
The Globe and Mail: Striking B.C. teachers face criminal contempt probe
..Even as trade unionists shut down much of the city of Victoria yesterday in a strong show of support for the teachers, a special prosecutor was appointed to determine whether criminal contempt charges should be laid against the B.C. Teachers' Federation and its members....
Teachers will not be deterred by external threats, Ms. Sims told a huge, cheering crowd that braved drenching rain to attend an anti-government protest rally outside the legislature in Victoria.
"Mr. Campbell, stop threatening us. Stop trying to divide us. It will not work. We will not be broken," declared the 53-year-old Nanaimo high-school teacher, who has said she is prepared to go to jail in defence of the union's strike.
The dispute is beginning to spread beyond the teachers' picket lines into a confrontation with the province's entire labour movement.
B.C. Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair called yesterday's organized-labour protest in Victoria, which shut bus service, mail delivery and many other government services, just the taste of things to come if the conflict is not resolved.
At least one other single-day, regional labour shutdown is expected to take place this week. Meanwhile members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees are launching their own job action. They are expected to be off the job today at work sites in Prince George and other northern cities.
The teacher's federation launched its illegal walkout Oct. 7, after the government extended the teachers' existing contract by legislation for two years, providing no wage increase and no improvement in working conditions.
Since then, the government and the union have been locked in a grim stalemate
..Even as trade unionists shut down much of the city of Victoria yesterday in a strong show of support for the teachers, a special prosecutor was appointed to determine whether criminal contempt charges should be laid against the B.C. Teachers' Federation and its members....
Teachers will not be deterred by external threats, Ms. Sims told a huge, cheering crowd that braved drenching rain to attend an anti-government protest rally outside the legislature in Victoria.
"Mr. Campbell, stop threatening us. Stop trying to divide us. It will not work. We will not be broken," declared the 53-year-old Nanaimo high-school teacher, who has said she is prepared to go to jail in defence of the union's strike.
The dispute is beginning to spread beyond the teachers' picket lines into a confrontation with the province's entire labour movement.
B.C. Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair called yesterday's organized-labour protest in Victoria, which shut bus service, mail delivery and many other government services, just the taste of things to come if the conflict is not resolved.
At least one other single-day, regional labour shutdown is expected to take place this week. Meanwhile members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees are launching their own job action. They are expected to be off the job today at work sites in Prince George and other northern cities.
The teacher's federation launched its illegal walkout Oct. 7, after the government extended the teachers' existing contract by legislation for two years, providing no wage increase and no improvement in working conditions.
Since then, the government and the union have been locked in a grim stalemate
I know, I know, it's not about how dumb he is ... but this video is a howl!Bush's Speechialist
Monday, October 03, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - OCT. 2005: VOLUME ONE, #7
Thanks for being on my mailing list! It's the best way I've found to stay in
regular contact with my friends and family and activist heroes. Let me know
what you're up to... I love it when you write back! Please feel free to forward this to your friends and relations! You can subscribe by clicking here.
The Great Midwest - Indianapolis; Richmond, IN; Kansas City; Grinnell, IA;
Cedar Falls, IA; Winona, MN; Minneapolis, MN; Beloit, WI; Chicago, IL;
Springfield, IL; Meredosia, IL
and then... Detroit, Ann Arbor & Lansing MI
and then ... Lexington, Louisville, Terre Haute & Cincinnati
and THEN ... Florida, Georgia, Sweden & Mexico
all the details at my tourdates page
Please check out my CDs at CDBaby
Proceeds from the sale of Heartland, Vote in November and the Great Peace March are all benefiting the Red Cross this month.
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - OCT. 2005: VOLUME ONE, #7
Greetings from the "Show Me" state... that's a moniker that has always
puzzled me -- (and, while I'm on the subject, what's a 'Sooner?' -- and a
'Hoya"?) -- So tonight my tourmate Evan Greer asked our fabulous Cape
Girardeau, Missouri hosts what the heck "Show-Me" means... As some of you
have probably guessed, it means Missourians are skeptics and don't accept
anything as true until it is proven to them.
Well, I don't know how much more proof we can possibly endure before we
concede that this President doesn't have a clue how to run this country. Now
we know that FEMA was being run by his incompetent fratboy buddies... who's
running the rest of the country, and at what risk to all of us???? (I saw a
handpainted sign in someone's yard that said, "Homeland Security My Ass.")
As the inept series of spokespersons for the White House were offering up
ridiculous excuse #771 - "Uh, we think it was a state problem... or a local
problem... we didn't think it was a federal problem... uh, we couldn't act
until the state asked us, or the local authorities asked us ... or
whatever..." I did laugh out loud at Jon Stewart's observation on the Daily
Show -- "Yes, far be it from our federal government to interfere with state
and local affairs... why, the federal government would NEVER usurp the powers
reserved to the state and local government... *unless* ... *unless* New
Orleans were to drift into a persistent vegetative state."
But laughs are hard to come by these days. My anger and my sadness battle
each other daily as the agonizing details of this hopelessly bungled fiasco
Today I saw a mural in Cape Girardeau, MO - another river town named by the
early French explorers - and while many aspects of this town's history are
depicted, slavery is not even mentioned!!!
And it's not just because this is Rush Limbaugh's hometown ... our entire
American identity is based on crazy mythology. We are *not* and never were
an all-white nation. We do *not* and never did all speak English. And most
of us are really *not* doing well in this free market economy.
American history is bloody and murderous ... our nation's wealth is built
upon the genocide of the indigenous people of this continent, and the chattel
slavery of the people of another continent, and the ongoing brutal
exploitation of immigrants.
But our mythology denies and denies and denies our history. Well, it's this
same mythology that has allowed the vacuous puppet in the White House to
mumble things about "staying the course," and "noble cause" and the rest of
the country to mumble assent.
But then Cindy Sheehan says "What noble cause?????" ... slowly more people
begin to ask the same question... and on Saturday more than 100,000 people -
(check out the photos) -
come to the nation's capital to ask the same question.
Mr. President, please don't show me any more. I've seen enough. If it were
up to me, you wouldn't get to make one more decision that would put one more
person in harm's way. It's time we had some "Truth and Reconciliation" here.
Last night was the first night of my midwest tour with Evan Greer.
- It's a joy and a privilege to work with such a
talented and bright young performer, and I look forward to introducing him to
all my midwest friends. Don't miss these shows! Evan will be performing
with me through October 22nd.
Many thanks to Jerry Tucker and the St Louis Health Care Education Fund for
making my trip to the inspiring Jobs with Justice national conference
possible. It was great to see so many friends there, and also to meet so
many great folks. Thanks to the Missouri Rural Crisis Coalition for hosting
such a wonderful dinner.
I'm traveling with postcards you can sign to help the Coalition of Immokalee Workers bring its campaign for justice to Burger King.
This is a logical step following the terrific victory with Taco Bell.
My New Orleans cousins were still living somewhere near Austin the last that
I heard. I hope they are safe at home soon!
My daughter Amy is finally back from Mexico and back in school at Portland
Community College.
My son Dan will run a marathon in Washington, DC this month.
My cousins Mary and Paul Grefenstette are in Ireland right now with daughter
Erin & husband Mark.
The lockout of the 156 families employed by Celanese in Meredosia, IL
continues - please read up on this struggle and donate online
or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Remember how very difficult it is for other hardhit people to raise money
right now and please be generous. I'll be doing another show for them on
October 9th....
Hope to see you somewhere soon!
regular contact with my friends and family and activist heroes. Let me know
what you're up to... I love it when you write back! Please feel free to forward this to your friends and relations! You can subscribe by clicking here.
The Great Midwest - Indianapolis; Richmond, IN; Kansas City; Grinnell, IA;
Cedar Falls, IA; Winona, MN; Minneapolis, MN; Beloit, WI; Chicago, IL;
Springfield, IL; Meredosia, IL
and then... Detroit, Ann Arbor & Lansing MI
and then ... Lexington, Louisville, Terre Haute & Cincinnati
and THEN ... Florida, Georgia, Sweden & Mexico
all the details at my tourdates page
Please check out my CDs at CDBaby
Proceeds from the sale of Heartland, Vote in November and the Great Peace March are all benefiting the Red Cross this month.
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - OCT. 2005: VOLUME ONE, #7
Greetings from the "Show Me" state... that's a moniker that has always
puzzled me -- (and, while I'm on the subject, what's a 'Sooner?' -- and a
'Hoya"?) -- So tonight my tourmate Evan Greer asked our fabulous Cape
Girardeau, Missouri hosts what the heck "Show-Me" means... As some of you
have probably guessed, it means Missourians are skeptics and don't accept
anything as true until it is proven to them.
Well, I don't know how much more proof we can possibly endure before we
concede that this President doesn't have a clue how to run this country. Now
we know that FEMA was being run by his incompetent fratboy buddies... who's
running the rest of the country, and at what risk to all of us???? (I saw a
handpainted sign in someone's yard that said, "Homeland Security My Ass.")
As the inept series of spokespersons for the White House were offering up
ridiculous excuse #771 - "Uh, we think it was a state problem... or a local
problem... we didn't think it was a federal problem... uh, we couldn't act
until the state asked us, or the local authorities asked us ... or
whatever..." I did laugh out loud at Jon Stewart's observation on the Daily
Show -- "Yes, far be it from our federal government to interfere with state
and local affairs... why, the federal government would NEVER usurp the powers
reserved to the state and local government... *unless* ... *unless* New
Orleans were to drift into a persistent vegetative state."
But laughs are hard to come by these days. My anger and my sadness battle
each other daily as the agonizing details of this hopelessly bungled fiasco
Today I saw a mural in Cape Girardeau, MO - another river town named by the
early French explorers - and while many aspects of this town's history are
depicted, slavery is not even mentioned!!!
And it's not just because this is Rush Limbaugh's hometown ... our entire
American identity is based on crazy mythology. We are *not* and never were
an all-white nation. We do *not* and never did all speak English. And most
of us are really *not* doing well in this free market economy.
American history is bloody and murderous ... our nation's wealth is built
upon the genocide of the indigenous people of this continent, and the chattel
slavery of the people of another continent, and the ongoing brutal
exploitation of immigrants.
But our mythology denies and denies and denies our history. Well, it's this
same mythology that has allowed the vacuous puppet in the White House to
mumble things about "staying the course," and "noble cause" and the rest of
the country to mumble assent.
But then Cindy Sheehan says "What noble cause?????" ... slowly more people
begin to ask the same question... and on Saturday more than 100,000 people -
(check out the photos) -
come to the nation's capital to ask the same question.
Mr. President, please don't show me any more. I've seen enough. If it were
up to me, you wouldn't get to make one more decision that would put one more
person in harm's way. It's time we had some "Truth and Reconciliation" here.
Last night was the first night of my midwest tour with Evan Greer.
- It's a joy and a privilege to work with such a
talented and bright young performer, and I look forward to introducing him to
all my midwest friends. Don't miss these shows! Evan will be performing
with me through October 22nd.
Many thanks to Jerry Tucker and the St Louis Health Care Education Fund for
making my trip to the inspiring Jobs with Justice national conference
possible. It was great to see so many friends there, and also to meet so
many great folks. Thanks to the Missouri Rural Crisis Coalition for hosting
such a wonderful dinner.
I'm traveling with postcards you can sign to help the Coalition of Immokalee Workers bring its campaign for justice to Burger King.
This is a logical step following the terrific victory with Taco Bell.
My New Orleans cousins were still living somewhere near Austin the last that
I heard. I hope they are safe at home soon!
My daughter Amy is finally back from Mexico and back in school at Portland
Community College.
My son Dan will run a marathon in Washington, DC this month.
My cousins Mary and Paul Grefenstette are in Ireland right now with daughter
Erin & husband Mark.
The lockout of the 156 families employed by Celanese in Meredosia, IL
continues - please read up on this struggle and donate online
or by mail to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Remember how very difficult it is for other hardhit people to raise money
right now and please be generous. I'll be doing another show for them on
October 9th....
Hope to see you somewhere soon!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Thanks for your support of my music. I sure couldn't do it without you. Please forward this on to anyone you think might like my music. As always, you can order my music at CDBaby. I've also made a gallery of some of my favorite CDBaby artists - Check it out!
In this issue:
My immediate destinations are: Philadelphia; Meredosia, IL; Central and Northeastern PA; Western MA; St. Louis; Indianapolis; Kansas City; Des Moines; Madison, WI; Springfield, IL; 3 dates in Michigan; Louisville & Lexington, Kentucky; Terre Haute, IN; Jacksonville & Tallahassee FL; Fort Benning, GA. I hope to see you at one of these places!
It's a war on the workers all right. This Labor Day I'll be joining the locked out workers of Boilermakers' Local 484 in Meredosia, IL. When they refused a 33% wage cut in June, these workers were locked out by the fabulously profitable multinational Celanese Corporation. They are being terrorized by Special Response Corporation based in Hunt Valley, MD. (I wonder if the nice people of Hunt Valley know what creepy corporate neighbors they have? they've got every union in their sights, too... check out this page!
Meredosia, IL is now an armed camp police state, with workers and their families subjected to surveillance and intimidation.
Donate to these brave workers online ... or
To donate in person or by mail, please visit or send donations to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Meredosia is about 90 minutes from St Louis, 3 1/2 hours from Chicago, an hour from Springfield... Let's have a road warriors' reunion there this Labor Day and show some real solidarity.
If that's impossible for you, try this -- Celanese runs an ethics hotline (really) - Call 1.866.384.4223 and tell them that Meredosia could be another Bhopal if they don't get those inexperienced untrained scabs out of the plant. Tell them to call off their SRC goons. Tell them to negotiate in good faith with Boilermakers' Local 484. I called and a personable woman interviewed me and wrote down everything I said.
"I was taken to the ground by a police officer during that time
I was pepper sprayed. The officer picked up my glasses, sprayed my face
with the pepper spray. Once I got to the ground I was then tasered in
the thigh for what felt like an eternity. It was the most excruciating
pain I have ever felt. I felt like I was burning. My hand reached
down to feel what was on my leg and I felt an electrical shock running
through my entire body. I could not stop myself from screaming. It was
horrifying. I could not believe that after I had already been sprayed
and on the ground they would then proceed to taser me."
-- Merton Center intern and activist, Deanna Caligiuri,
who was hospitalized following this attack.
That was the scene in my hometown, Pittsburgh, PA on August 20th as a couple dozen friends of mine shut down an army recruiting center in Oakland, where the University of Pittsburgh is located. You can see the shocking video of the police riot at the Pittsburgh Indymedia site. Many of you (all of you, I hope) heard this story on Democracy Now! (did you know you can stream DN online any time day or night??)
This past Saturday, August 27, we called for another demonstration against the war, against military recruitment, and against police violence and repression of civil liberties. Approximately 100 of us gathered with signs, peace flags (thanks, paul!) and songs. The recruitment center remained open, but no one went in! The highlight of the demonstration for me was "Bakers against Brutality." My pal Matt Toups wore a long white baker's apron & brought a box of doughnuts with a sign that said, "COPS - Don't Shoot! FREE DONUTS!" Other signs said "Pastries, Not Pepper Spray!" and "Pastries for Peaceful Police" -- They chanted "Whose Treats? Your Treats!" See the photo - Abby Hoffman presente!
Chandler's on a roll. Check out his amazing DVD There's Something in the Air (But It's Not on the Airwaves)
The lyrics I wrote for the machinists and flight attendants at United Airlines were selected as the Labor Notes Song of the Month. Click here for the whole story, or here to listen to the song. Many of you have heard me talk about debuting this song at O'Hare Airport in Chicago on May 14th (the day I sang the song up and down the concourse). Unbelievably, two of my machinist companeras were "held out of service without pay" on August 11 by United Airlines because they uh "refused a direct order of a supervisor." The direct order??? "Make her stop singing!"
Filmmaker Jill Freidberg, (This is What Democracy Looks Like) recently completed a new documentary film and is organizing screenings around the US. "Granito de Arena" is the inspiring and unsettling story of the Mexican teachers' movement and their grassroots struggle to defend public education from the devastating impacts of economic globalization. Freidberg spent almost two years in southern Mexico documenting the strikes, marches, and direct actions of over 100,000 teachers, parents, and students fighting the privatization of Mexico's public schools. Featuring Eduardo Galeano and Maude Barlow!
"Important...disturbing...Anyone concerned about education, human rights, labor unions, Latin America and globalization will want to see this inspiring film."
Mexican Labor News and Analysis
Distribution begins with a mid-west tour this September! To bring the film to your town or to buy the DVD, visit the website or contact
You may have seen the story about how the Forest Service 'goofed' and allowed loggers into the Babyfoot Lake Botanical Sanctuary in Siskiyou -- Well, here are some pictures that are worth 1000 words. Several of my friends were arrested defending this forest from loggers.
This Labor Day send the perfect little thank you to the working class hero in your life -- Union Maid -- 23 songs about unions and working life, guaranteed to fire you up - "War on the Workers," "Which Side Are You On?" "Solidarity Forever" "Whatever Happened to the Eight Hour Day?" "We Just Come to Work Here, We Don't Come to Die" and more! on CDBaby or the Labor Heritage Foundation.
Here's a list of online outlets that are carrying my music for legal digital download to your Ipod or MP3 Player........
Apple iTunes * Bitmunk * Etherstream * MSN Music * MusicMatch * MP3tunes * Rhapsody * LoudEye * MusicNow * MusicNet * Sony Connect * NetMusic * BuyMusic * PassAlong * Chondo
My longtime friends will be flabbergasted to know that I ran a 5K Race a couple weeks ago. It was 94 degrees and very humid. The course was quite challenging (as most Pittsburgh courses are... lots of hills). This was my first race... well, actually my second, but the first one was a 3K race in 1975. (and I wasn't able to finish that one!) This time it took me 42 minutes, and I finished dead last, but I finished! When I fell 1/3 mile away from the finish line, the Edgewood Police car offered me a ride to the finish line. But I opted to run it, skinned knees and all...
Thank goodness my sister Kate escaped with only minor injuries when she was thrown from her brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle in Sturgis, SD! She's at home in New Jersey recovering from a broken ankle and some road rash.
My cousin Peggy McCahill Duncan just had triplets!
My cousin Karen McCahill just performed at Davies Hall in San Francisco!
Bill Feeney and I went to see "Broken Flowers" on Wednesday - great film.
CALENDAR - Click here
Thanks for your support of my music. I sure couldn't do it without you. Please forward this on to anyone you think might like my music. As always, you can order my music at CDBaby. I've also made a gallery of some of my favorite CDBaby artists - Check it out!
In this issue:
My immediate destinations are: Philadelphia; Meredosia, IL; Central and Northeastern PA; Western MA; St. Louis; Indianapolis; Kansas City; Des Moines; Madison, WI; Springfield, IL; 3 dates in Michigan; Louisville & Lexington, Kentucky; Terre Haute, IN; Jacksonville & Tallahassee FL; Fort Benning, GA. I hope to see you at one of these places!
It's a war on the workers all right. This Labor Day I'll be joining the locked out workers of Boilermakers' Local 484 in Meredosia, IL. When they refused a 33% wage cut in June, these workers were locked out by the fabulously profitable multinational Celanese Corporation. They are being terrorized by Special Response Corporation based in Hunt Valley, MD. (I wonder if the nice people of Hunt Valley know what creepy corporate neighbors they have? they've got every union in their sights, too... check out this page!
Meredosia, IL is now an armed camp police state, with workers and their families subjected to surveillance and intimidation.
Donate to these brave workers online ... or
To donate in person or by mail, please visit or send donations to:
Boilermakers Local 484 Solidarity/Defense Fund
P.O. Box258
300 Main Street
Meredosia, IL 62665
Meredosia is about 90 minutes from St Louis, 3 1/2 hours from Chicago, an hour from Springfield... Let's have a road warriors' reunion there this Labor Day and show some real solidarity.
If that's impossible for you, try this -- Celanese runs an ethics hotline (really) - Call 1.866.384.4223 and tell them that Meredosia could be another Bhopal if they don't get those inexperienced untrained scabs out of the plant. Tell them to call off their SRC goons. Tell them to negotiate in good faith with Boilermakers' Local 484. I called and a personable woman interviewed me and wrote down everything I said.
"I was taken to the ground by a police officer during that time
I was pepper sprayed. The officer picked up my glasses, sprayed my face
with the pepper spray. Once I got to the ground I was then tasered in
the thigh for what felt like an eternity. It was the most excruciating
pain I have ever felt. I felt like I was burning. My hand reached
down to feel what was on my leg and I felt an electrical shock running
through my entire body. I could not stop myself from screaming. It was
horrifying. I could not believe that after I had already been sprayed
and on the ground they would then proceed to taser me."
-- Merton Center intern and activist, Deanna Caligiuri,
who was hospitalized following this attack.
That was the scene in my hometown, Pittsburgh, PA on August 20th as a couple dozen friends of mine shut down an army recruiting center in Oakland, where the University of Pittsburgh is located. You can see the shocking video of the police riot at the Pittsburgh Indymedia site. Many of you (all of you, I hope) heard this story on Democracy Now! (did you know you can stream DN online any time day or night??)
This past Saturday, August 27, we called for another demonstration against the war, against military recruitment, and against police violence and repression of civil liberties. Approximately 100 of us gathered with signs, peace flags (thanks, paul!) and songs. The recruitment center remained open, but no one went in! The highlight of the demonstration for me was "Bakers against Brutality." My pal Matt Toups wore a long white baker's apron & brought a box of doughnuts with a sign that said, "COPS - Don't Shoot! FREE DONUTS!" Other signs said "Pastries, Not Pepper Spray!" and "Pastries for Peaceful Police" -- They chanted "Whose Treats? Your Treats!" See the photo - Abby Hoffman presente!
Chandler's on a roll. Check out his amazing DVD There's Something in the Air (But It's Not on the Airwaves)
The lyrics I wrote for the machinists and flight attendants at United Airlines were selected as the Labor Notes Song of the Month. Click here for the whole story, or here to listen to the song. Many of you have heard me talk about debuting this song at O'Hare Airport in Chicago on May 14th (the day I sang the song up and down the concourse). Unbelievably, two of my machinist companeras were "held out of service without pay" on August 11 by United Airlines because they uh "refused a direct order of a supervisor." The direct order??? "Make her stop singing!"
Filmmaker Jill Freidberg, (This is What Democracy Looks Like) recently completed a new documentary film and is organizing screenings around the US. "Granito de Arena" is the inspiring and unsettling story of the Mexican teachers' movement and their grassroots struggle to defend public education from the devastating impacts of economic globalization. Freidberg spent almost two years in southern Mexico documenting the strikes, marches, and direct actions of over 100,000 teachers, parents, and students fighting the privatization of Mexico's public schools. Featuring Eduardo Galeano and Maude Barlow!
"Important...disturbing...Anyone concerned about education, human rights, labor unions, Latin America and globalization will want to see this inspiring film."
Mexican Labor News and Analysis
Distribution begins with a mid-west tour this September! To bring the film to your town or to buy the DVD, visit the website or contact
You may have seen the story about how the Forest Service 'goofed' and allowed loggers into the Babyfoot Lake Botanical Sanctuary in Siskiyou -- Well, here are some pictures that are worth 1000 words. Several of my friends were arrested defending this forest from loggers.
This Labor Day send the perfect little thank you to the working class hero in your life -- Union Maid -- 23 songs about unions and working life, guaranteed to fire you up - "War on the Workers," "Which Side Are You On?" "Solidarity Forever" "Whatever Happened to the Eight Hour Day?" "We Just Come to Work Here, We Don't Come to Die" and more! on CDBaby or the Labor Heritage Foundation.
Here's a list of online outlets that are carrying my music for legal digital download to your Ipod or MP3 Player........
Apple iTunes * Bitmunk * Etherstream * MSN Music * MusicMatch * MP3tunes * Rhapsody * LoudEye * MusicNow * MusicNet * Sony Connect * NetMusic * BuyMusic * PassAlong * Chondo
My longtime friends will be flabbergasted to know that I ran a 5K Race a couple weeks ago. It was 94 degrees and very humid. The course was quite challenging (as most Pittsburgh courses are... lots of hills). This was my first race... well, actually my second, but the first one was a 3K race in 1975. (and I wasn't able to finish that one!) This time it took me 42 minutes, and I finished dead last, but I finished! When I fell 1/3 mile away from the finish line, the Edgewood Police car offered me a ride to the finish line. But I opted to run it, skinned knees and all...
Thank goodness my sister Kate escaped with only minor injuries when she was thrown from her brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle in Sturgis, SD! She's at home in New Jersey recovering from a broken ankle and some road rash.
My cousin Peggy McCahill Duncan just had triplets!
My cousin Karen McCahill just performed at Davies Hall in San Francisco!
Bill Feeney and I went to see "Broken Flowers" on Wednesday - great film.
CALENDAR - Click here
Bakers Against Brutality

Thanks to quick thinking by Bakers Against Brutality, another police riot was avoided. The bakers fearlessly chanted to the police, "Whose treats? Your treats!" Anyone agreeing not to use a taser or pepper spray on peaceful protesters was allowed to have a donut.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Triplet cousins!
Here they are! My cousin Peggy McCahill Duncan delivered these gorgeous
babies last month while I was out on my West coast tour - John Duncan is the proud papa and Connor is official big brother. Mazel tov! Here's what Grandma Mardy says: "It honestly takes two adults on their feet 24/7, to feed, tend, and do all the preparations. Jim (Grandpa) has been very busy also, doing a lot with the babies, and also doing nearly all of the cooking, most shopping, & running errands for both households. It's funny, when one of the babies went for a doctor's appointment, it was just so easy taking care of 'only' two of them - twins would be a piece of cake, & three is indeed a major event!" Congratulations to all!

Karen at Davies Hall!

Sixth from the right in the third row up is my cousin Karen McCahill, singing Carmina Burana! Mazel tov!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
The Seattle Times: Local News: Forest Service admits "serious" mistake in logging reserve
Looks like my friends who were arrested trying to stop the logging in "The Biscuit" of southern Oregon were right. Today's Seattle Times reveals that the loggers completely disregarded public policy and invaded a rare tree reserve. Let the forest defenders back into Siskiyou! Siskiyou Project counted 290 stumps inside the botanical area, including one that measured three feet in diameter that was 234 years old, said Ullian.
The Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area was established by the Forest Service in 1963 to protect Brewer spruce (Picea breweriana), a rare, ancient conifer tree that have existed in the area since before the last Ice Age. Brewer's spruce are among the rarest conifers in North America, and were the last to be discovered and described by western science on the continent. The Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area was also created to protect other sensitive endemic plants such as the Tracy's desert parsley (Lupinus tracyi) and Purdy's Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon ssp. purdyi). Botanists come from around the world to visit the Botanical Area.
Lots more info at the Siskiyou Project's Website.
The Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area was established by the Forest Service in 1963 to protect Brewer spruce (Picea breweriana), a rare, ancient conifer tree that have existed in the area since before the last Ice Age. Brewer's spruce are among the rarest conifers in North America, and were the last to be discovered and described by western science on the continent. The Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area was also created to protect other sensitive endemic plants such as the Tracy's desert parsley (Lupinus tracyi) and Purdy's Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon ssp. purdyi). Botanists come from around the world to visit the Botanical Area.
Lots more info at the Siskiyou Project's Website.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Shut 'Cha Down! - Labor Notes - Song Of The Month
This ought to be against the law!
I'm thrilled to report that my little parody slamming Glen Tilton is now the Labor Notes - Song Of The Month
Shut 'Cha Down
Anne Feeney, on receipt of Labor Heritage Foundation's 2005 Joe Hill award, introduced the song this way:
I was just at the Regina Polk union women's leadership conference in Chicago where fully a third of the women attending worked for United Airlines.
I don't how many of you followed what went on, but most of them had put $60,000 to $100,000 of their salary into the employee stock option plan, and when United's stock became worthless they said "Well at least we have the wonderful pension that the union has negotiated for us."
And while we were at this conference the federal bankruptcy court set aside United's pension obligations and funneled it all over to the PBGC [Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation].
And at the same time Glenn Tilton the obnoxious CEO -- there are no words to describe this man -- well maybe there's one -- anyway he was awarded a $450 million guaranteed pension in rocognition of his resolute handling of this crisis.
So this was the biggest hit on Concourse C at O'Hare after the conference. We went from counter to counter singing this.
Actually, Anne was off by a couple of decimal points. Tilton's guaranteed pension is only $4.5 million. Still, when compared to the average United employee's guaranteed pension through PBGC, he is flying high.
Personnel: Anne Feeney, lead vocal, guitar; Steve Jones, piano; Rafael Herrera, Pam Parker, Janet Stecher, harmony vocals
I'm thrilled to report that my little parody slamming Glen Tilton is now the Labor Notes - Song Of The Month
Shut 'Cha Down
Anne Feeney, on receipt of Labor Heritage Foundation's 2005 Joe Hill award, introduced the song this way:
I was just at the Regina Polk union women's leadership conference in Chicago where fully a third of the women attending worked for United Airlines.
I don't how many of you followed what went on, but most of them had put $60,000 to $100,000 of their salary into the employee stock option plan, and when United's stock became worthless they said "Well at least we have the wonderful pension that the union has negotiated for us."
And while we were at this conference the federal bankruptcy court set aside United's pension obligations and funneled it all over to the PBGC [Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation].
And at the same time Glenn Tilton the obnoxious CEO -- there are no words to describe this man -- well maybe there's one -- anyway he was awarded a $450 million guaranteed pension in rocognition of his resolute handling of this crisis.
So this was the biggest hit on Concourse C at O'Hare after the conference. We went from counter to counter singing this.
Actually, Anne was off by a couple of decimal points. Tilton's guaranteed pension is only $4.5 million. Still, when compared to the average United employee's guaranteed pension through PBGC, he is flying high.
Personnel: Anne Feeney, lead vocal, guitar; Steve Jones, piano; Rafael Herrera, Pam Parker, Janet Stecher, harmony vocals
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney: VOLUME One, Number 5 - August 2005
July 31 - Yachats, OR
August 4 - Newport, OR
August 6 - Eugene, OR (FREE show!)
Harrisburg, PA; Hershey, PA; Springfield, IL; Mt. Olive, IL; Ann Arbor, MI; Detroit, MI; Terre Haute, IN
You can buy my CDs at CDBaby
Then, YOIKS! -- I've been so busy I haven't had time to book any new work! I don't even have Labor Day 2005 confirmed anywhere! Holy Cow, what was I thinking? Email me at: if you have some ideas for all these blank dates!
Well, I'll tell ya... I've been on the road for over a month with my 23 year old daughter, Amy Berlin. It's been such a luxury and joy to have so much of her company. It's been so much fun to introduce her to all my friends in the Pacific Northwest (and the great Canadian Southwest)... what an adventure!
Walking into the Oregeon Country Fair (a magnificent three day extravaganza of vaudeville/puppeteering stilt-walkers, contortionists, firebreathers and swordswallowers) I overheard a woman talking. She says "How much worse can things get? Bush in the White House, this horrible war in Iraq, Sandra Day O'Connor resigning, bombs in London, and the AFL-CIO falling apart! Well.... at least I live in a state where I can kill myself!!"
Shall we propose that to the Oregon Convention and Visitors' Bureau? Billboards that say "Welcome to Oregon --- at least you can kill yourself here." .... maybe on the license plates...
And the tour has been wonderful. All my hosts have been conspicuously generous, competent and gracious.
Congratulations to my companero David Rovics, who is going to be a daddy! And good luck to Nathalie, who'll be doing all the work on that project!
The brilliant Prince Myshkins CD "Total Myshkin Awareness" has kept me laughing for the whole tour. I highly recommend it, and you'll be hearing me singing some of their material in the coming months.
I've also really enjoyed performing Pittsburgh songwriter Jack Erdie's terrific song "Let Their Heads Roll." I'll put information on how to listen to and/or order both of these CDs on my blog soon.
In the meantime, a gazillion people have asked me what I think about the current turmoil in the US Labor movement. I've put a few links on my blog to people whose opinions I greatly respect, and I encourage you to read their thoughtful opinions. It's a good thing that so many people are hearing and thinking about unions ... there has never been a social engine like it for ending poverty and improving the quality of working life. I mourn the end of the AFL-CIO women's divisions, education department, the layoffs and firings of the field representatives and the uncertain future of labor education. I hope this crisis evolves into the end of labor's love affair with its abusive spouse, the Democratic party. We need a real progressive political party in this country and the Democrats have demonstrated time and againt that they are not interested. Meanwhile, millions of people work draconian hours and suffer debilitating stress-related and repetitive motion injuries. Millions work with no pensions, or find their pensions looted at the end of a 35 year working career. Millions endure invasive spying, prying and over-management of their waking hours. Millions have no health care, or are stuffed into some crappy HMO. Parents have no time for their children. Working adults have no time for service to their communities, civic life, cultural life. We need a vital and energetic labor movement more than ever ... and I'm still ready to work hard for it.
At the AFM national convention (American Federation of Musicians) in Las Vegas we passed the US Labor Against the War resolution calling for an immediate end to the war! It was very exciting. One brother came up to the mic and says, "Does anyone in this room remember Inchon?? Does that name mean anything to you? I was there! I invaded Korea! I know what war is!!! and I'm telling you now, I wish to hell someone in the United States had been working to bring ME home!!" of course I'm paraphrasing his remarks, but we all thought he was headed in a different direction with that speech! I'm so proud of my union. The same resolution passed at the AFL-CIO convention in Chicago, too.
Please forward this on to anyone you think might enjoy it, and tell your friends and relations to come and see me if I'm headed to where they live! I'm never going to have any corporate sponsors, folks, so YOU are my publicists...
Sunday, July 31st, 2005 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Yachats Commons
Highway 101
Yachats, OR
Price: $10 sugggested
no one turned away.... this will be a great night... co-sponsored by the local Folklore Society... you can also email for more info.
Thursday, August 4th, 2005 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Cafe Mundo
NW Coast and 2nd St
Newport, OR
Price: $10 suggested
no one turned away... all welcome..more info at
Saturday, August 6th, 2005 7:30 PM
U Oregon Labor Summer School
University of Oregon - Erb Memorial Ballroom
Eugene, OR
Price: FREE!!
Bob Bussell is the contact.
Bob Bussell be reached at 541 346-2784 (w) or 541 232-1764 (Cell)
Sunday, August 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Looking for Work
Bay Area or north... enroute to Eureka
Monday, August 22nd, 2005 8:00 PM
Vacation/Retreat in Northern CA thru August 31
Friday, September 9th, 2005 8:00 PM
PA Labor History Society Annual Meeting
Harrisburg, PA
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 8:00 PM
PA Labor History Society Annual Meeting
Hershey, PA
Saturday, October 8th, 2005 6:00 PM
Mother Jones Banquet
U of IL at Springfield PAC Cafeteria
Springfield, IL
Sunday, October 9th, 2005 10:00 AM
Mother Jones Memorial Service
Mt Olive, IL
Wednesday, October 19th, 2005 8:00 PM
IWW Centenary Event
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
julie herrada is organizing this
Friday, October 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Labor History Conference
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
ML Liebler is coordinating this event
Saturday, October 29th, 2005 8:00 PM
2005 Eugene V Debs Dinner
Terre Haute, IN
Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 6PM
Thomas Merton Center Award Dinner
Sheraton Station Square
Pittsburgh, PA
This year's awardee is Father Roy Bourgeois!
Friday, Nov 18th - Sunday, Nov 20th, 2005 12:00 PM
SOA Vigil
details TBA
Fort Benning, GA `
July 31 - Yachats, OR
August 4 - Newport, OR
August 6 - Eugene, OR (FREE show!)
Harrisburg, PA; Hershey, PA; Springfield, IL; Mt. Olive, IL; Ann Arbor, MI; Detroit, MI; Terre Haute, IN
You can buy my CDs at CDBaby
Then, YOIKS! -- I've been so busy I haven't had time to book any new work! I don't even have Labor Day 2005 confirmed anywhere! Holy Cow, what was I thinking? Email me at: if you have some ideas for all these blank dates!
Well, I'll tell ya... I've been on the road for over a month with my 23 year old daughter, Amy Berlin. It's been such a luxury and joy to have so much of her company. It's been so much fun to introduce her to all my friends in the Pacific Northwest (and the great Canadian Southwest)... what an adventure!
Walking into the Oregeon Country Fair (a magnificent three day extravaganza of vaudeville/puppeteering stilt-walkers, contortionists, firebreathers and swordswallowers) I overheard a woman talking. She says "How much worse can things get? Bush in the White House, this horrible war in Iraq, Sandra Day O'Connor resigning, bombs in London, and the AFL-CIO falling apart! Well.... at least I live in a state where I can kill myself!!"
Shall we propose that to the Oregon Convention and Visitors' Bureau? Billboards that say "Welcome to Oregon --- at least you can kill yourself here." .... maybe on the license plates...
And the tour has been wonderful. All my hosts have been conspicuously generous, competent and gracious.
Congratulations to my companero David Rovics, who is going to be a daddy! And good luck to Nathalie, who'll be doing all the work on that project!
The brilliant Prince Myshkins CD "Total Myshkin Awareness" has kept me laughing for the whole tour. I highly recommend it, and you'll be hearing me singing some of their material in the coming months.
I've also really enjoyed performing Pittsburgh songwriter Jack Erdie's terrific song "Let Their Heads Roll." I'll put information on how to listen to and/or order both of these CDs on my blog soon.
In the meantime, a gazillion people have asked me what I think about the current turmoil in the US Labor movement. I've put a few links on my blog to people whose opinions I greatly respect, and I encourage you to read their thoughtful opinions. It's a good thing that so many people are hearing and thinking about unions ... there has never been a social engine like it for ending poverty and improving the quality of working life. I mourn the end of the AFL-CIO women's divisions, education department, the layoffs and firings of the field representatives and the uncertain future of labor education. I hope this crisis evolves into the end of labor's love affair with its abusive spouse, the Democratic party. We need a real progressive political party in this country and the Democrats have demonstrated time and againt that they are not interested. Meanwhile, millions of people work draconian hours and suffer debilitating stress-related and repetitive motion injuries. Millions work with no pensions, or find their pensions looted at the end of a 35 year working career. Millions endure invasive spying, prying and over-management of their waking hours. Millions have no health care, or are stuffed into some crappy HMO. Parents have no time for their children. Working adults have no time for service to their communities, civic life, cultural life. We need a vital and energetic labor movement more than ever ... and I'm still ready to work hard for it.
At the AFM national convention (American Federation of Musicians) in Las Vegas we passed the US Labor Against the War resolution calling for an immediate end to the war! It was very exciting. One brother came up to the mic and says, "Does anyone in this room remember Inchon?? Does that name mean anything to you? I was there! I invaded Korea! I know what war is!!! and I'm telling you now, I wish to hell someone in the United States had been working to bring ME home!!" of course I'm paraphrasing his remarks, but we all thought he was headed in a different direction with that speech! I'm so proud of my union. The same resolution passed at the AFL-CIO convention in Chicago, too.
Please forward this on to anyone you think might enjoy it, and tell your friends and relations to come and see me if I'm headed to where they live! I'm never going to have any corporate sponsors, folks, so YOU are my publicists...
Sunday, July 31st, 2005 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Yachats Commons
Highway 101
Yachats, OR
Price: $10 sugggested
no one turned away.... this will be a great night... co-sponsored by the local Folklore Society... you can also email for more info.
Thursday, August 4th, 2005 8:00 PM
Music for Troublemakers
Cafe Mundo
NW Coast and 2nd St
Newport, OR
Price: $10 suggested
no one turned away... all welcome..more info at
Saturday, August 6th, 2005 7:30 PM
U Oregon Labor Summer School
University of Oregon - Erb Memorial Ballroom
Eugene, OR
Price: FREE!!
Bob Bussell is the contact.
Bob Bussell be reached at 541 346-2784 (w) or 541 232-1764 (Cell)
Sunday, August 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Looking for Work
Bay Area or north... enroute to Eureka
Monday, August 22nd, 2005 8:00 PM
Vacation/Retreat in Northern CA thru August 31
Friday, September 9th, 2005 8:00 PM
PA Labor History Society Annual Meeting
Harrisburg, PA
Saturday, September 10th, 2005 8:00 PM
PA Labor History Society Annual Meeting
Hershey, PA
Saturday, October 8th, 2005 6:00 PM
Mother Jones Banquet
U of IL at Springfield PAC Cafeteria
Springfield, IL
Sunday, October 9th, 2005 10:00 AM
Mother Jones Memorial Service
Mt Olive, IL
Wednesday, October 19th, 2005 8:00 PM
IWW Centenary Event
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
julie herrada is organizing this
Friday, October 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Labor History Conference
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
ML Liebler is coordinating this event
Saturday, October 29th, 2005 8:00 PM
2005 Eugene V Debs Dinner
Terre Haute, IN
Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 6PM
Thomas Merton Center Award Dinner
Sheraton Station Square
Pittsburgh, PA
This year's awardee is Father Roy Bourgeois!
Friday, Nov 18th - Sunday, Nov 20th, 2005 12:00 PM
SOA Vigil
details TBA
Fort Benning, GA `
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
IFCO/Pastors for Peace 2005 Caravan to Cuba
IFCO/Pastors for Peace 2005 Caravan to Cuba has run into a roadblock and could use your help....
Call the Department of Commerce and Demand The Release of the Aid!
On Thursday July 21st, US Customs and Border Protection officers, acting on instructions from the US Department of Commerce, seized 43 boxes of computer equipment – toner, cables, calculators, modems, keyboards, 2 printers, and a dozen computers – intended for Cuban children from the 16th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan...........
• Call your congressional representative and your senators (202-225-3121); urge them to personally call Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce and insist that he let the computers go!
• Call Michael D. Turner, Director of Export Enforcement for the Department of Commerce and insist that the computers be released. 202.482.1208, Ext. 3
• Call Wendy Wysong, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, for Export
Enforcement, and insist that the computers be released and allowed to continue to Cuba. 202.482.3618
• Ask your church or congregation to sign on to our Pastoral Letter in support of releasing the aid and allowing it to continue on to Cuba (available soon on our website).
• Organize a solidarity prayer vigil on Wednesday, July 27.
Our Prayer Vigil will be taking place on the Hidalg-Reynosa International Bridge, Wednesday, 4:30- 6:30pm
• Hold a Rally at the Federal Building in your town to demand the release of the computers.
For more information, visit the Pastors For Peace website,
Call the Department of Commerce and Demand The Release of the Aid!
On Thursday July 21st, US Customs and Border Protection officers, acting on instructions from the US Department of Commerce, seized 43 boxes of computer equipment – toner, cables, calculators, modems, keyboards, 2 printers, and a dozen computers – intended for Cuban children from the 16th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan...........
• Call your congressional representative and your senators (202-225-3121); urge them to personally call Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce and insist that he let the computers go!
• Call Michael D. Turner, Director of Export Enforcement for the Department of Commerce and insist that the computers be released. 202.482.1208, Ext. 3
• Call Wendy Wysong, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, for Export
Enforcement, and insist that the computers be released and allowed to continue to Cuba. 202.482.3618
• Ask your church or congregation to sign on to our Pastoral Letter in support of releasing the aid and allowing it to continue on to Cuba (available soon on our website).
• Organize a solidarity prayer vigil on Wednesday, July 27.
Our Prayer Vigil will be taking place on the Hidalg-Reynosa International Bridge, Wednesday, 4:30- 6:30pm
• Hold a Rally at the Federal Building in your town to demand the release of the computers.
For more information, visit the Pastors For Peace website,
Monday, July 25, 2005
What's Going on in the Labor Movement?
The best analysis of what's going on these days in the labor movement can be found from my friend Jerry Tucker in Monthly Review
I also thought Rose Ann DeMoro of the California Nurses' Organization did a great job of exposing the issues in Counterpunch
The most important thing for us to remember right now is, (as the Wobblies say), "the working class and the employing class have nothing in common." We can move on from whatever happens in Chicago for constructive change and refuse to get embroiled in backstabbing.
I also thought Rose Ann DeMoro of the California Nurses' Organization did a great job of exposing the issues in Counterpunch
The most important thing for us to remember right now is, (as the Wobblies say), "the working class and the employing class have nothing in common." We can move on from whatever happens in Chicago for constructive change and refuse to get embroiled in backstabbing.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Greetings from Eugene
I'm still glowing from the fabulous midwest trip. It was so great to stay with Ed & Marlene Sadlowski, although, as always, I wish we had had more time together. The IWW concert was great fun. Larry Long, Citizens' Band, Charlie King & Len Wallace, John Berquist, Rebel Voices, Mark Ross, Utah Phillips and I took turns swapping songs, adding harmonies, instrumentals, and, at least once, a chorus line ! I sure hope the live recording that was made captures the magic of that evening at the Peoples' Church. I was stunned to learn that my pal Len Wallace was recovering from a heart attack... He looked great, tho...and sounded strong as ever...
What a great surprise to see Al and Dotty Dale from Bellingham, WA at the show -- they were in town for a wedding and visiting son Dan. The Wobbly conference that took place that weekend was terrific too... it was so inspiring to hear the organizers from the South Street Workers' Union. And Ernie Beal has a great UU congregation that meets in the same church on Sundays. I had the pleasure of singing at that service.
Mother Jones Fest was interesting. Cecil Roberts, President of my beloved United Mineworkers of America, spoke. He talked more about Mother Jones and the old days -- not a word about the mineworkers supporting mountain-top mining in WV, or their *not* supporting a national park and monument at Blair Mountain, where striking miners were the victims of the only aerial bombing of US civilians in our history until the MOVE bombings in Philadelphia many decades later. The turnout for the Mother Jones Fest was fantastic. More than 400 tickets sold to the banquet ... and there were a host of activities that weekend... including a Mother Jones Golf Tourney!
The Midwest Labor Press Association conference was fantastic. How nice to see Mike Rankert, and so many folks from Hedy Hilburn's Louisville local ... Gary Brown did a great job putting it together.
Got to spend lots of time with Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis of Rebel Voices, and a little with Citizen's Band and Charlie King. I flew from Chicago to Dulles, to pick up my car where I had left it after the Great Labor Arts Exchange. Mark Ross had missed his plane, so we had lunch at the airport. When I got to DC, my son Dan and his sweetheart Monique and I went to Silver Spring and had dinner with my best friend from college, Shirley Shultz. Shirley and I had a glorious day of self-indulgence ... gym, manicures, new shoes... and I got back to the Burgh at 11 PM with 36 hours to unpack from the MN, DC and Midwest swing and pack for the 5 week tour of the great Pacific Northwet and Canadian Southwewst...
Now I'm in Eugene where my daughter Amy is sleeping sweetly until I wake her to help me find a birthday cake for the big Brian QTN/Anne Feeney Birthday Celebration at Sam Bond's tonight. That should be great fun.
I'm sick about Sandra Day O'Connor's resignation. I was hoping Bush would resign before any of them did.
What a great surprise to see Al and Dotty Dale from Bellingham, WA at the show -- they were in town for a wedding and visiting son Dan. The Wobbly conference that took place that weekend was terrific too... it was so inspiring to hear the organizers from the South Street Workers' Union. And Ernie Beal has a great UU congregation that meets in the same church on Sundays. I had the pleasure of singing at that service.
Mother Jones Fest was interesting. Cecil Roberts, President of my beloved United Mineworkers of America, spoke. He talked more about Mother Jones and the old days -- not a word about the mineworkers supporting mountain-top mining in WV, or their *not* supporting a national park and monument at Blair Mountain, where striking miners were the victims of the only aerial bombing of US civilians in our history until the MOVE bombings in Philadelphia many decades later. The turnout for the Mother Jones Fest was fantastic. More than 400 tickets sold to the banquet ... and there were a host of activities that weekend... including a Mother Jones Golf Tourney!
The Midwest Labor Press Association conference was fantastic. How nice to see Mike Rankert, and so many folks from Hedy Hilburn's Louisville local ... Gary Brown did a great job putting it together.
Got to spend lots of time with Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis of Rebel Voices, and a little with Citizen's Band and Charlie King. I flew from Chicago to Dulles, to pick up my car where I had left it after the Great Labor Arts Exchange. Mark Ross had missed his plane, so we had lunch at the airport. When I got to DC, my son Dan and his sweetheart Monique and I went to Silver Spring and had dinner with my best friend from college, Shirley Shultz. Shirley and I had a glorious day of self-indulgence ... gym, manicures, new shoes... and I got back to the Burgh at 11 PM with 36 hours to unpack from the MN, DC and Midwest swing and pack for the 5 week tour of the great Pacific Northwet and Canadian Southwewst...
Now I'm in Eugene where my daughter Amy is sleeping sweetly until I wake her to help me find a birthday cake for the big Brian QTN/Anne Feeney Birthday Celebration at Sam Bond's tonight. That should be great fun.
I'm sick about Sandra Day O'Connor's resignation. I was hoping Bush would resign before any of them did.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - Volume One, Number 4: July 2005
Please BUY CDS at ... If you haven't checked out the Great Peace March CD yet, you should!
Hi there Fellow Travelers!
It's my birthday! I've always loved birthdays and still do. Birthdays are wonderful... Lately I've been wondering a lot... I wonder where I put my glasses... I wonder where the time went... I wonder where I left my boots... I wonder if we can filibuster Supreme Court appointments through the next election cycle...
My best birthday present is getting to do this fabulous five week tour on the left coast with my daughter, Amy Berlin, just back from several months in Mexico, where she studied Spanish.
I hope to see lots of you at the shows, and if you're far away from California, Oregon, Washington and BC ... PLEASE think of someone you know out this way and send them to one of my shows!!
More news at my blog... just visit and click on the blog...
Love and Solidarity from the City of Roses - Portland, OR
Sunday, July 3rd, 2005 8:30 PM
Giant Birthday Party for Anne Feeney & Brian Cutean
Sam Bond's Garage
Eugene, OR
Price: $6
Cover charge includes yummy cake! Come celebrate with us!
Wednesday, July 6th& 7th, 2005 5:00 PM
Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women
Lewis And Clark College
Saturday, July 9th, 2005 1:30 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Shady Grove Stage
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 10th, 2005 2:00 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Blue Moon Stage
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 10th, 2005 5:00 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Spirit Tower
Robert DeSpain & Dancing Dragons present...
Tuesday, July 12th, 2005 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Bellview Grange
1050 Talman Creek Rd.
Ashland, OR
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
for info call. mori 541-482-8288. Patrick Dodd will be opening for me and a 7 minute labor video will be shown.
Wednesday, July 13th, 2005 8:00 PM
KMUD presents Anne Feeney
Civic Club
477 Maple Lane
Garberville, CA
contact Dave Myers for more information: 707-923-2513
Thursday, July 14th, 2005 8:00 PM
Bastille Day Concert for SF Laborfest
La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705
Friday, July 15th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert in the Bay Area
probably at Nina and Dan Fendel's in Oakland
Oakland, CA
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
email to reserve, or call 415.420.1701
Saturday, July 16th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert at Louis and Nancy La Fortune's house
La Fortune's House
Santa Cruz, CA
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
home phone is 831.476.5019.
cell is 831.588.8487
reserve a seat early... this house concert always sells out!
Sunday, July 17th, 2005 10:00 AM
Streaming Web appearance on Please Stand By
This is a legendary radio show hosted by John Sandidge. Tune in! You'll love it.
Sunday, July 17th, 2005 2:00 PM
House Concert
Watsonville, CA
Price: $10-20 suggested
RSVP to if you'd like to attend. It will be a great show! Updated info should be available at;calendar.html soon.
Monday, July 18th, 2005 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
fundraiser for the Women Ventures Project (program that trains and places women in non-traditional jobs most of which are in partnership with the local building trade union shops).
6275 Highway 9 in Downtown Felton, CA 95018
For ticket reservations and info call 831-335-2800
Tickets Available at Don Quixote's
Under 21 must be accompanied by parent
July 19 & 20
Off to Las Vegas for the AFM convention, where I was elected to serve as a delegate for Local 1000.
Friday, July 22nd, 2005 8:00 PM
Harry Stamper and Anne Feeney
First United Methodist Church of Coos Bay
123 Ocean Blvd
Coos Bay, OR
Price: $5 will have all the details, children free, call (541) 888-1038
Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 7:00 PM
Benefit Concert for Washington State Jobs with Justice
Joe Szwaja's House
2021 NE 75th Street
Seattle, WA
Price: $10-20 sliding... is the contact... with special guests Anna Roland and Thistle
Sunday, July 24th, 2005 8:00 PM
Carnegie Community Centre
Vancouver, BC
details very soon!
Monday, July 25th, 2005 7:30 PM
House Concert
Ken Orchard's House
Victoria, BC
Price: $10-12
tickets: $10 unwaged $12 waged
reservations: 385 1307 or
Tentative Seattle, July 27th
Labor History Workshop is the contact
Thursday, July 28th, 2005 8:00 PM
Songs for Hellraisers
Bellingham, WA
Betsy Pernotto and Steve Koch are making this one happen.
Friday, July 29th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert
Somewhere in Olympia
Olympia, WA
harry levine is the contact for this one... still tentative... details soon...
Saturday, July 30th
Tentative House Concert - Portland
Connie Cohen is working on it...
Saturday, August 6th, 2005 7:30 PM
U Oregon Labor Summer School
University of Oregon - Erb Memorial Ballroom
Eugene, OR
Price: free
Bob Bussell is the contact.
The performance will be primarily for attendees at the summer school,
although folks from the community are welcome to attend.
We will have summer school info. on our website that will note your
Bob Bussell be reached at 541 346-2784 (w) or 541 232-1764 (Cell).
Hi there Fellow Travelers!
It's my birthday! I've always loved birthdays and still do. Birthdays are wonderful... Lately I've been wondering a lot... I wonder where I put my glasses... I wonder where the time went... I wonder where I left my boots... I wonder if we can filibuster Supreme Court appointments through the next election cycle...
My best birthday present is getting to do this fabulous five week tour on the left coast with my daughter, Amy Berlin, just back from several months in Mexico, where she studied Spanish.
I hope to see lots of you at the shows, and if you're far away from California, Oregon, Washington and BC ... PLEASE think of someone you know out this way and send them to one of my shows!!
More news at my blog... just visit and click on the blog...
Love and Solidarity from the City of Roses - Portland, OR
Sunday, July 3rd, 2005 8:30 PM
Giant Birthday Party for Anne Feeney & Brian Cutean
Sam Bond's Garage
Eugene, OR
Price: $6
Cover charge includes yummy cake! Come celebrate with us!
Wednesday, July 6th& 7th, 2005 5:00 PM
Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women
Lewis And Clark College
Saturday, July 9th, 2005 1:30 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Shady Grove Stage
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 10th, 2005 2:00 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Blue Moon Stage
Veneta, OR
Sunday, July 10th, 2005 5:00 PM
Oregon Country Fair
Spirit Tower
Robert DeSpain & Dancing Dragons present...
Tuesday, July 12th, 2005 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Bellview Grange
1050 Talman Creek Rd.
Ashland, OR
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
for info call. mori 541-482-8288. Patrick Dodd will be opening for me and a 7 minute labor video will be shown.
Wednesday, July 13th, 2005 8:00 PM
KMUD presents Anne Feeney
Civic Club
477 Maple Lane
Garberville, CA
contact Dave Myers for more information: 707-923-2513
Thursday, July 14th, 2005 8:00 PM
Bastille Day Concert for SF Laborfest
La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705
Friday, July 15th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert in the Bay Area
probably at Nina and Dan Fendel's in Oakland
Oakland, CA
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
email to reserve, or call 415.420.1701
Saturday, July 16th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert at Louis and Nancy La Fortune's house
La Fortune's House
Santa Cruz, CA
Price: $10-20 sliding suggested
home phone is 831.476.5019.
cell is 831.588.8487
reserve a seat early... this house concert always sells out!
Sunday, July 17th, 2005 10:00 AM
Streaming Web appearance on Please Stand By
This is a legendary radio show hosted by John Sandidge. Tune in! You'll love it.
Sunday, July 17th, 2005 2:00 PM
House Concert
Watsonville, CA
Price: $10-20 suggested
RSVP to if you'd like to attend. It will be a great show! Updated info should be available at;calendar.html soon.
Monday, July 18th, 2005 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
fundraiser for the Women Ventures Project (program that trains and places women in non-traditional jobs most of which are in partnership with the local building trade union shops).
6275 Highway 9 in Downtown Felton, CA 95018
For ticket reservations and info call 831-335-2800
Tickets Available at Don Quixote's
Under 21 must be accompanied by parent
July 19 & 20
Off to Las Vegas for the AFM convention, where I was elected to serve as a delegate for Local 1000.
Friday, July 22nd, 2005 8:00 PM
Harry Stamper and Anne Feeney
First United Methodist Church of Coos Bay
123 Ocean Blvd
Coos Bay, OR
Price: $5 will have all the details, children free, call (541) 888-1038
Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 7:00 PM
Benefit Concert for Washington State Jobs with Justice
Joe Szwaja's House
2021 NE 75th Street
Seattle, WA
Price: $10-20 sliding... is the contact... with special guests Anna Roland and Thistle
Sunday, July 24th, 2005 8:00 PM
Carnegie Community Centre
Vancouver, BC
details very soon!
Monday, July 25th, 2005 7:30 PM
House Concert
Ken Orchard's House
Victoria, BC
Price: $10-12
tickets: $10 unwaged $12 waged
reservations: 385 1307 or
Tentative Seattle, July 27th
Labor History Workshop is the contact
Thursday, July 28th, 2005 8:00 PM
Songs for Hellraisers
Bellingham, WA
Betsy Pernotto and Steve Koch are making this one happen.
Friday, July 29th, 2005 8:00 PM
House Concert
Somewhere in Olympia
Olympia, WA
harry levine is the contact for this one... still tentative... details soon...
Saturday, July 30th
Tentative House Concert - Portland
Connie Cohen is working on it...
Saturday, August 6th, 2005 7:30 PM
U Oregon Labor Summer School
University of Oregon - Erb Memorial Ballroom
Eugene, OR
Price: free
Bob Bussell is the contact.
The performance will be primarily for attendees at the summer school,
although folks from the community are welcome to attend.
We will have summer school info. on our website that will note your
Bob Bussell be reached at 541 346-2784 (w) or 541 232-1764 (Cell).
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Southern Women Rise!
Working women of the South have a fabulous opportunity at their fingertips... the Southern School for Union Women!
Join union women from all over the South for four days of training and networking. Women representing a variety of unions, jobs, and backgrounds come together to develop organizing and leadership skills and to be energized and inspired for their work in the labor movement. Participants attend two workshops over four days, as well as general sessions on current economic, political, and legislative issues affecting unions and workers. Instructors and speakers are university labor educators and union staff members. ... Change your workplace and your life! Go to Hot Springs... Tell 'em I sent ya! In sisterhood and solidarity... Anne
Join union women from all over the South for four days of training and networking. Women representing a variety of unions, jobs, and backgrounds come together to develop organizing and leadership skills and to be energized and inspired for their work in the labor movement. Participants attend two workshops over four days, as well as general sessions on current economic, political, and legislative issues affecting unions and workers. Instructors and speakers are university labor educators and union staff members. ... Change your workplace and your life! Go to Hot Springs... Tell 'em I sent ya! In sisterhood and solidarity... Anne
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Rest Well, Sister Ruth
Ruth McKay Obit
Longtime peace activist Ruth McKay left this world on June 5th, following a brief illness. She was surrounded by friends, who, according to the obituary, sang "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" for her. You can read about her inspiring life by clicking on the link above. Thanks to Arnie Alpert for sending this to me.
Longtime peace activist Ruth McKay left this world on June 5th, following a brief illness. She was surrounded by friends, who, according to the obituary, sang "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" for her. You can read about her inspiring life by clicking on the link above. Thanks to Arnie Alpert for sending this to me.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
One Quick Photo from the Tour

Monday, May 30, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - JUNE 2005: VOLUME ONE, Number Three
JUNE DESTINATIONS: Toronto, Hamilton & Peterborough, Ontario; Pittsburgh, PA; Madison, WI; Quad Cities (Rock Island, IL); Winona, MN; Washington, DC; St. Louis, MO; Mt. Olive, IL and Chicago, IL
CDS available at - great Father's Day gifts!
30 May 2005
Yes, folks ... I'm in Hans Christian Andersen land where spring is still springing and the days are already 18 hours long. I'll never figure out why flights to Europe leave in the evening from the US.
Arriving at the crack of dawn on no sleep is a prescription for a few miserable days at the start of any European visit. I got over it though, and it's a good thing, because David Rovics and Jan Hammarlund are great hellraising companeros and we were really busy here in Scandinavia.
Touring with David Rovics is a blast. I'm sure we'll be doing it again. I love singing on his songs and he does a great job on mine, and our repertoires are very different so the variety is great. Gerd Berlev in Copenhagen organized the most wonderful gigs for us while we were in Denmark... a terrific peace festival where we got to hear Per Warming, a fine Danish folksinger, and Savage Rose, an amazing Danish band....
and....... our wonderful new friend Jan Hammarlund who did a great job of organizing gigs for us in Sweden. We put thousands of miles by car, plane, train and taxi during this trip, but it was fantastic. I've put a link to his website below, but nothing does him justice like hearing him live. He's a terrific performer, great sense of humor, thoughtful, great player... I can't say enough. I hope to bring him to the US to tour soon.
Most of the folks we met in Sweden and Denmark are bitterly opposed to most of the workings of the European Union and rejoiced when France voted down the proposed "European Constitution" that would override the constitutions of the European social democracies and escalate this race to the bottom.
I'll have photos up on the blog soon, and you'll be able to see the Coca-Cola Boycott concert, the End the Embargo show, the fantastic Danish labor school in Helsingor and much much more..
I'm looking forward to my upcoming visits to Canada, the midwest and of course CA, OR, WA and BC! I'm booking Florida dates in January 2006... email me with any ideas.
Kerrhugs to all my camping buddies at the Kerrville Folk Festival.
Love and Solidarity
some performer links...
Jan Hammarlund -
He's fluent in Swedish, English, Spanish, Danish and several other languages. Jan has translated Violeta Para songs into Swedish and introduced her music to Sweden. He's traveled in Chile and he's a fabulous performer. He's a terrific guitar player with a clear and true voice and a great sense of humor.
Per Warming
A very thoughtful man, and a skilled player... although I don't understand a word of Danish, it was easy to see that the audience adored him.
Savage Rose - Thomas and Annissette
stage magic... Thomas on accordion and Annissette... well, seeing is believing... they've got a great website.
Check this out...
shop till you drop in Mexico...
You probably know that workers are generally paid much less in Mexico than they’d earn doing the same job in the U.S. But do you know how much less? And what difference does that make?
Many people imagine that those lower wages go farther, because of lower prices in Mexico.
Using this new interactive feature on the UE International web site, check out that assumption. The site invites you to pick a worker – whether it’s a teacher or factory worker, nurse or plumber, social worker or bank employee.
My pal Nancy Brigham has done a fabulous job of researching and demonstrating how the exporting of jobs is working out for workers in Mexico... This is a terrific piece of work Nancy has done... check it out!
Several folks have written to congratulate me on the Joe Hill Award and inquire as to how they can share in the celebration. If you can't join me at the Great Labor Arts Exchange in Washington, DC, visit - your tax deductible contribution to:
The Labor Heritage Foundation
888 16th St. NW Suite 680
Washington, DC 20006
will go a long way toward helping cultural workers in the labor movement.
I'm not sure that we can click our way to a better world, but there are some really good sites that monitor breaking news and allow us to respond quickly to legislative and other shenanigans...
Friday, June 3rd, 2005 8:00 PM
Toronto Concert with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
25 Cecil Street
Toronto, ON
george hewison is putting this together - (705) 657-2351
tickets for sale at the door and
@ Toronto Women's Bookstore
73 Harbord Street (Toronto)
Saturday, June 4th, 2005 8:00 PM
Hamilton Concert with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
Skydragon Centre
24 King St. East, 3rd Floor
Hamilton, ON L8N 1A3
george hewison is organizing this one
(905) 777-8102
contact: Kevin MacKay
Sunday, June 5th, 2005 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Peterborough Concert
with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
395 Aylmer Street North
Peterborough, ON CANADA
705-876-6530 is the club phone.
contact Fellow Worker at:
Wednesday, June 8th, 2005 8:00 PM
Mountain Justice Benefit
Quiet Storm
Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Join me and a lot of special guests as we raise some money and some awareness. Mountain top mining is destroying West Virginia and this summer many activists will join hands with WV communities to halt this repulsive process.
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 1:00 PM
Folk at One
Peace Park
400 block of State Street
Madison, WI
Price: free
Rain Location: Memorial Union - Lakefront Room
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 6:00 PM
University of Wisconsin Extension
80th Anniversary of the School for Workers
Madison, WI
Contact John Lund: 608-262-9847 or
Sunday, June 12th, 2005 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Laborers' Local 309
Rock Island, IL
Chris Dunn is organizing this -
Friday, June 17th, 2005 7:30 PM
Minnesota Greens State Convention Kickoff Concert
Blue Heron Coffee House
Winona, MN is the contact for this show.... with special guests!
Sunday, June 19, 20 and 21, 2005
Great Labor Arts Exchange
George Meany Institute for Labor Studies
Takoma Park, MD
This fabulous conference ends with a terrific public concert on
Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Great Labor Arts Exchange
George Meany Institute for Labor Studies
Takoma Park, MD
Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 8:00 PM
Midwest Labor Press Association Banquet
Holiday Inn Riverport
St Louis, MO
Gary Brown has more information
Friday, June 24th, 2005 6:00 PM
Mother Jones Festival
Banquet at The Crystal Ballroom
Mount Olive, IL
Exit #41 on I 55 Go West towards Staunton, pass the Super 8 Motel & over a hill. The CRYSTAL BALLROOM will be on the left side, less than a mile from the I 55 exit
Saturday, June 25th, 2005 8:00 PM
IWW Centenary Concert
People's Church
Lawrence St
Chicago, IL
with Citizens' Band, Larry Long, Mark Ross, Charlie King & Karen Brandow, Utah Phillips and "Rebel Voices"- Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis, from Seattle, WA and other very special guests.
contact John Berquist at or 773.752.2248
Sunday, June 26th, 2005 10:30 AM
U U Service
Chicago, IL
more details soon.
all welcome
More and updated information at
**ALWAYS** check with the venue to make sure that the time of the performance and other details are correct. I try really hard to keep this current, but if you think about this itinerary, you'll see my life is a little hectic and it's hard to stay on top of everything all the time..
CDS available at - great Father's Day gifts!
30 May 2005
Yes, folks ... I'm in Hans Christian Andersen land where spring is still springing and the days are already 18 hours long. I'll never figure out why flights to Europe leave in the evening from the US.
Arriving at the crack of dawn on no sleep is a prescription for a few miserable days at the start of any European visit. I got over it though, and it's a good thing, because David Rovics and Jan Hammarlund are great hellraising companeros and we were really busy here in Scandinavia.
Touring with David Rovics is a blast. I'm sure we'll be doing it again. I love singing on his songs and he does a great job on mine, and our repertoires are very different so the variety is great. Gerd Berlev in Copenhagen organized the most wonderful gigs for us while we were in Denmark... a terrific peace festival where we got to hear Per Warming, a fine Danish folksinger, and Savage Rose, an amazing Danish band....
and....... our wonderful new friend Jan Hammarlund who did a great job of organizing gigs for us in Sweden. We put thousands of miles by car, plane, train and taxi during this trip, but it was fantastic. I've put a link to his website below, but nothing does him justice like hearing him live. He's a terrific performer, great sense of humor, thoughtful, great player... I can't say enough. I hope to bring him to the US to tour soon.
Most of the folks we met in Sweden and Denmark are bitterly opposed to most of the workings of the European Union and rejoiced when France voted down the proposed "European Constitution" that would override the constitutions of the European social democracies and escalate this race to the bottom.
I'll have photos up on the blog soon, and you'll be able to see the Coca-Cola Boycott concert, the End the Embargo show, the fantastic Danish labor school in Helsingor and much much more..
I'm looking forward to my upcoming visits to Canada, the midwest and of course CA, OR, WA and BC! I'm booking Florida dates in January 2006... email me with any ideas.
Kerrhugs to all my camping buddies at the Kerrville Folk Festival.
Love and Solidarity
some performer links...
Jan Hammarlund -
He's fluent in Swedish, English, Spanish, Danish and several other languages. Jan has translated Violeta Para songs into Swedish and introduced her music to Sweden. He's traveled in Chile and he's a fabulous performer. He's a terrific guitar player with a clear and true voice and a great sense of humor.
Per Warming
A very thoughtful man, and a skilled player... although I don't understand a word of Danish, it was easy to see that the audience adored him.
Savage Rose - Thomas and Annissette
stage magic... Thomas on accordion and Annissette... well, seeing is believing... they've got a great website.
Check this out...
shop till you drop in Mexico...
You probably know that workers are generally paid much less in Mexico than they’d earn doing the same job in the U.S. But do you know how much less? And what difference does that make?
Many people imagine that those lower wages go farther, because of lower prices in Mexico.
Using this new interactive feature on the UE International web site, check out that assumption. The site invites you to pick a worker – whether it’s a teacher or factory worker, nurse or plumber, social worker or bank employee.
My pal Nancy Brigham has done a fabulous job of researching and demonstrating how the exporting of jobs is working out for workers in Mexico... This is a terrific piece of work Nancy has done... check it out!
Several folks have written to congratulate me on the Joe Hill Award and inquire as to how they can share in the celebration. If you can't join me at the Great Labor Arts Exchange in Washington, DC, visit - your tax deductible contribution to:
The Labor Heritage Foundation
888 16th St. NW Suite 680
Washington, DC 20006
will go a long way toward helping cultural workers in the labor movement.
I'm not sure that we can click our way to a better world, but there are some really good sites that monitor breaking news and allow us to respond quickly to legislative and other shenanigans...
Friday, June 3rd, 2005 8:00 PM
Toronto Concert with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
25 Cecil Street
Toronto, ON
george hewison is putting this together - (705) 657-2351
tickets for sale at the door and
@ Toronto Women's Bookstore
73 Harbord Street (Toronto)
Saturday, June 4th, 2005 8:00 PM
Hamilton Concert with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
Skydragon Centre
24 King St. East, 3rd Floor
Hamilton, ON L8N 1A3
george hewison is organizing this one
(905) 777-8102
contact: Kevin MacKay
Sunday, June 5th, 2005 8:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Peterborough Concert
with George Hewison Trio and Fellow Worker
395 Aylmer Street North
Peterborough, ON CANADA
705-876-6530 is the club phone.
contact Fellow Worker at:
Wednesday, June 8th, 2005 8:00 PM
Mountain Justice Benefit
Quiet Storm
Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Join me and a lot of special guests as we raise some money and some awareness. Mountain top mining is destroying West Virginia and this summer many activists will join hands with WV communities to halt this repulsive process.
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 1:00 PM
Folk at One
Peace Park
400 block of State Street
Madison, WI
Price: free
Rain Location: Memorial Union - Lakefront Room
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 6:00 PM
University of Wisconsin Extension
80th Anniversary of the School for Workers
Madison, WI
Contact John Lund: 608-262-9847 or
Sunday, June 12th, 2005 7:00 PM
Anne Feeney in Concert
Laborers' Local 309
Rock Island, IL
Chris Dunn is organizing this -
Friday, June 17th, 2005 7:30 PM
Minnesota Greens State Convention Kickoff Concert
Blue Heron Coffee House
Winona, MN is the contact for this show.... with special guests!
Sunday, June 19, 20 and 21, 2005
Great Labor Arts Exchange
George Meany Institute for Labor Studies
Takoma Park, MD
This fabulous conference ends with a terrific public concert on
Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 8:00 PM
Great Labor Arts Exchange
George Meany Institute for Labor Studies
Takoma Park, MD
Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 8:00 PM
Midwest Labor Press Association Banquet
Holiday Inn Riverport
St Louis, MO
Gary Brown has more information
Friday, June 24th, 2005 6:00 PM
Mother Jones Festival
Banquet at The Crystal Ballroom
Mount Olive, IL
Exit #41 on I 55 Go West towards Staunton, pass the Super 8 Motel & over a hill. The CRYSTAL BALLROOM will be on the left side, less than a mile from the I 55 exit
Saturday, June 25th, 2005 8:00 PM
IWW Centenary Concert
People's Church
Lawrence St
Chicago, IL
with Citizens' Band, Larry Long, Mark Ross, Charlie King & Karen Brandow, Utah Phillips and "Rebel Voices"- Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis, from Seattle, WA and other very special guests.
contact John Berquist at or 773.752.2248
Sunday, June 26th, 2005 10:30 AM
U U Service
Chicago, IL
more details soon.
all welcome
More and updated information at
**ALWAYS** check with the venue to make sure that the time of the performance and other details are correct. I try really hard to keep this current, but if you think about this itinerary, you'll see my life is a little hectic and it's hard to stay on top of everything all the time..
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Help Gokal and Shiela get out of detention
Help Gokal and Shiela get out of detention
Please click on this link to send a fax to Virginia Senators Allen and Warner ... the rest of the text below explains a little about the ordeal this family is going through...
Please help our family!
On June 22, 2005 -- the day of their son's graduation from high school -- there was a knock on my Uncle Gokal and Aunt Shiela's door. Several uniformed officers were outside, and told my cousin they needed to bring his parents in for questioning, and that they would bring them back in just a few hours.
A week later, our family members languish in a detention center in northern Virginia. No one knows why they are in detention. They are in their 70s, and in failing health. They are truly kind and gentle people, and have done nothing wrong. We have been told nothing about why they are there and when or if they'll get out. They have not been charged with anything. We are extremely concerned about their health and their ability to deal with the harsh conditions of the detention facility.
After experiencing religious persecution in Afghanistan, Gokal and Shiela, who are from a small religious minority, applied for asylum in the United States almost a decade ago. They did everything right - obtaining work permits, paying their taxes, and enrolling their son in one of the best school districts in Virginia. Gokal and Shiela began working at an age when most Americans would retire, so they could provide for their only son. They worked, lived, and settled into a community full of family and friends who cared for them, loved them and supported them, and lived quiet lives, following all the rules of their new country. We want them back with us, safe and sound!
Please click on this link to send a fax to Virginia Senators Allen and Warner ... the rest of the text below explains a little about the ordeal this family is going through...
Please help our family!
On June 22, 2005 -- the day of their son's graduation from high school -- there was a knock on my Uncle Gokal and Aunt Shiela's door. Several uniformed officers were outside, and told my cousin they needed to bring his parents in for questioning, and that they would bring them back in just a few hours.
A week later, our family members languish in a detention center in northern Virginia. No one knows why they are in detention. They are in their 70s, and in failing health. They are truly kind and gentle people, and have done nothing wrong. We have been told nothing about why they are there and when or if they'll get out. They have not been charged with anything. We are extremely concerned about their health and their ability to deal with the harsh conditions of the detention facility.
After experiencing religious persecution in Afghanistan, Gokal and Shiela, who are from a small religious minority, applied for asylum in the United States almost a decade ago. They did everything right - obtaining work permits, paying their taxes, and enrolling their son in one of the best school districts in Virginia. Gokal and Shiela began working at an age when most Americans would retire, so they could provide for their only son. They worked, lived, and settled into a community full of family and friends who cared for them, loved them and supported them, and lived quiet lives, following all the rules of their new country. We want them back with us, safe and sound!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
A song for the folks at United Airlines
To the tune of "Breaking Up is Hard to Do"
Offered in solidarity by Anne Feeney,
Soon to be the Labor Notes "Song of the Month"
For all IAM & AFA at United..........
Down dooby do down down, we can shut ya down dooby do down down
We can shut ya down dooby do down down
Shut ya down is what we'll do......
Not long ago we flew those friendly skies
Morale was high - Our stock was on the rise
Now you're giving us the royal screw
And shut ya down is what we'll do
You say our wages are to blame
Bucky Brace should hang his head in shame
We made more money back in '82
And shut ya down is what we'll do
Our future is in chaos - We've given so much
Those guys on top are way out of touch
BO-NUS!!! What gives you the right????
Four hundred fifty million, Tilton
Tell us how you sleep at night!
The IAM (or AFA) is gonna have its say
The CHAOS game is one that two can play
United workers deserve more from you
And shut ya down is what we'll do
Well first we tried your ESOP - We gave back our pay
Now you take our pensions away!
Your plans are destined to fail
United workers need a raise, and Tilton, you belong in jail!!
The day will come, just wait and see
What we can do in solidarity
United workers deserve more from you
And shut you down is what we'll do
Dooby do down down; we can shut ya down dooby do down down
We can shut ya down dooby do down down, and shut ya down is
what we'll do!
Offered in solidarity by Anne Feeney,
Soon to be the Labor Notes "Song of the Month"
For all IAM & AFA at United..........
Down dooby do down down, we can shut ya down dooby do down down
We can shut ya down dooby do down down
Shut ya down is what we'll do......
Not long ago we flew those friendly skies
Morale was high - Our stock was on the rise
Now you're giving us the royal screw
And shut ya down is what we'll do
You say our wages are to blame
Bucky Brace should hang his head in shame
We made more money back in '82
And shut ya down is what we'll do
Our future is in chaos - We've given so much
Those guys on top are way out of touch
BO-NUS!!! What gives you the right????
Four hundred fifty million, Tilton
Tell us how you sleep at night!
The IAM (or AFA) is gonna have its say
The CHAOS game is one that two can play
United workers deserve more from you
And shut ya down is what we'll do
Well first we tried your ESOP - We gave back our pay
Now you take our pensions away!
Your plans are destined to fail
United workers need a raise, and Tilton, you belong in jail!!
The day will come, just wait and see
What we can do in solidarity
United workers deserve more from you
And shut you down is what we'll do
Dooby do down down; we can shut ya down dooby do down down
We can shut ya down dooby do down down, and shut ya down is
what we'll do!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Windy City
Hi folks... just a few quick thoughts in the midst of this whirlwind tour.
The IWW fest in Milwaukee and Madison was fantastic. John Peck and the Wisconsin Wobs did a great job organizing. It was great to see Rose Daitsman, and to hear Larry Penn again. And singing with David Rovics was a total joy. I got to drown some worms in Lake Mendota with Ed Sadlowski and his gorgeous family... and then spent two days in South Chicago soaking in some labor history from Big Ed.
I'm in Chicago at the Regina Polk Institute for Union Women Leadership.
It's a very inspiring gathering. Many of the women at the conference work for United Airlines. The greed of the CEO and stockholders at United is disgusting. I flew here on United Airlines. The fare from pittsburgh to chicago was $53.96 + taxes. How can the CEO have a 4.5 million dollar guaranteed "signing bonus" and sell tickets for next to nothing when he's defaulting on pension obligations to workers who have already given so much back???? and now he wants wage concessions too?
He belongs in jail.
At the morning workshop CJ Hawking showed "Struggle in the Heartland" -- the powerful video that Rose Feurer did for LaborVision about the Staley strike in the early 90's during the Decatur labor wars. To see so many of my dear friends from that era and think of how hard and well they fought brought tears to my eyes. Her book about the Staley strike, co-written with her husband Steven Ashby, should be out soon.
Labor's history is written in blood, each page filled with struggle, sacrifice and suffering. We just can't let these bastards take away everything that our parents and grandparents missed meals to win for us. I hope we have a general strike if United tries to add wage cuts to the pension theft.
I'm looking forward to my upcoming tour of Sweden and Denmark. My
itinerary is posted in Danish at the clickable link.
Welcome to Baby Frances - Congratulations Chris and Liana!
If you're near Lewiston, PA, extend some solidarity to the Carpenters on strike at Overhead Door since April 1, 2005. I'll be visiting them as soon as I get back from Europe.
The IWW fest in Milwaukee and Madison was fantastic. John Peck and the Wisconsin Wobs did a great job organizing. It was great to see Rose Daitsman, and to hear Larry Penn again. And singing with David Rovics was a total joy. I got to drown some worms in Lake Mendota with Ed Sadlowski and his gorgeous family... and then spent two days in South Chicago soaking in some labor history from Big Ed.
I'm in Chicago at the Regina Polk Institute for Union Women Leadership.
It's a very inspiring gathering. Many of the women at the conference work for United Airlines. The greed of the CEO and stockholders at United is disgusting. I flew here on United Airlines. The fare from pittsburgh to chicago was $53.96 + taxes. How can the CEO have a 4.5 million dollar guaranteed "signing bonus" and sell tickets for next to nothing when he's defaulting on pension obligations to workers who have already given so much back???? and now he wants wage concessions too?
He belongs in jail.
At the morning workshop CJ Hawking showed "Struggle in the Heartland" -- the powerful video that Rose Feurer did for LaborVision about the Staley strike in the early 90's during the Decatur labor wars. To see so many of my dear friends from that era and think of how hard and well they fought brought tears to my eyes. Her book about the Staley strike, co-written with her husband Steven Ashby, should be out soon.
Labor's history is written in blood, each page filled with struggle, sacrifice and suffering. We just can't let these bastards take away everything that our parents and grandparents missed meals to win for us. I hope we have a general strike if United tries to add wage cuts to the pension theft.
I'm looking forward to my upcoming tour of Sweden and Denmark. My
itinerary is posted in Danish at the clickable link.
Welcome to Baby Frances - Congratulations Chris and Liana!
If you're near Lewiston, PA, extend some solidarity to the Carpenters on strike at Overhead Door since April 1, 2005. I'll be visiting them as soon as I get back from Europe.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Milwaukee IWW Celebration
Many thanks to John Peck, Ron Kaminkow, and everyone who worked so hard to make the Milwaukee IWW show on May 8 such a resounding success! David Rovics and I had a great evening at the Puddler's Hall. 
Dave - "When the Minimum Wage Workers Went on Strike"

"Dump the Bosses Off Your Back!"

Larry Penn shared a few tunes with us.

Singing "The Internationale"

"The International Working Class shall free the human race!" (In the background, on the left, in a yellow shirt, is our 80 year old Milwaukee host Rose Daitsman with her fist in the air - You're awesome Rose!)

Dave - "When the Minimum Wage Workers Went on Strike"

"Dump the Bosses Off Your Back!"

Larry Penn shared a few tunes with us.

Singing "The Internationale"

"The International Working Class shall free the human race!" (In the background, on the left, in a yellow shirt, is our 80 year old Milwaukee host Rose Daitsman with her fist in the air - You're awesome Rose!)
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory from Anne Feeney - MAY 2005: VOLUME ONE, Number Two
IMMEDIATE DESTINATIONS: Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, Sweden, Denmark, Ontario, Madison (again!), Winona, MN, Washington, DC, St Louis, Mt. Olive and Chicago - then off to the left coast! Full schedule at: or in Danish at and
CDs available at
Hi there Brothers and Sisters!
Last night we celebrated Pete Seeger's 86th birthday with a sing-along fundraiser at the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern. All over the US people gathered to sing together on Pete's birthday. I was joined by Ken Gaines of Houston and Pittsburgh's John Hayes. Special guest Jack Erdie sang "Let Their Heads Roll" to the delight of all. The SRO crowd raised a couple hundred dollars for the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and had a great time. This month is also the 70th birthday of both Utah Phillips and Peggy Seeger.
Welcome aboard to all the labor educators I met at the UALE conference in Philadelphia in March. If you (or anyone else) want to unsubscribe from this monthly missive, just click on the link at the end of this newsletter. If you got a forwarded copy of this newsletter, click to subscribe to the Fellow Travelers' Advisory.
My recent swing through northeastern PA gave me a chance to visit the Eckley Miners' Village, where they made the film "Molly Maguires," as well as the monument to the September 10, 1897 Lattimer Massacre. Definitely worth a stop. "It was not a battle because they were not aggressive, nor were they defensive because they had no weapons of any kind and were simply shot down like so many worthless objects, each of the licensed life-takers trying to outdo the others in butchery."
-Inscription on the Monument erected at Lattimer, 1972. Check it out...
Saul Schniderman at the Labor Heritage Foundation has made a terrific inventory of American Labor Landmarks that you should consult before heading out on the road. A slight detour from your appointed route may show you a side of American history that you didn't learn in school. Many thanks to Walt and Rosemary Brasch,
my most gracious Bloomsburg hosts.
The Labor Heritage Foundation has decided to give the 2005 Joe Hill Award ( to me at this year's Great Labor Arts Exchange. I'm overwhelmed.
A highlight of my upcoming hellraising tour of Scandinavia with David Rovics will be a plane trip to remote northwestern Sweden to a NATO summit where Condoleeza Rice will be speaking. More about that in next month's issue.
Still looking for a gig on July 13th in northern California, July 24th in Vancouver, July 29th and 30th in Portland or Olympia or thereabouts. Email me if you have any ideas......
CDs available at
Hi there Brothers and Sisters!
Last night we celebrated Pete Seeger's 86th birthday with a sing-along fundraiser at the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern. All over the US people gathered to sing together on Pete's birthday. I was joined by Ken Gaines of Houston and Pittsburgh's John Hayes. Special guest Jack Erdie sang "Let Their Heads Roll" to the delight of all. The SRO crowd raised a couple hundred dollars for the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and had a great time. This month is also the 70th birthday of both Utah Phillips and Peggy Seeger.
Welcome aboard to all the labor educators I met at the UALE conference in Philadelphia in March. If you (or anyone else) want to unsubscribe from this monthly missive, just click on the link at the end of this newsletter. If you got a forwarded copy of this newsletter, click to subscribe to the Fellow Travelers' Advisory.
My recent swing through northeastern PA gave me a chance to visit the Eckley Miners' Village, where they made the film "Molly Maguires," as well as the monument to the September 10, 1897 Lattimer Massacre. Definitely worth a stop. "It was not a battle because they were not aggressive, nor were they defensive because they had no weapons of any kind and were simply shot down like so many worthless objects, each of the licensed life-takers trying to outdo the others in butchery."
-Inscription on the Monument erected at Lattimer, 1972. Check it out...
Saul Schniderman at the Labor Heritage Foundation has made a terrific inventory of American Labor Landmarks that you should consult before heading out on the road. A slight detour from your appointed route may show you a side of American history that you didn't learn in school. Many thanks to Walt and Rosemary Brasch,

The Labor Heritage Foundation has decided to give the 2005 Joe Hill Award ( to me
A highlight of my upcoming hellraising tour of Scandinavia with David Rovics will be a plane trip to remote northwestern Sweden to a NATO summit where Condoleeza Rice will be speaking. More about that in next month's issue.
Still looking for a gig on July 13th in northern California, July 24th in Vancouver, July 29th and 30th in Portland or Olympia or thereabouts. Email me if you have any ideas......
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Pete Seeger's Birthday
A standing room only crowd showed up at Pittsburgh's Bloomfield Bridge Tavern on Tuesday, May 3rd to celebrate Pete Seeger's 86th birthday. Kerrville Folk Festival pal Ken Gaines was in from Houston, Texas to join in the festivities. He and I are getting ready to cut Pete's cake
We collected $250 for the Hudson River Clearwater Sloop. Also singing that evening were John Hayes and Jack Erdie.
It was a great evening. People joined in on "If I Had a Hammer" (Tom DeLay's name never came up.....), "Wimoweh," "This Land is Your Land" and many others. It was part of a celebration intended to stretch from the redwood forests to the Gulfstream waters ... and I think it did. Happy birthday, Pete!

Sunday, April 10, 2005
Anne Feeney promotional PDF downloads
hi Anne, your new pdf's are now uploaded to the server and the thumbnails are here
Friday, April 01, 2005
Fellow Travelers' Advisory: Volume One, Number One!
IMMEDIATE DESTINATIONS - Philadelphia, PA - Detroit, MI - LAS VEGAS, NV - Bloomsburg, PA - Haledon, NJ - New Brunswick, NJ - Milwaukee and Madison, WI - Chicago, IL - and then on to Sweden and Denmark with David Rovics!! Get all the details at my website.
NOW BOOKING: The great northwest... Northern CA, Oregon, Washington
Fellow Travelers' Advisory: April, 2005 - Volume 1, Number One
Welcome to the very first of what I promised would be a monthly newsletter. We'll see. After four years of watching Chandler, I am somewhat intimidated by the high standard he set, but here goes:
On St Patrick's Day I was singing at the US Botanical Gardens (a gorgeous public space which is part of the Capitol grounds) for the United American Nurses -- the union component of the American Nurses' Association. It was a glamorous event. Fantastic food, Teresa Heinz Kerry as the keynote speaker, a room full of interested and interesting people.
It's the first St Patrick's Day in forever that I wasn't singing to a bunch of Irish and wanna-be Irish in a pub full of green beer. Even so, I was able to tell the nurses "Why Paddy's Not at Work Today," since I perform it as a cautionary tale about safety on the job, but that was it for the Irish music -- until the encore.
There, in the shadow of the Capitol, I got 200 nurses and their allies to sing and sway to the traditional Irish tune (well ...... it was written by an Irish workers' collective):
"Hey Ronnie Reagan, I'm black and I'm pagan, I'm gay and I'm left and I'm free -- I'm a non-fundamentalist environmentalist -- Please don't bother me."
I looked out at a crowd that was barely old enough to remember the Reagan years and felt I ought to provide a little background:
"Back then, the world was a much different and really scary place. America was embroiled in an international battle with a dangerous and devious enemy, bent on the destruction of our way of life. This 'Evil Empire' pretended to be a 'legitimate' government, but red-blooded Americans knew better than to be fooled --
For example, the Evil Empire had elections, but their elections were frauds -- The Empire was run by incumbents, and when there was a "race" there was very little difference between the candidates, who were hand-picked by powerful groups who didn't care at all about ordinary working folks. As a result, ordinary folks were very cynical about electoral politics.
Mothers in the Evil Empire were forced to go to work and put their children in overcrowded, understaffed child care centers.
And while the Evil Empire sported multiple newspapers and television channels, the media was completely in the hands of those same powerful interests and served as little more than a propaganda arm of the state. It was even rumored that the government produced 'news stories' for broadcast and paid so-called journalists to advance the government's agenda. (Dmitri "Jeff" Gannonovich comes to mind...)
Although dissent was widespread, popular anti-government movements were invisible in the news. Dissent was silenced and punished. Millions of people were imprisoned in the Evil Empire, and others who could not adapt to the regime were given drugs and brainwashed. People were asked to spy on their neighbors and report anything suspicious to the government.
And it wasn't all perfect here, either. Then-President Reagan's tax breaks for the wealthy had created the biggest deficit in our nation's history. There was complete apathy in Washington about our deteriorating environment. Our returning veterans received little assistance from the government, even though our military budget was so bloated that it threatened all of our social programs."
Thank goodness times have changed!
Well, that's all for this month. Forward it on to your friends and relations. Let me know what you think - Write me at -- I'd love to find some other things to do on the Madison/Milwaukee/Chicago corridor in May ... if you've got any ideas, let me know! And there's the great northwest this summer!
I was tempted to try an April Fool's Day approach with this first issue - but in this Orwellian era, how do you come up with 'far fetched stories'? I mean, ten years ago, who would have even dreamed we'd be talking about scrapping Social Security?* that someone who hates the UN would be our ambassador to the UN? that John Negroponte**, who ran his own little "war on terror" in Central America in the early 80s, would be our Director of National Intelligence?
*Social Security is currently being auctioned off to the highest bidder on E-Bay. I actually heard a stockbroker guest on FOX News say: "Keep in mind that Social Security is a relatively new concept. We got along fine without it for 160 years." Unless you are nostalgic for a return to the days of poorhouses and old folks on the street selling pencils and apples, best get your butt in motion.
** In 1995 Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson of The Baltimore Sun unearthed massive and substantiated evidence from various sources pointing the finger at Mr. Negroponte's knowledge of the crimes. The reporters also found that hundreds of Hondurans "were kidnapped, tortured and killed in the 1980s by a secret army unit trained and supported by the CIA"(2). Reliable evidence from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Honduras alleged that Negroponte oversaw the expansion of U.S training camp and military base on Honduran territory, where US-trained Contras terrorists, and where the military secretly detained, tortured and executed Honduran suspected dissidents.
My CDs are available at CDBaby and you can also do individual digital downloads at a lot of sites, like Yahoo these days.
It's really ironic that Terry Schiavo's health care costs are being provided by the proceeds from a medical malpractice suit and Medicaid -- two things W would get rid of if he could...
Many of you are still reeling from the untimely death of Rachel Bissex. A scholarship fund has been established for her children Emma and Matt. This would be a great way to honor the memory of our dear departed ally and supporter Bruce Rouse. Checks should be mailed to Merchants Bank, 164 College Street, Burlington VT 05401. Make checks payable to Bissex College Fund, Account #01827674. Plans are in the works for a tribute CD too.
Congratulations to Greg and Erin McCahill on the birth of Griffin Lane McCahill and to Scott Reed and Andrea Davis on the arrival of Katelyn Amaya Davis Reed!
The Kids are All Right - check out the Riotfolk website for some exciting music from young activists.
HUNDREDTH MONKEY -- Thanks to everyone who signed the Boycott Taco Bell Pledge postcards. Thanks to our efforts (and Jimmy Carter's), a settlement has been reached. The boycott is over. Go celebrate with a seven layer burrito, and keep monitoring the website of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for the latest developments in their quest for justice!
If you haven't seen "Born Into Brothels," rent it! It's terrific.
Here's the tour schedule! Hope to see you on the road!
NOW BOOKING: The great northwest... Northern CA, Oregon, Washington
Fellow Travelers' Advisory: April, 2005 - Volume 1, Number One
Welcome to the very first of what I promised would be a monthly newsletter. We'll see. After four years of watching Chandler, I am somewhat intimidated by the high standard he set, but here goes:
On St Patrick's Day I was singing at the US Botanical Gardens (a gorgeous public space which is part of the Capitol grounds) for the United American Nurses -- the union component of the American Nurses' Association. It was a glamorous event. Fantastic food, Teresa Heinz Kerry as the keynote speaker, a room full of interested and interesting people.
It's the first St Patrick's Day in forever that I wasn't singing to a bunch of Irish and wanna-be Irish in a pub full of green beer. Even so, I was able to tell the nurses "Why Paddy's Not at Work Today," since I perform it as a cautionary tale about safety on the job, but that was it for the Irish music -- until the encore.
There, in the shadow of the Capitol, I got 200 nurses and their allies to sing and sway to the traditional Irish tune (well ...... it was written by an Irish workers' collective):
"Hey Ronnie Reagan, I'm black and I'm pagan, I'm gay and I'm left and I'm free -- I'm a non-fundamentalist environmentalist -- Please don't bother me."
I looked out at a crowd that was barely old enough to remember the Reagan years and felt I ought to provide a little background:
"Back then, the world was a much different and really scary place. America was embroiled in an international battle with a dangerous and devious enemy, bent on the destruction of our way of life. This 'Evil Empire' pretended to be a 'legitimate' government, but red-blooded Americans knew better than to be fooled --
For example, the Evil Empire had elections, but their elections were frauds -- The Empire was run by incumbents, and when there was a "race" there was very little difference between the candidates, who were hand-picked by powerful groups who didn't care at all about ordinary working folks. As a result, ordinary folks were very cynical about electoral politics.
Mothers in the Evil Empire were forced to go to work and put their children in overcrowded, understaffed child care centers.
And while the Evil Empire sported multiple newspapers and television channels, the media was completely in the hands of those same powerful interests and served as little more than a propaganda arm of the state. It was even rumored that the government produced 'news stories' for broadcast and paid so-called journalists to advance the government's agenda. (Dmitri "Jeff" Gannonovich comes to mind...)
Although dissent was widespread, popular anti-government movements were invisible in the news. Dissent was silenced and punished. Millions of people were imprisoned in the Evil Empire, and others who could not adapt to the regime were given drugs and brainwashed. People were asked to spy on their neighbors and report anything suspicious to the government.
And it wasn't all perfect here, either. Then-President Reagan's tax breaks for the wealthy had created the biggest deficit in our nation's history. There was complete apathy in Washington about our deteriorating environment. Our returning veterans received little assistance from the government, even though our military budget was so bloated that it threatened all of our social programs."
Thank goodness times have changed!
Well, that's all for this month. Forward it on to your friends and relations. Let me know what you think - Write me at -- I'd love to find some other things to do on the Madison/Milwaukee/Chicago corridor in May ... if you've got any ideas, let me know! And there's the great northwest this summer!
I was tempted to try an April Fool's Day approach with this first issue - but in this Orwellian era, how do you come up with 'far fetched stories'? I mean, ten years ago, who would have even dreamed we'd be talking about scrapping Social Security?* that someone who hates the UN would be our ambassador to the UN? that John Negroponte**, who ran his own little "war on terror" in Central America in the early 80s, would be our Director of National Intelligence?
*Social Security is currently being auctioned off to the highest bidder on E-Bay. I actually heard a stockbroker guest on FOX News say: "Keep in mind that Social Security is a relatively new concept. We got along fine without it for 160 years." Unless you are nostalgic for a return to the days of poorhouses and old folks on the street selling pencils and apples, best get your butt in motion.
** In 1995 Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson of The Baltimore Sun unearthed massive and substantiated evidence from various sources pointing the finger at Mr. Negroponte's knowledge of the crimes. The reporters also found that hundreds of Hondurans "were kidnapped, tortured and killed in the 1980s by a secret army unit trained and supported by the CIA"(2). Reliable evidence from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Honduras alleged that Negroponte oversaw the expansion of U.S training camp and military base on Honduran territory, where US-trained Contras terrorists, and where the military secretly detained, tortured and executed Honduran suspected dissidents.
My CDs are available at CDBaby and you can also do individual digital downloads at a lot of sites, like Yahoo these days.
It's really ironic that Terry Schiavo's health care costs are being provided by the proceeds from a medical malpractice suit and Medicaid -- two things W would get rid of if he could...
Many of you are still reeling from the untimely death of Rachel Bissex. A scholarship fund has been established for her children Emma and Matt. This would be a great way to honor the memory of our dear departed ally and supporter Bruce Rouse. Checks should be mailed to Merchants Bank, 164 College Street, Burlington VT 05401. Make checks payable to Bissex College Fund, Account #01827674. Plans are in the works for a tribute CD too.
Congratulations to Greg and Erin McCahill on the birth of Griffin Lane McCahill and to Scott Reed and Andrea Davis on the arrival of Katelyn Amaya Davis Reed!
The Kids are All Right - check out the Riotfolk website for some exciting music from young activists.
HUNDREDTH MONKEY -- Thanks to everyone who signed the Boycott Taco Bell Pledge postcards. Thanks to our efforts (and Jimmy Carter's), a settlement has been reached. The boycott is over. Go celebrate with a seven layer burrito, and keep monitoring the website of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for the latest developments in their quest for justice!
If you haven't seen "Born Into Brothels," rent it! It's terrific.
Here's the tour schedule! Hope to see you on the road!
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